
Hi everyone.

Well here I am back in Iowa. The last two days have been pretty hard on me. I haven’t really been sleeping much, and when I do it’s not a quality sleep. Also haven’t been able to each much. Everything seems to taste like shit.

Last night I tried making myself like 4 different things for dinner before just giving up. I don’t know what I’ll do tonight, I’m really in the mood for Orange Chicken, but I don’t have the money for it.

Speaking of money. Go check out this website. Very amusing I do say.

So yesterday was a hellish day though. I didn’t really do much, except for classes. Then I went to this thing about study abroad, and that was stupid as hell.

Today again, not much to be done. My group in MGMT is getting to be semi-annoying because two of the group members show up very little. Today the three of us that were there discussed asking them not to present. Though I doubt it’ll come to that. We decided to go ahead and send them another e-mail remidning them of the assignments they have to do and see how that gets going. Each of the three of us have already written about a page each. Once they get thiers in, that’ll be 5 pages, and then we have 1/4 the project done! Yay!

I leave for Mexico in three days and I haven’t even started packing yet. This could prove to be crazyness. I’m going home early Friday and going to spend the night packing and washing clothes and the like. Hopefully I have everything I need.

Once I’m back from Mexico, I’m in town for two weeks and then back on the road for a week and a half. I’m REALLY excited for that trip and am hoping to have a second interview setup before leaving Cali. Maybe even a job offer, cross your fingers. lol

Well, I guess I should head back to work. Just one last thing to say…

I miss my Drew Bear! ๐Ÿ™

Laters all.

I haven’t done this in far to long…
Jobs Applied: 164; Cold Letters: 82… Total Resumes sent out: 246

Almost There!

Well here I am, about an hour and a half away from seeing my baby cakes. How exciting! I can’t wait to see him. So far my day has been pretty good. Not much really going on besides working.

I spent the day in the front office hanging out with shelly and the receptionist. We had some pretty good laughs. I also read Adbusters, as stated in my earlier post. While discussing how quiet it was in the front office compared to my office (Where I always have music going) we got to talking about bands and what type of music we all liked. Shelly, who has 2 kids and is like 30ish, not only KNEW who the cranberries were, but loved the cranberries. How crazy is that!

After work, I drove to OMA, I was WAY early, but that’s life. I sat around there and just really didn’t do anything. I did buy a GIGANTIC rice crispy bar. It was soo good. Considering today I’ve only had that and a ham sandwich, I’m starving. I hope Drew Bear has something I can eat once I get there.

I’m really exited to be there, in case I hadn’t mentioned that yet. And very excited to not only meet Mike, who I’m most excited to meet, but also to meet all of Andrew’s other friends.

The weather in Iowa hasn’t been to good the last few days, raining off and on since Monday, and I don’t think that the sun has been out since Sunday afternoon or so. So I’m not only excited for the people of Cali, but also for the weather of cali and getting to see the sun. Today it RAINED all fucking day, and the drive to OMA was hell because of the rain. Tomorrow it’s supposed to be worse, IE, snow and freezing rain. It’s a good thing we didn’t go for the Friday flight as originally planned.

Anyways, the first flight was absolute HELL! We flew at about 27,000 feet, but it seemed as though we were on the most bumpy, and potholed gravel road you could find, going at 450 mph. It was so bad that the flight attendents wouldn’t even get out of their seats to serve drinks or anything.

One good thing was that I got seat 1A on that flight, so I was RIGHT next to the door to get out. That was exiting, also there was a really hot homo on there.

We landed in Denver about 10 minutes early, which is amazing considering the weather. I called Drew Bear and then scampered off to catch my other flight, I only had a 20 minute layover in Denver. Though the airport is really nice.

In Denver I read the newspaper which I found laying around. Apparently the Disney guy got kicked out of his job. Which is good news. Hopefully the new CEO will be better.

Also read about the gay marriges which are happening everywhere it seems now. It really got to me and I cried a little bit. It’s so wonderful that all these people are getting to get married, and that they are taking the initial steps to making it federally legal. I hope that someday I can share that with someone. I really do.

