Why’s it so COLD!?!?

Today’s been a bit arrravating. I guess.

Things overall have been going good, much better then the start of the week.
So that’s a plus. But other things havn’t been going so good.

Last week sometime, Andrew got me started on my dream, once again. Owning a
consulting firm, a specialized one. I talked to Barb today about it, and she
said she deffinitally thinks there’s going to be a market for it. So that’s
promising information. Though she says that what I want to do, I’ll have to
do a lot of volunteer work to get started into it. In other words, I have to
get my foot in the door by doing it for free to start, and then move on to
charging, and actually getting the business aspect of it going.

She did give me a lot of tips though as to how to get into it, and also how to
get started in it. Also told me of some classes that I should take, either at
a Community college, or a junior college. I woudn’t have to go to a real
college, or get another degree. Just get some expertise in some other areas
of the business which I want to get into.

She also said that I may be to limiting in wanting to focus on Open Source
solutions. Because the clientele that I’m looking at is very bad at changing
things. But I think that I can get it into their heads. I just have to have
the authority to do it. Whereas here, I don’t have that authority. Also good
news was that she has contacts in the area that I’m looking at going moving
too, so that’ll also help with getting my foot in the door.

Anyways, the aggravting part of the day was Nazanin. We got the second rack in
today, and also a few other things. I have my ideas of how it should be set
up, and it’s the way that this thing SHOULD be set up. She on the other had
has stupid ideas of how it should be done. Very annoying. She won’t listen to
me at all about it.

I also found out that she doesn’t like the way that my office is set up and
she wants to re-arrange it. Not from her, but from someone else. I have a
feeling that one of these days, I’m going to come into my office and find it
all completely changed. I won’t be happy about that.

I moved my office to the way that it is now, because I was sick of people
coming in behind me and scaring the shit out of me. I was also very VERY sick
of her, because she would always come in and stand right behind me and just
stare over my shoulder and not say/do anything. It was very annoying and I
hated it.

If she wants to know what I’m doing, all she has to do is ask!!!

Now I’m on the phone with Dell Tech support, because our Harmony server is
VERY VERY loud. I mean, yeah, rack mount servers are supposed to be fairly
loud. But this one is very unaceptable loud. So I’ve called them three or
four times, and complained and each time they come up with a different
answer. The first time it was that sometimes the fans spin at 10,000 RPMs
when they should be spinning at 6500-7500 RPMs. So I checked into that, and
they were all indeed spinning in the acceptable range. The second time I
called in they asked me to do a hardware check to be sure they were all
running correctly…

The guy instited that “correctly” was different from the acceptable RPM range.
So I did the test which he asked me to do, which took a few hours, and they
were STILL way too loud.

Called back, the third time, they said to update the BIOS and EPM software, it
was supposedly a software problem. So hung up, went and did that… STILL

So Now I’m calling back, and told the guy off. He says he’s doing “research”
now. Mostly because I told him esactly where on his website to go to learn
about the problem that we’re having, Because it’s been complained about
before, and there’s a ton of people complaining about it on their own forum,
and also on the google forums. I’ll report aobut his “research” once he’s

Had a Poli Sci test on Thursday, it went alright. Though they changed up the
Essay/EC from the last test, so I didn’t study what I should have. I studied
the same types of things that they asked about on the last test, for this
test. Because on the last test, the essays were about WWI, and if it was
inevitable or not. Well this time, even though we covered WWII and the Cold
War and he had slides JUST like the WWI slides, the essays weren’t about

Very annoying.

Anyways, I have to leave. So I’ll finish this later

Just TELL Me!

Yep… My weekended ==’s boring!!

Friday I didn’t really do anything, ran home to get my cell phone bill. Got REALLY pissed off because USCell charged me for nearly 500 minutes total. Because over all I used 1500 minutes last month… Opps, my bad. They claim I only have 1000 minutes on my plan. For night and weekends. I claim, and my contract says, I get unlimited.

So I call and bitch, I go there and I bitch, I call again and I bitch. But nothing seems to get through to them. So I say fuck this, cancel my plan and get a new phone… It’s so cute too!


Oh, I’m getting a head of myself.

