
It’s fucking cold outside, in case you hadn’t been there lately. I must get a heavier coat. Or I shall freeze to death one of these days waiting for the bus.

Yesterday was a VERY VERY long day. Rarr at all of that shit. I left my house at 7, and didn’t get back there tell 10:30. I was very pissed by the time the day was over.

First I had class, then work. Where I got alot done. I figured out how to get OpenBSD to use MD5 instead of blowfish encryption for the passwords, then I got SMTP Auth to authorize people to send things, but it still won’t actually let people send stuff, it’s denying the relay. Which is uber annoying. But if I let it really things, then it lets EVERYONE relay, even if they havn’t authenticated. I tried explaining this to Nazanin and she was like “I don’t get it.” lol. I was amused. Mostly cause I don’t get it either. The next step, after I get it to relay ANYTHING that’s authorized and not EVERYTHING is to get it to use the OpenBSD master.passwd file which is now in MD5. However to do that, it seems that when you authenticate you have to use MD5, which right now, only Kmail, and Evolution support. Everyone at works is using Outlook and Eudora, which only supports plain. Which would then force us to use a TSL or SSL connection to the e-mail server, which is what I want to make them do. But I don’t want to have to store passwords on the system in Plain text.

Quick example….
Password in PLAIN is stored as:
Password in CRAM-MD5 is stored as:
Password in Blowfish is stored as:
(All passwords equate to “thisisatestp@sswd”)

Obviously Blowfish is stronger encyrption, but pretty much nothing uses it expect for *BSD’s from what I’ve found. MD5 is FAR better then PLAIN, but not as good as Blowfish. Again thgouh, hardly anyone supports it.

What I’d really like to do is get SMTP Auth to accept the PLAIN passwords over an TSL (Already enabled) or SSL (Not yet enabled) connection and then check it against the MD5 passwords that are in the master.passwd file of the local machine. What I’m thinking MIGHT have to be done though is NIS, or a Kerbos authentication of somesort. So we’ll see how it all plays out.

Ok, after all that then, I came back to campus about 6:00 and met with my group to work on our project which is due today. We worked on that tell almost ten… I’m sure we would have been here later, but we all had buses to catch, that went by about 9:49ish. I was so very annoyed though with them all cause they didn’t have a clue what was going on and a couple of my group memeber have no clue how C# works. I don’t think they’ve done any programming, or even looked at the book this semester. Rarr. So yeah, that took FOREVER.

Adam was supposed to come up and show me his car. I told him that I had NO idea what time I’d be back to my apartment and that it’d probably be late… So when it was infact LATE he calls and leave a very mad sounding message on my Voicemail. I call him back and he sounds pissed again, so I get pissed cause he’s got no reason to get pissed cause I told him that it’d be late and that there probably wouldn’t be a chance for him to come up at all. As I was talking to him, at the MOTHER FUCKING COLD bus stop, Vero came up. And I was all excited. So I finished talking to Adam, and he seemed to be more upset, and I was more upset.

I talked to Vero which was fun cause I haven’t seen her in like FOREVER! We talked about school and other random shit… It was good to see her.

The bus FINALLY showed up at 9:49.. I could have sworn the thing said 9:39 when I left, but whatever. So we got on and she rode to those tower things, that aren’t towers. And I rode to the Commuter Lot. Where, after sitting for only 4 hours, my car had FROST on the windows. So I had to scrape it off. Rarr.

I got home about 10:30, ate and went to bed… Still FROZEN from having to stand and wait for the damn bus.

This morning came far to quickly. I got up again at 6:30, and went to class at 7. Todays the last day for that class, so next week I don’t have to get up until 10 on Monday and 11 on Friday. So that’s cool. I still have to be up at 8 on Wed though cause I’ve got other stuff to do.

I also started reading this book that I want, (from the preview pages on Amazon.com). They had the first 14 pages, and it seems REALLY fucking good. In the first 14 pages, I was almost crying my eyes out, and if I hadn’t been in a computer lab, I probably would have been crying. The book is called “A Boy I Once Knew: What a Teacher Learned from Her Student.” Really good book!

Now I’m in the computer lab, freezing to death cause I swear they feel the need to refrigerate this place… I’m going to finish this and go warm up my hands b sticking them under some cold water. Laters All!

PS: Go get me something on Amazon!!!! lol

Here it goes again….