I also find it really amazing how fast the numbers are increasing, today the paper said 3,440 just in SF alone. I’d love to go see what it’s like there! I can’t beleive all those homos just in one place! ๐Ÿ™‚

Speaking of homos, there’s two homo couples on this flight, a lesbian and a gay couple, they are both really cute and really make me want to be with my baby even more! I can’t wait to see those big brown eyes again.

OH, also on my first flight, the woman next to me was crazy! LIke she’d be awake one second, and then you turn around, and she’s dead to the world. Like literaly. The Flight guy was talking to her, and he turned around just to grab something and by the time he got back she was out cold, he was like, “Maam, hello, I was just talking to you.” It was so funny.

They were VERY funny on the first flight.

Alright, enough about that flight. The second flight is going alright. I’m in Seat 2F, so again right close to the door. Fast exit that way. Hopefully the stupid people next to me won’t hold me up to much.

So far this flight is going much better though, we were able to lly about the rain, about 40,000 feet and we’re doing 500mph. They say we’ll be able to make up the 15 minutes we’re behind schedule in the air. So that’ll be good. I don’t want to add an extra minute before seeing Drew Face!

I’m very extited for this whole weekend. I’ll probably only get to update again on Monday, so hope everyone enjoys this update!

Laters all!

Going to DIE!

So I’m VERY annoyed right now.

Nazanin’s being a stupid HOE! And made me move my desk back to the way that it used to be, which annoys the hell out of me. Plus she’s informed us that she will be hiring EVEN more people to come in and work here, and plus she’s going to be a stupid whore faced bitch! So yeah. She’s stupid and I hate her!

Anyways, the last couple days have been fairly good. Last night Andrew and I got into it about something completely stupid. I was asking questions just for my own knowledge and then he was putting words into my mouth from a previous convo, and he seemed to get annoyed at me, and I got annoyed at him, and it was just bad. But hopefully everything is good now, we haven’t yet talked today.

I also got another interview for the week that I’m out in Cali. I applied for this job that was a Cobol Programmer and they replied back with this:
You are welcome to come for an interview when you are in So Cal. Your skill
set is not exactly what I was advertising for, but I have been considering
adding a full-time sysadmin to my small staff to relieve me and others of
such responsibilities.ย And, since all my relatives are from Iowa & some
graduated from ISU, I feel a duty to welcome refugees from the land of corn
& hogs to sunny So. Cal.!

So yeah, that’s good times!

had two tests the last two days. Test in Human Sex was MUCH harder then I thought it would be. So I don’t think I did as wonderfuly as I had hoped. The test in my History class went exceptionally well though. So that’s good. I think I did very good on it.

Umm, also that crazy Jayson guy came over last night and we hung out for like 10 mintues. I think we’re going tohang out Friday too. But who knows.

Today is pratically shorts weather! It’s very exciting.

Anyways, laters all.

I’m off to kill!

Another Sea of Homos!

Forty-eight hours, 97 breakout sessions and a count just less than 1,000 attendees from 15 states and Canada.

College students and presenters migrated to Ames from all over the Midwest Friday through Sunday for the Midwest Bisexual Lesbian Gay Transgender and Ally College Conference. Although the issue of legalizing gay marriage has been heavily covered in the news recently, participants said it was just one part of the weekend’s discussions.

“A big problem is people just aren’t educated on queer issues,” said Dustin Wagner, a pre-nursing major at the University of Iowa who attended the conference.

The weekend’s theme was “Speak Up! Speak Out!” which organizers said meant encouraging non-heterosexuals and their allies to make sure others were aware of challenges facing gays and lesbians.

“I think one thing that actually did change [as a result of the weekend] in people’s minds was [when] we talked about community involvement,” said Scott Reichmann, co-chairman of the conference’s planning committee. “There was an incredible amount of energy.”

Reichmann said he didn’t notice major differences between gay issues the ISU community deals with compared to those mentioned by visitors from other campuses.

“It’s fair to say those issues are always present,” he said. “The specific way that they manifest themselves may be a little different.”

Rich Eychaner of Des Moines, who made a presentation and represented the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth in Iowa Schools Task Force, said he thinks discrimination against gays is common in Iowa and in the United States, making the theme all the more appropriate.

“There is obviously is a lot of assault and antagonism,” he said. “There are obviously a lot of people trying to keep gay youth from speaking.”