After I bitched at the woman at the store and she told me to “Calm down” I went looking for phones. Decided that verizon was the way to go. Only because Sprint doesn’t have service in a lot of Iowa in which I spend time in, whereas Verizon does… And I can use any or all of my minutes roaming with no additional fees. Again, Sprint would have charged $5 more for that.

Didn’t get anything Friday night though, because it was late and I wanted to sleep on it all. So I went to JJ’s had a coffee and sat and read. No one good was there, except straigh Andy.. And he’s still as hot as ever!

Went home, sat around for a bit then went to bed.

Saturday I got up really early. I don’t know why, I was still very tired. But I got up, drove to Radio Shack here in Ames, and talked to the people there about cell phones. The cheapest one they had was like $80, and it was a monster, even compared to my old Nokia. So I was like screw this. So off to DM I went.

Stopped at MHM, just to see what they had and ended up getting my phone there. It was so cute, and only $40, plus I got a free car charger, headset, and leather case to go with it. The new plan now has 400 anytime minutes, unlimited night and weekend, free long distance, and free nation wide roaming (as long as I’m in theier network, which is pretty much everywhere)…

Anywhere in the red.

After that I headed home… Talked to Andrew in there somewhere, and he won’t even tell me at all what’s in the package that he’s sending, and he won’t tell me when he sent it or anything… ALL VERY ANNOYING! I can’t handle it.

He also has made, or at least is pretty sure he’s made his decision about things. Though he won’t tell me… Grrr.

This weekend I missed him a lot though, or maybe it’s just because I had nothing to do. I watched the simpsons (season 1) and all I could think about was how he used to always quote them, and how funny it was. I also watched the christmas one, and that made me cry. The simpsons are supposed to make you laugh, not cry!!! Very annoying.

But I really did miss him a lot this weekend. I can’t wait tell he comes back. Though I’m kind of hoping that he doesn’t get his job back at WF, no offense to him, or Courtney. But I just don’t want him staying with her. It’s hard to explain, but yeah.

Anyways, we did talk a lot this weekend, which was exciting. And very funny all at the same time.

Well after I went out Saturday, and then off to work out Saturday night, I didn’t leave my apartment the whole rest of the weekend. So yep. That was my weekend.

Now I’m here at work, we got the SSL cert for webmail today, but I didn’t enter the fully qualified address when signing up for it, so it still complains about it not being the right cert. I have to call them and get that fixed today.

Other then that not much going on… Tonight is going to be a really long night though. I have class from 3:40-5, then a review from 5-7, and then I have to study mad from 7-bed time.

I hope I do good on that test tomorrow!! ::crosses fingers::

Laters all.


Well, let’s see what’s happened in my life since the last update….

Not much really.

I had a few things that I really wanted to talk about last night… Well actually about 4 this morning, since I didn’t sleep. But I can’t remember them now of course.

There was one thing that I really want to bitch about… And that’s STUPID people who ride the bus. Very annoying. There’s this woman who rides the Blue North every T,R at 7am… She gets on at the SAME stop every day, and EVERY DAY the bus driver has to ask her for her damn ID card.

It’s like, HELLO? How can you forget, EVERY DAY! I could see forgetting to give the driver your ID one day, or the first time you ride, since you may not realize that that’s not a free stop. BUT EVERY DAY?? Comon.

Secondly, she’s very annoying when waiting at the stop. It’s my stop, so I know. She comes in, sits down on the bench inside the Cyride thing, and pratically throws all her shit onto the bench next to her… Thus taking up the WHOLE thing. Then a couple minutes later, even though the bus ISN’T coming (and you can see the bus down the street, clearly in a PARKED posistion) she stands up, picks up all her stuff, stands in front of the cyride shelter. THEN! She comes back, sits down and continues to repeat the process tell the bus comes. Getting up/ Sitting down every couple minutes. It’s very annoying.

THEN! When the bus does finally come, she sits in the thing tell the last minute, and then JUMPS up, and pushes into the front of the line when the bus pulls up. I want to punch her. AND THEN, when it comes to her stop, she NEVER pulls the friggin’ stop bell in time, and always bitches at the bus driver for not stopping. Very annoying.

I also wanted to bitch about the 5PM blue south bus driver… He’s just an idiot. And a very bitchy idiot at that.

Today’s been good, we’ve spent the last of our money, and there was a credit card fiasco… Everyone had maxed out their cards, and was on the phone with apple trying to buy something. Very amusing.

