Wine, Concerts and Climbing!

What a freaking week! I didn’t even have a night at home till FRIDAY!

So Monday, I worked. Nothing exciting there. Projects are going great. I got a call from our Argentina employee saying he couldn’t get onto the VPN. I had him send me a pic of his setup and it was ALL blank! So since I have never done the setup here, I sent username/password information request to our old contractor… I also left for about 2 hours in the middle of the day to go to my personal trainer, since I missed him because of staying at the office till 3am Sunday/Monday morning… I got an email half way through the work out saying “Chris, call me when you get back”. Ugh, annoying! So I call the boss when I get back into the office RIGHT when I told him I would be back. “Yeah, just wanted to let you know everything is working OK”. WTF!? asshole! I swear he’s just calling to check up on me. Arg!

That night I got home after picking up my cute new outfit from Zara. I’ll have to take a pic of me in it! It’s adorable! Anyways, got home and ate then went over to Jason’s and we went to HomoDepot and LesbiLowes! Lots of fun! We went back to his place, drank some wine and watched TV.

Tuesday was more of the same at work, again nothing exciting. Lots and lots of projects! I can’t say that enough! Went to the gym that night and worked out, came home, ate dinner and then was going to go to Marina but ended up at Jason’s instead. Kris joined and we drank, talked and watched some movie. Erick RANDOMLY showed up at the door which was VERY AWK! I hate that he does that.

Wed work work work! I got another call from the Argentina guy and AGAIN requested the information from our former contractor. After work I went to the gym, then met up with Christian for dinner and we went out to see Jon McLaughlin in concert. He’s so great! And dreamy! haha. Got home late from that.

Thursday was more work. AGAIN went over to Jason’s for the evening. He packed, we chatted and watched Rock Haven. Very good!

Friday I got ANOTHER call from the Argentina guy AND one from his boss. So I CALLED our old contractor’s CEO and asked for the information. He simply said, “Talk to your boss.” So I call my boss, “Yeah, all requests like that need to be approved by me.” Ummmmmm. EXCUSE ME!? Why did you NOT tell me this before! This guy has been WAITING ALL FUCKING WEEK for this information! UGH! So I started bitching at him about this shows he doesn’t trust me to do my job and how he hired me to do something and I can’t do it with this sort of shit going on. Obviously not in those terms. And he was like, “Well I just like to be kept in the loop”. EXCUSE me! In the loop means that you get like a weekly report or something, NOT having to approve EVERY FUCKING THING That I do! UGH! I was very annoyed. So THEN I started running an audit on shit, only to find out that he’s been having our former contractor going in and doing shit on the systems. EXCUSE me?! That is supposed to be MY FUCKING JOB! So on Monday I am going to confront him about this shit. It’s unacceptable.

That night I AT LAST got a night alone! It felt soooooo great. I watched Life After All. Amazing French movie. I just lounged around on the couch, and cuddled with the cats! excellent! 🙂

Got up early Saturday morning and took the car in for 15,000 mile service. Got home from that at like 10 and watched another French movie called Wild Reeds. Also very excellent. I love French boys, why is the one at the Crepe place up the street not gay! He’s sooo cute! He looks very much like Serge in the movie that I watched. I wish I could go skinny dipping with him! 🙂

That night I had a date.. What a freaking mess! I was about ready to call it off when we were on the phone talking about what to do. I told him I lived by Riviera Village. He was like, “That’s not RB, that’s Torrance, people there just think it’s better to say RB” blah blah blah. Well I’m sorry, my fucking ADDRESS is RB! Therefore I LIVE in RB! Asshole. I wish I had just canceled it. We went bowling, he paid for an hour, we were there for 50 minutes. He cut his finger on the ball, he kept dropping it, he didn’t break 60. Then he spent like 15 minutes arguing with the manager because we were only there for 50 minutes, so he wanted his 10 dollars back. UGH! Very annoying. Fucking lawyers.

Big Rock @ Lake PerrisGot home and chatted with a few people then went to bed.

Sunday morning I got up at 5 and drove out to Big Rock at Lake Perris. Amazing climbing! We started off with a 150 foot lead climb. Got up to the top and setup a top rope. We had three total climbs setup and then these two hot guys showed up… And right behind were their kids! 🙁 The one guy was UBER hot and took his shirt off and had nipple rings! YuM! AAnnnnnywaaaays! I did the 150 foot climb twice and then did a 100foot climb once. By that time my ankle was not hurting, but getting very swollen so decided to just lay off it. The other guys did another shorter but harder route. I am very annoyed with my ankle it needs to get better!

We talked about the upcoming weeks and it sounds like TONs of fun! Next weekend we are going to go back to Devils Punchbowl again and then we’re going to go up to the base camp at Whitney and then the next weekend do a 1,000 foot climb!! I am so excited! 🙂

After the climbing we went to Mission Inn and had a 2 hour brunch with Champagne! YAY! Very delicious!!

I am excited for the next week. Should be more relaxing and shit.

Pictures from Rock Climbing are here.

Mika Concert!

This weekend, Const reminded me that I never blogged about the Mika Concert!

Oh my god. Just as good, if not better then Patrick Wolf.

Anyways, if you’ve never heard of him. Go check him out.

This weekend was fun. Dinner with Jason, Steve and Erick. I made a prime rib roast, but it wasn’t as tasty as I would have liked.

Saturday we did the Aquarium of the Pacific and then went to dinner with his friends up in Sherman Oaks which was tons of fun.

Sunday was a bit of an odd day. I think we were both a bit grumpy/tired/who knows. I went shopping and ate lunch at this place called “Lazy Dog” then Target then home where we watched this gay movie call
The Mostly Unfabulous Social Life of Ethan Green. It was ok. Took a nap and then Const left my house. This’ll be the last weekend he spends here in LA for the next 6 months. It’s very sad. I cried a bit.

Not really in the mood for much more writing. Lots of other stuff to talk about though…