Eychaner said he thinks gay marriage will eventually become popularly accepted, although he said the prospect of a constitutional amendment prohibiting it is something the gay community needs to advocate against.

“The majority will turn in favor of encouraging long-term relationships from people from all kinds of walks,” he said, pointing out that the American public once favored employment discrimination against gays.

Wagner said speakers encouraged participants to be politically active.

“[They] told us it was very important for us to vote and to talk to our legislators,” he said.

An amendment to the Constitution, he said, would mark “the first time that discrimination will be added into the Constitution.”

Troy Nesbitt, senior pastor of Cornerstone Church, 56829 U.S. Highway 30, said he disagreed.

“I’m always opposed to any legislation that would be clearly against what I believe to be God’s intended purpose and design for relationships,” he said. “My position on the issue is a biblical position.”

Nesbitt, whose church also contains the college Christian ministry The Salt Company, said he thought the ISU conference represented an attempt to create a “discriminatory category” for its constituents that didn’t really exist.

“From my perspective, I’m always a bit disappointed when the gay and lesbian community encourages pride in something I would consider unhealthy,” he said.

Wagner said the issue of gay marriage will likely continue to inspire debate for some time.

“It is a huge deal that is affecting the queer community,” he said.

Grads May Make More Money

Graduating in May? Good timing.

College graduates hired in 2004 are expected to make more money than those from the past two years.

The National Association of Colleges and Employers reported an expected 12.7 percent increase in hiring of college graduates in its latest quarterly starting salary survey, which was released earlier this month.

“The overall economy started picking up in the last half of 2003, so future labor needs have been increasing,” said Peter Orazem, professor of economics.

Larry Hanneman, director of engineering career services, said he wasn’t surprised to hear there was an expected increase in starting salaries.

“I’m not surprised to see an increase, given that we’re seeing an increase in recruiting activity this year compared to last year,” Hanneman said.

The National Association of Colleges and Employers reported computer engineering and chemical engineering are at the top of the list for the most lucrative college degrees. Both disciplines showed a slight increase in starting salaries since last year.

Computer engineering starting salaries reached $53,117, a small increase from last year, while chemical engineering salaries have risen 2.5 percent to $52,563.

“[The] need for quantitative skills has increased over the last 20 years, which is why we see an increase in engineering, especially,” Orazem said.

The National Association of Colleges and Employers reported employers also indicated hiring increases for computer science, information sciences and systems and management information systems majors, none of which has seen an increase since 2001.

Computer science majors’ average starting salaries increased 8.9 percent to $48,656, and management information systems graduates are looking at starting salaries around $41,100, a 1.3 percent increase over last year.

Computer science is becoming a part of daily life for virtually everyone, so salaries will increase to fulfill demand, said Drew Miller, senior in computer science.

“We’ll probably see a lot more people going into the field in the next four or five years,” Miller said.

He said he plans to graduate in May 2005 and pursue a career with legal software in Iowa.

“I’m in computer science because I find computers fascinating, and the fact that it’s a relatively lucrative career is just a bonus,” Miller said.

Liberal arts majors are also expected to see a starting salary increase of 3.5 percent this year. Despite the increase, the major continues to rank on the lower end of the starting salary scale. Salaries offers in 2004 are estimated at $30,153.

Miller suggested students move forward with cautious optimism. He said it’s important to remember that sometimes students with majors that have very high average starting salaries also have fewer job offers to choose from.

Hanneman said persistent effort often leads to jobs.

“I think that students were concerned by what they read and saw in the media [about the economy], but those who put forth a proactive effort will be successful,” Hanneman said.

Though the colleges and employers association reported salary increases for about two-thirds of college majors, some others are expected to suffer a small decrease.

Psychology majors are estimated to see an 8 percent decrease, taking their average starting salary down to $25,032.

Orazem said he doesn’t see any reason for students to worry if their major is expected to have lower salaries this year.

“Your first job is not your last job. Firms will train you, so if you’re trainable you will be of value to them,” Orazem said. “A major doesn’t lock you into one job — just be flexible.”

Here’s Last Semester’s info for MIS Majors:
Department | Total Professionally Occupied | Temp work | Seeking
MIS 75% 15% 10%