Other then that, not much going on. I can’t decide if I want to go to JJ’s tonight and study, or just stay at home and do nothing.

I’ve been having a craving lately to get drunk. But I have no one to get drunk with. And I’m not going to be a loser and do it by myself. I think it’ll help with some of the things going on in my life.

I also need to talk to someone about things. But I don’t know who.

Laters all.

Blah Blah Blah

Yep. I’m back. Not much really going on. Classes, classes, etc.

Work yesterday was pretty good, I was really busy all day long and Sue e-mailed me. I found it really touching, she said…”You are a wonderful young man” How nice of her!

After work was class, and we made our groups, I have one person in it that was in my group over the summer and he’s pretty good at getting things done, and the third guy is cute, so that’s always a plus! lol.

Once that was over, it was back home. I just spent the night laying around and not really doing anything. I watched three, count them THREE episodes of the west wing… I LOVE that show so much. I can’t wait tell it premiers again. No one best be bothering me during that time! 😛

After that I called Andrew and told him night. After that I had a bit of a break down, well alright, More then a bit of one. I spent most of the night crying and didn’t really sleep much. I wasn’t really sad. It was more of a happy cry, I’m preparing for the day he comes back! lol. I just can’t wait for it to happen though.

We did have a bit of a sad talk today though, about him and colleges. I just really hope that things “happen” to work out and we end up in the same area. We both are saying that we’re not basing our decisions on where the other is going, but we both know that we are doing that. Like he said tonight, I just wish we KNEW now where we are going to be in a year. I think that’s what the hardest thing is. Not knowing.

Anyways, this morning I got up really early, after not getting much sleep, and going to classes.

We were in the new room this morning for MGMT 414, and the BUILDING was FREEZING! I was soo cold. And the prof kept coming over and standing next to me. And I felt really stupid because everyone was looking at him and it was just very annoying. I’ll be sure not to sit there next class. And to wear a hoodie to that room! ::shivers::

It was in general cold today, I liked it. Cool nights and warm days.. Just want I want. I can’t wait tell I’m in Cali and can actually get that, year round eveN!!

After that I caught the bus over to Lago, and had class there. A lot of people went up today after class and complained that they couldn’t understand what the prof was talking about. I found that amusing. All I wanted to do was sign the attendance sheet.

I broke after that and ran into Vero infront of Carber. We talked for a bit, but we were both on our way somewhere, so it wasn’t long.

I went up and registered with Career Services. I’ll have to check out the website tomorrow to see if there’s any good jobs to apply to. And then I’ll have to start the process for Career Fair. I can’t believe that it’s coming up already! Very scary. I hope that something happens!

Once that was done, I ran up and checked e-mail and did a few other things, then ran down and called up K&G in PC. I talked to my former Ass-Manager, who is now the manager. She said she didn’t have any Overnights open, but that Ankey with Karren did. So I called there and asked and she said she did. So that’s cool. I could work there. But I think it’s the Karren from the PC K&G and if it is I HATE HATE HATE her with a passion. She’s such a bitch, I’d never be able to work for her again! So maybe Melanie will have something that I can work in PC, or maybe I’ll talk to the people here in town. Though I think they pay less then the one in PC and Ankeny. So we’ll see what happens though.

I really want to work overnights there though because they get like $14 an hour. So with that *8 hours a day and twice a week, that’d add up to some pretty good cash. And I really need some cash if I”m going to cali over spring break to look for places to live. Plus moving costs are going to be insane! I think Dorm said it cost him like $1200 to move to the east coast. And then I’ll have to have someone come with me to help move, and then I’d probably have to pay for the plane ticket back to Iowa for them, or whatever. So yeah. Very scary.

Anyways, that’s a LONG ways away yet.

Once that was over, I went to class #3, I fell asleep in there, bad me. So I must go to bed here soon. Once that was over I went and worked out. I did my chest and abs again on the machines and then ran for a bit. After that I did sit ups and then broke cause it was time for class number 4.

That was alright, didn’t really do much and she babbled a lot. Blah blah blah. She’s fairly interesting though, so that’s good. She needs to be for being such a late class.

Grabbed a bus after that, I missed the Express Blue, so I had to take the regular blue. Which put me home at 5:10, ten minutes after I told Andrew I’d be home. I was affraid he might be mad, but he wasn’t even online, so that was good.