So last night I finally caught up with the IM tag guy. Come to find out, he’s the other Boy Scout on the QUOC list and we’ve talked through e-mail before. But we got to talking about boy scouts and apparently, where he works during the summer, there’s two gay guys on staff, and everyone on staff is cool with it. So I’m going to look into working there. I REALLY want to go back to a camp this summer. It’d be so much FUN!

Speaking of the summer, I worked out my work schedule for all of next year. And if I work what I want this spring, I’ll only have 120 hours per month this summer. Which isn’t very good. Rarr at stupid schedules. I wish they’d just let us work what we wanted. Fucking Gov’ment as well.

So today’s been good. I send out 14 letters of apps to people that I’ve talked to about internships. So I better fucking get something out of this. If not, then it’s hopeless.

Everyone should go here and send out for a bumper sticker. So fun!

Anyway’s I’m out!


Ok, so here’s the whole story of what happened last night….

So I had a some stuff that I wanted to transfer from my computer to my calculator. So I dug out the connector that I’ve had FOREVER. Hooked it up to my computer and installed the software. And all I would get was this DAMNED “Link Connection Error” and it gave no other help. Rarr! So I went online and started looking for shit. I found out that there were problems with the software on XP. So I rebooted into 2000, installed the software and tried again. SAME DAMN FUCKING ERROR. So I looked some more, found that the cable that I was using was notorious to just randomly stop working. So I went to Radio Shack, they don’t sell them, went to Office Max, they had them, so I buy it, bring it home, and fucking thing STILL doesn’t work.

So I start looking into it more. I had all the calbes that I had ever used on the calculator and started looking at them, switching them in and out. And I came across this one, where the two ends were different. On one end, the tip of it had broken off. So I take the good end and put it into the calc and low and behold, it doesn’t go all the way in… So I’m assuming that the tip to that cable broke off in the calc. Rarr!

So yeah, the ITEC show was really cool. I talked to a bunch of people and got ideas for places to hand in apps for internships. I also got a $1,200 peice of software for free. Which is SWEET! They had lots of pretty Sun servers there, and I wanted to molest them all… However, there were only a few cute bois there (what do you expect for a tech confrence). But they were more then worth looking at! lol

Today’s been really good. C# is pissing me the hell off and so is my group though.

Out group has met 4-5 times for the project that were working on. One of our group members has YET to show up to one, and another one comes, but just sits there, and looks stupid. Probably because he is. Today he was just sitting there sleeping. I, while he was sleeping and the other one that did show up was sitting there trying to get the program working, actually got the program working, and all it needs now are some few tweks, but it’s annoying as hell! Rarr!

At noon I had my Calc test. And I think I kicked it’s ass. But I know that EVERY time I think I did well on a math test. I get it back and I failed it somehow, so I’m not getting my hopes up.

I’ve got like 80 million windows open with links that I’ve been wanting to post so here goes again:

You want a reality TV show? Watch this program. I saw it on Sunday night and it’s really good. It looks like something that I would enjoy doing. Living on the land in Montana. So much fun!

Looking for an alternative to Windows? Perhaps you should check out the new SuSE 8.1. I haven’t had the chance to play with it yet. But everything I’ve heard has been VERY good.

I hope that I don’t get stuck working in death traps like these. Although I have seen some that are just about as bad.

Isn’t he cute! Who says there aren’t any cute nerds?

Speaking of Cute, go vote for me! You better all choose 10’s!

Kinky Fun! (WARNING: NUDITY!!!)

More Kinky Fun, but not as bad as the last one! (WARNING: MORE NUDITY!!!)

And I think that’s all… I’m off to send in resumes!

look theta! phi! infinity!

