Oct 19, 2001

Oct 19, [No Doubt, "I’m Just A Girl"]

Yeah, that’s right "I’ve had it up to here." And I have too damnit.

The guy on Car #2 didn’t call back last night, so I’m going to call him

at work here soon. Whatever.

Soc went cool. It was a shortist class, we got out like 10 minutes early.

We took a quiz and I only missed 4, so I got 80% on it, YAY!

I have a headache, and I have a paper to write that I really don’t want

to write. I was talking with one of my class mates today and we were like,

all she does is repeat herself, and then she rips our papers apart if we

do that. Gwar at her. GWAR at the world right now.

Oct 18, 2001

Oct 18, [Tonic, "If You Could Only See"]

Gwar, purchasing a car is much harder then you would think. And I’m really

pissed off at my dad right now. It’s kind of a misdirected anger, but still

I have a right to have some anger towards him. . . So I’m looking at the

two cars. I call him and say to him that I’m _going_ to get Car #2. I like

it far better then Car #1. Well he goes into this whole speal about how

Car #1 has fewer miles and it’s worth the extra $300. Well we spend about

20 minutes on the phone arguing about it and I finally just give up on it

and I say alright I’ll get Car #1. It’s worth it for the miles. He pressured

me into a car that I really don’t want. I mean it is a nice car, but still

the benifits of Car #2 outwiegh the benifit of Car #1. So I call up the

guy of Car #1 and tell him that I’ll take it. Then I call the guy from Car

#2 and tell him that I don’t want the car. Well I was up all night thinking

about it, that’s how much it bothered me. I couldn’t sleep at all. So I

thought, and thought, and thought. Today I came up with the conclusion that

I do indeed want Car #2. So I call the guy up and ask if he’d take the offer

I made earlier (which he had earlier said that he would). Well he goes and

tells me that this other guy, who’s also been looking at the car, called

this morning and said that he wanted it. I was like, FUCKING A. But yeah,

so he was like, well the guys coming to look at it this afternoon. So I’m

like, ok. Call me with what ever happens. It’s now almost 8 and he still

hasn’t called. I’ve called the other guy, the guy with Car #1 and told him

that I was having second thoughts and I’d call him later on wether I’d actually

buy it or not. But still. I’m mad at my dad for pressuring me like that,

he knew that I liked Car #2 better, and he pushed and pushed. The only thing

that I like about Car #1 is that it’s got less miles. I don’t want a car

that I’m not going to be happy with. And now, if I don’t buy a car this

weekend. I’m not going to have a car at all. Cause my dad’s selling the

van Monday and he’s buying my car. GWAR to that all. The whole mess is a

mess. I want him to call. I want Car #2. Why did I even talk to him about

what I wanted to do, it’s my car. I can make the decision myself. I’m paying

for it. Damnit. This really pisses me off. Whatever….. I guess I can look

on the bright side and say that no matter which car I get they’re both good

cars. It’s just that I’m going to regret it if I don’t get Car #2.

On another note, my room mate is a dumb ass. I came in and he was watching

TV, I sat down at my computer and started working, no music going or anything,

just sitting here working away at my stuff. Well he goes and puts on his

headphones, which I have no problem with. But then at 7 I wanted to watch

a TV show, so I turn on my TV, and start watching the show. Well about 15

minutes into it, he takes off his headphones, and he’s watching some damn

Anime thing with those annoying fucking voices, and he turns up his volume.

I’m like you ass. So I turn up my volume. He turns his up. I’m like fine

fuck this shit you ass hole, so I put on my headphones and he turns his

volume down, what the hell is up with that shit. Damnit. Fucking A. Fucking

A. Fucking A. Life really sucks right now. I just want to scream at everyone.

FUCKING A!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 17, 2001 #2

Oct 17, #2 [Wall Of VooDoo, "Mexican Radio"]

Yeah, so you’re looking at two cars, both are identical except:

Car #1:


28,000 Miles

No Power Door Locks

No MoonRoof



$300 more then car #2

Car #2


57,000 Miles



Keyless Entry


$300 less then car #1

Which one do you buy?

It’s such a hard decision. I mean on one hand you have the stick (which

I like better), the moonroof, the keyless entry, but it’s got twice the

miles. And on the other hand you have half the miles, which means it’ll

probably last longer. Gwar. I really like the 99. Gwar again.

So Adam’s been doing volunteer work, YAY for him. I need to get back into

the volunteer work. I used to average like 100 hours a year. 90 of them

on my own free will thanks…. But yeah. I should get back into that, but

I just simply don’t have the time to. Maybe this summer I’ll put in a shit

load of time. We’ll see.

Oct 17, 2001

Oct 17, [Bjork, "Venus As A Boy"]

Ok, so we’re learning about stereotypes and devieance and such in Soc class

and a while ago we took this survey, on the survey one of the questions

was what your tolerance for certian "groups" was. One of the choices

was to have that "group" of people banished from the country,

of the about 1,500 people taking Soc 134 this semester 21% of them wanted

homosexuals banished from the country. 21%, man that’s alot of people that

want us gone. Don’t you agree? That fact is just scary.

Not much relaly has been going on yet today, it’s Wed so I have the rest

of the afternoon free. I’m going to go and try and study some more Soc and

then get some Econ and Acct done. I also have to write a paper for English.

I’m contemplating waiting for this weekend to get it done, but I’d like

to have it done before the weekend. So we’ll see if I get to it or not.

Time to study….

Oct 16, 2001

Oct 16, [Channel 8, "The News"]

Ok, so yet another damn long day. This morning was normal. I had Accounting

and then Bus Ad. Last class of the year for that, so that’s cool. Then I

went to work. I didn’t really do all the much today though cause well, there

wasn’t much to do. So I hung around and did a bunch of small things. This

evening I went to my Math test and that went ok. I mean it was a math test,

what do you expect, but yeah. I think I did ok on it. After my test I came

out of the building and was heading towards the bus stop and just as I turned

the corner the bus was pulling away, I was like, damnit. So I decided that

instead of waiting for 10 minutes for the next bus to just walk back to

my dorm. So I got back here and I’ve just been hanging out all evening.

I’ve been working on my Linux box again, and I’ve got a few things fixed,

but there’s still alot to get done. Oh well. There’s no Recit for math on

Thursday so that’s cool. I’m happy 🙂 That means I can work longer on Thursday,

and also study more for my Econ test. Good times there. Yep.

I’m out….