I quickly grabbed something to eat, and then Andrew wanted to call me, so I told him he could. We talked for a long while, which was good and I hope that I helped out some. There’s really not much that I can tell him. I mean, I know what I WANT him to do. I want him to stay in SoCal, but if he wants to go to SFSU, then that’s fine too. Like I said, we can’t base our decisions on each other. I really have NO idea where I”m going to be in a year, and neither does he.

I think we can try, but there’s no gaurantee. Which sucks. Because I really want to be closer to him. I’ve got such a great friend, I don’t want to loose that. I’d be willing to move wherever, just to keep him as a friend.

And as I’ve said before. I have no real ideas where I ABSOLUTELY want to move too. I mean, I have ideas. But I’m open for options. I’d move to SF, or Cupertino or SD, or wherever. The other day I was even thinking maybe Palm Springs, but that’s mostly a retirement community and I don’t think there’d be much there for me to do as an MIS guy. Though I bet there’s something.

After we talked, he broke to call Courtney, and I shaved, and changed. Then we talked a little bit more online and I missed my bus YET AGAIN! I really suck at that shit.

Speaking of missing the bus. It’s really funny watching Freshman trying to figure out the bus schedule. Three of the five buses would have got them to the place they were going, but they didn’t get on ANY OF THEM! They finally figured out that they were at the “wrong” bus stop. But as I said, THREE of the FIVE busses that passed that stop would have taken them to towers. Stupids.

So I finally caught the 6:50 bus and got to campus shortly after 7. Walked around some and then went to the Alliance meeting. NO one really good there, mostly lesbians, which are amusing, but not the best. I guess there’s going to be a camping trip the end of this month, but I don’t think that I’ll go. I don’t really want to be out in the wilderness with a ton of lesbians and one big gay man (though I think there’s others going, all not so cute).

Speaking of, why don’t the cuties come to the alliance things??? Or why are they not even OUT! That’s what I REALLY want to know. Whores.

There was one cutie there, but Joel had already snatched him up. Good luck with that Joel.

Speaking of cute boys, I’ve been meaning to mention this ever since school started. I haven’t noticed any where NEAR as many cute boys on campus this semester. I don’t know if they’re all still hiding, or if they all graduated, or flunked out, or my guess is that I’m just happier with what I had, so I don’t really care anymore. But whatever the cause, they just aren’t around anymore.

I broke from the alliance meeting about 8:30, and just MISSEd the bus YET AGAIN! So I had to wait around tell 8:51 to get the next bus. Got that and made it here shortly after 9.

I’ve been typing this and watching House Hunters ever since. I really like this show because it always reminds me of how much fun I’m going to have once I have my own house!

I’ve been thinking about that lately, and it really annoys me that I can’t paint the walls in the apartment, it’s all so bland and white, and boring. And right now, more then anything I need a bit more color. So I’m going on a quest to find some good stuff to put up. I already have the pics back up and in frames, so that’s cool. Now I really need something for my bedroom.

And I think I’m going to go buy another Ken Doll. My Ken is getting sad with no one else. He needs a boyfriend. Perhaps a cute little surfer boy.

Anyways, time for bed.. Night all!

Weekend Of Movies

So this weekend has been really great. Though not much has been happening.

Friday I met up with Andrew about 7:45ish, we ate Brats, they were really yummy. And it was so cute, cause we sat out on the deck.

After that we went up to my room and excahged three month gifts… He got me Requiem For A Dream and PI.

But best of all there was a CD, with a bunch of paper attached to it… It had a bunch of songs on it and on the paper was the lyrics to all the different songs. I don’t think anyone could top that gift, it was just so thoughtfull and wonderfull. I listened to the CD the next day on my way to his house and it made me cry. I have a feeling that’ll become my newest favorite CD to listen to!

I felt kinda stupid about what I had gotten him after that because it really wasn’t near as thoughfull. But I knew that he would like it, and that’s good. I got him the Cho’ster!

I had actually be trying to make a CD like that for him, but I was planning on giving it to him right before we parted ways in August. But So far every CD that I’ve made, I’ve ended up hating for some stupid reason… Perhaps I’ll continue working on that and see if I get anything that I like out of it!