Best line ever
“Keep the change, we’re in a rush!”::runs away::
“Wait, you get 4 dollars back!”
that was funny as shit.
So Friday night, I went out with Dustin. We saw Skinny at VWM and then took him to MHM to meet Ginny to go see a movie. Then Dustin, Jenny, and I went out to eat. Good times there. Jenny kept putting silverware down Dustin’s back, and I told him to get up and when it all fell out, go “how’d that get there?” Good times were had. We also saw Alison and Ben. We all agreed that Ben was hot.
We then saw Ginny, Skinny, and Emily (not May), and talked to them in the parking lot. Lots of laughs. Then we went downtown, and nothing was really going on. Stephanie Hague was there, as was Betsy, and Steph was with a cute boy. We hung out there for awhile, and Dustin got talking to some Churchy people and he stayed talking to them for a LONG time. Jenny and I went inside, it was pretty nippy out.
We went back to Dustin’s house, and on the way, Emily nearly killed me because she was merging without looking, and almost hit me! Dustin and I screamed! Oh yeah, Dustin ran through the mall doing his rat-face. I laughed and pretended I didn’t know him. Very fun times.
Today I worked. That sucked, I am very resolved in my efforts to look for a better job. I am going to see if Laura wants to go get jobs at WellsFargo. Who cares what I have to do… as long as it’s inside! I thought I would freeze to death.. however, the worst was yet to come.
When I got home, I called Chris to see if he wanted to go to Ankeny to see the bands. He was already going so I planned to meet him there. I stopped at the mall first and bought a little hat to keep my ears warm. It cost 17.50.. they ripped me off. Anyways, I stopped in Calypso to say hello to Jenny and she asked me if I wanted to stay and have break with her. I said sure, and so we hung out until she had to go back to work.
WHen that happened, I went over to Ankeny and met Chris. Him, Julian, Dean, and I were F R E E Z I N G! We had just a gimpy little blanket (thanks julian!) but it was still cold. And there were no cute boys. We yelled loud for Waukee, and they did pretty good. Chris also flipped some blargy off the railing and then did a crazy wrestling dive onto her. She wasn’t happy. This boy was also bothering us and then there was a wrinkle in the space time continuom (sp?) and he came back! lol… Anyways, after all that fun, Chris and I went to Godfathers. I guess while I was in the bathroom, some girls asked Chris if I was in sports. Weird. Anyways, Chris bought me dinner 🙂 He had a coupon for a free pizza. It was funny b/c the coupon said “For Fort Dodge and Mason City locations only” and the girl stared at like forever, and still gave it to us. We also got drinks, and cheese breadsticks, except they weren’t really cheese breadsticks. Anyways.
So Chris and I ate most of it. Well I ate my half and he ate half of his half. A bunch of Waukee band people came and Stephanie and Jamie Hammer ended up sitting with us. Jamie said that Chris was really sexy.
Ginny and Alanna came later and we all hung out until Adam called. Then Chris and I went to get Adam and then we headed downtown.
I guess before we got there Alison threw up all over herself. Sad. But by time we got there, her, Skinny, and Jenny had already left. And Dustin, David 2, Brian, and Emily all laughed at what I was wearing. I thought I looked straight, but Adam and Chris said I was gayer than ever. Oh well. Dustin and Emily left soon, much to my dismay.
I was just *semi* annoyed because Dustin said he wanted to see me and Jenny when he came back, and when I asked him to hang out Saturday, he was like “I’m going to a party at Jesses.” Which he had just gone to one the night before. I was like “hello, you and I are much better friends than you and Jesse.” But whatever.
So Adam, Chris, Brian, David 2, and Alex all hung out. It was fun. Brian told me that his friend Sree (Whom I had met the week before) is like in love with me and that she said something about how she’s never fallen for a guy with blond hair before or something like that. He said she talks about me all the time. I was really touched. We just talked and laughed and such.. I told funny stories. lol. I think I always tell funny stories. I think I have a way of making ordinary things that happen to me funny. Or if nothing happens, I make it up.
Case in point: the girl that Chris threw over the railing and the boy yelling “SPORTS FOOTBALL!”
Well at any rate, we ended up leaving soon. Adam and Chris had stuffed the pizza box under my windshield. Random. So I threw it up and away. Then Adam grabbed it and chucked it really hard. RIGHT AT ME! And it hit me in the leg and it really hurt. I cried “WOE IS ME!” and Adam hugged me. It really hurt! But anyways, hugs all around, and when Chris hugged me, I told him that I had to teach him how to give a hug, and then he totally picked me up and molested me and put me up against my car. It was scandalous and fun. lol.
Then I drove home. yay. I really DO NOT want to go to work tomorrow. It won’t be so bad if it’s not that cold. I’m gonna wear my hat and hopefully Nate doesn’t mind because it’s just too damn cold to go hatless.
I really feel bad that I might leave Hy-Vee because I don’t know who is going to work my thingy, but at the same time, I don’t care. I was talking to Bonnie in Floral about it, and she was like “Uhhh who gives a shit? They’ll figure something out.” I was like “Oh, you’re always the practical one.”
Oh one more thing before I head to bed. Skinny told that Josh boy that I liked him and that he should talk to me. AND he gave him my SN. So now everytime I’m online, he talks to me. I was like “Thanks Skinny, I hate you.” I told him I would get even by saying something to Matt LeMaster or Alex about how much Skinny wants to sleep with them or something. But I haven’t yet lol. I just have a problem being mean to people. I’m too nice, dangit!
Anyways, I’m really tired, I’m going to bed.
Visit me at work tomorrow! I work from 10-3 and I am selling chicken strips.. it’s gonna be great!