Once we had finished with that we laid there in my bed for a bit and just talked some, then we went downstairs and watched the Cho! Very amusing!

He left about 11ish, and I was semi-annoyed that he was leaving so early, but he did have to go to work early in the morning, so it was fine.

Saturday I got up and took a shower about 9ish. As I was in the shower my mom comes and knocks on the door and is like, “Your dad needs your help outside.” I wasn’t really expecting anything big, but I got out and then just threw on some shorts and an old t-shirt. Went out there and he had the pond EMPTY! I was like, “WTF?”

I guess a Coon had gotten in there and put a few holes in the bottom of the pond, so he was emptying it and getting a new liner. He needed help transporting the fish from the pond to a HUGE tank that we have… That was very intersting times because we have some VERY big fish in that pond and they really flopped around a lot once you got them out of the water, and then the dog kept jumping in and trying to “Help” catch them, and then when we were handing the net back and forth with fish in it the dog kept trying to bite at them, etc. Stupid dog.

That only took like 30 minutes or so, and after that I was all hot and sweaty, so I jumped in the pool and went swimming for a while. Ahhh, how I miss the days of being able to just swim all day long! After about an hour in there it was time to go and start getting ready to go meet up with Andrew. So I went inside, dressed, did my hair and then stuck my head out the door to tell them that I was leaving. And then they were like, “Wait a minute we need your help.” So I had to go out there andhelp them move this BIG ASS ROCK. I got all dirty and really sweaty, because we were in the sun, and I was dressed semi-nice and yeah. Just very annoying.

Once I finally got to go, I rushed to the half-price book store, and returned a few books, then went over to Andrew’s.

We hung out there for a little bit waiting for his mum to get home, then we went out to the Tropical Snow, but they were closed, so we went to the Ice Cream shop that’s next door and got really good ice cream.

After that we went to the Mall, or did we do that before the ice cream… I don’t really remember. It’s been so long since we’ve been there, they’ve changed alot. And the only reason we went there Saturday was because Andrew had a gift cert to spend. No need letting it go to waste just to prove a point. So we went there, and I just can no longer believe that Andrew and I used to meet at the mall every Friday and spend so much time there, it’s just such a horrible place. Well Horrible’s not really the right word, but you know what I mean. I just can’t believe that so much time has been wasted there.

Anyways, that night we ended up at my house and watched PI. Very goof movie… Though it is a bit strange at times, ok, the whole freaking movie is strange, but it’s still good. I really liked it and I’m glad I finally got to see it.

After the movie (Or again, was that before??) We went swimming and then hot tubbing for a short bit, but it was UBER hot int here, so we didn’t stay long.

Went to bed really late that night, but nothing really interesting happened.

Got up Sunday and we just laid in bed talking untell about 11ish. Finally got up cause we were both starving and went and I made French Toast (Or as the stupid’s in Washington like to call it, “Freedom Toast”). After that we watched the other movie and it was really good too, though just as, if not more creepy then PI.

Once we were done with that we went back to Andrew’s house because much drama was going on there, soemthing about Alex and his Sister and Eggs and not getting on a plane and police, it was just a regular Jerry Springer show over there., I’m sure you can go to his website and read all about it all!

Sunday really consisted of nothing, after all the drama went down we spent the rest of the evening in his room downloading ROMS and trying to figure out some programs. Went for Tropical Snow about 8:30 or so, because Court wasn’t going to be able to go tell much later. Went there and that was really good. I can’t believe I haven’t been eating those all summer long! lol.

After that went back to his house, and said our goodbyes… Only one more weekend of having to do that. So very sad.

Oh, one thing we did do on Sunday was take down a big thing of his pictures in his room. That was really sad, there were a couple times that I started to tear up. It’s so sad to see him packing.

Got home and had a TON of IM’s from people. I know who some of them are, but there were a few randoms, which is weird because I usually don’t get randoms anymore… Maybe it’s because they all know that I have such a hot boyfriend that they know there’s not stealing me away from him! roflol.

Today has been very busy already. Came into work and got a ton of stuff done early in the day, and then Barb came in and her computer was broken, so I had to fix that and then call Dell.. Spent the last hour on the phone with them because they’re “Network was slow.” I think the guy was just really slow. lol.

Other then that, not much really going on.

And that’s my boring life!