i want you to take the monkey feet outta the water

Ahh,another wonderful day of school. Anyways, yesterday was fairly boring. I got a low A on my Physics test, go me! Work sucked, I was FREEZING. Everyone was like “oh, you look cold” i was like thanks for noticing, now buy some damn hot wings! I did sell about 12 though, so it wasn’t too bad.
Skinny called. I haven’t talked to him for awhile. It was nice to know he’s still alive. We just talked about everything that was going on. It made me happy. I layed down on my bed and just listened to “Us and Them” and I felt relaxed. Well, semi-relaxed.
More on the Jenny saga: Today in Publications, she still didn’t say much, and when I said that I had talked to Skinny, she just went “Good for you.” Then after class, she scurried to the bathroom again. I want to confront her about it, but I don’t know what to say. I don’t see what I am doing wrong. I hate how I don’t even do anything to anybody, and yet I can still get people to hate me. It just doesn’t make sense.
I talked to Laura at work yesterday. We may go out Saturday night. She’s fun! I enjoy her.
I haven’t heard from David in forever. He called once and said that his phone “kept calling me.” Yet he also said he didn’t give his phone to anyone else, and he has a flip phone, so there is no way it could’ve called automatically. Then we talked for a little bit. We talked one other time after that, because I was feeling sad and I gave in and called him. He told me to call him sometime and I siad I was afraid to because he never seems to want to talk to me and he never calls me. He said it’s nothing personal and that he’s just really busy. I wanted to scream, “I BET YOU AREN’T TOO BUSY FOR NATE, YOU FUCK!” but somehow I contained myself. So I called him a few days later, and surprise surprise, no answer! I left a message, saying I hoped to hear from him soon. I also said “I love you”, which in retrospect, was probably not the smartest thing to do. It’s been a week, and has he called? Nope! I’m slowly but surely getting over the whole situation, except I’m afraid that I’m not really getting over it at all b/c I just avoid thinking about it and fill my mind with other things. But hey, whatever works. I don’t want to see him during the holidays. It will ruin everything I’ve been doing. Just like in the summer, when I was finally semi-OK with what was happening, then I had to go to the damn mall and see him and fall in love again. That better not happen again, or I’m gonna be mad. Grrr… he upsets me.
On another note, before I get too upset, I got my recommendation from Mrs. Every today. It was very very good. I really hope I get that scholarship. I felt special after reading all the nice things she had to say about me.
I need to start my experiment for Independant Study. I don’t even know what I’m gonna do. It’s too confusing. I’m supposed to see Mrs. Every after this block. I’ll be missing part of third, but it’s Physics, so it’s not like I give a damn. I’m already looking forward to the weekend. No work again!!! YAY!! I’m excited to hang out with Adam and Chris. Is that weird? I just enjoy them. Hopefully they are good by then, so we can all go out and have a jolly time!
Actually, I was reading Chris’ website the other day, and I was kinda shocked because it was like I was reading my own life up there on the screen. It was mostly about the fight between him and Adam. He thinks exactly like I do. He said something about hoping that Adam MIGHT leave the dance early to come see him, and then he was disappointed when he didn’t. Well, I would totally think the same thing if it was me. A lot of other things too, it was just weird to see how alike we can be from a relationship standpoint. Too bad I’m not in a relationship… I don’t even really want anything physical. I just want a guy to curl up with when I’ve had a bad day who will just hold me and tell me that everything’s alright and make me feel special and like somebody wants me. God, I’m such a loser…
Erin called yesterday. I was at work. She had a rough day. I miss her. I can’t wait until the summer, when she will hopefully come spend a week or so with me! That’ll be awesome, b/c I think she’s gonna rent a hotel room, then we can hang out and party and stuff! woohoo!
Anyways, my Pop-Tarts are calling out to me. I’d better go eat them and then go to sleep until the bell rings.