May 28, 2001

may 28, [NIN, "perfect drug"} ok short update, but today someonf

from this IP: registered about 50 hits

on my site, now i know there aren’t 50 pages, and that’s only the registered

hits, so ifanyone knows who that is i would like an e-mail, thanks.

May 27, 2001

may 27, #3 [hollies, "i can’t let go"] well tonight was great,

xak, mandy and vero showed up here at a really hectit time. i was just finishing

a revision of lesson plans. and i was talking to danny. and yeah. but we left

here and went and got angie then we went to xak’s and hung out there and called

jules at work. then we went and picked him up. and dean was there, and we

saw josh and joan, that was fun times. then we went to the pron shop in des

moines, i didn’t even know there was one in des moines, but the really funny

thing is that the scout shop is just down the street, so that means i drive

by there everytime i go to the shop, which is alot. and i’ve never seeen it

before. yeah we hung there for a bit. that was ok. i guess. then we went back

to xaks and hung out there, that was fun. i had alot on my mind though cause

i have to get these damn lesson plans and needs list done. and it’s hjust

really annoying me. ya know these have been rehashing my days alot and i know

alot of the people that read this were there, so they probobly don’t really

care about it, but i like doing this cause i can go back later and say oh

yeah, i remember that day. cause right now is really one of the best times

in my life and i just want to keep it here. i think it’s also good to get

some of this out and on paper, cause i mean. i think you learn by going back

and reading this stuff. so yeah. whatever. i’m damn tired.

May 27, 2001

may 27, #2 [lifehouse, "everything"] wow it really doesn’t seem

like i made that update today, lol. well we went to lenox today, the whole

family was there, even pam. luckly she didn’t say anything to me, but janell

was really bitchy at me today, it was good seeing some of the family, but

some of them just annoy the hell out of me. there was this kid there, i forget

his name now, i guess i’m related to him, but anyway he was like 3 maybe and

has the cutest red hair, omg, it was so cute. lol. there’s alot of people

in the family with red hair, but he just had really cute dark red hair, lol.

i guess overall it was a pretty nice day. the parents only yelled at me a

bit this morning about being up so late last night, but of course i was the

first one ready to go, so they had no grounds for yelling at me. there was

something else i was going to say, but i forget it now too. oh well. hopefully

i’ll find something to do tonight. i don’t think jules is working, but i haven’t

seen xak or mandy all week. and i don’t think angie can do anything. so that

pretty much limits the possibilities. and i bet even if jules was around he

probobly wouldn’t want to do anything cause he worked 14 hours yesterday and

then we hung out tell like 12 or so and then i know he was still up when i

went to bed at 1. and then he had to be back at wally world at 8 this morning,

so yeah. why the hell did i just recap juilians day for yesterday? oh well.

it’s there.

May 27, 2001

may 27, [pearl jam, "the state of love and trust"] well tonight

was pretty cool. i left here and went to java joes and hung out there for

like an hour and a half, that was pretty cool. then i went to the gay loop

again. that was fun, lots o hot guys there, but i just drove round a bit.

there’s been alot of people there lately for being so early in the day when

i get there. then i was like, i’m bored so i went to ankeny to see if i could

find julian and talk to him a bit, but he wasn’t in layaway so i started to

leave. and on my way out i spotted this really really hot guy. and out of

the corner of my eye i catch this person running at me, and it was angie and

i was like, OMG it’s angie, and that really hot guy happened to have been

with her. so i was llike bu yeah. and we went back and found julian and we

hung out there for a bit. then julian had to take some guy home, that was

quite the adventure, by the way julian was driving you’d have thought he was

drunk, but it was cool. we lived. then we went to hawkeye park and talked

for a bit. it was a good night all in all. well i guess that’s all for now

cause my dad’s here bitching at me to get to bed.

May 26, 2001

may 26, [robbin black, "more effeminate then you"] i really hate

shoping with my mom and brother. we had a list of things to do right. it should

have taken, maybe two hours. so we left, i was driving, i needed to get some

personal things so i was like, lets go to walmart cause it was on the way

to where we needed to get the other stuff. so we went there, and first my

mom bitched about my driving all the way there. and then we went in and i

was like, ok i only need a few things from the pharmacy area, so we don’t

need a cart or anything, so we get over there and my brother was like, oh

well i need this and that, and my mom was like oh well i need this and that.

so i had to go get a cart. needless to say we ended up spending an hour and

a half there and spent $128. i was so pissed. cause my mom was like, we don’t

need to go to wal-mart we can go to kmart or somewhere like that. but i wanted

to go to walmart cause i knew where everything was and i also wanted to say

hi to julian and see his hair cut, lol. by the way, it looks really good.

well ok we left there and my mom was like "I’m going to drive" so

i let her drive which really annoys me too cause she drives her truck like

it’s a damn semi and if she would just drive it like a truck, we’d get to

places a whole hell of alot faster and she wouldn’t get as pissed off at other

people driving. ok so then we went somewhere else. and she was looking at

getting my dad a $4000 grill and i was like, if you’re even looking at getting

him that don’t bitch at me about my college funding any more. and she was

like "well i haven’t said a word about it" and that just really

pissed me off cause they’re saying now that i’m going to have to pay for my

own apartment and shit, and later in the day she was looking at buying a $6000

piano and a $500 gitaur. and i was like, ok if you’re even _thinking_ about

looking at this shit then don’t go saying you can’t afford my college education.

then we went to mcdonalds and she was bitching at me cause i said i didn’t

know what i wanted and i would tell her once we got up to the sign thingy.

and we got there, and i told her, then we sat there for like 5 minutes waiting

for her and my brother to figure out what they wanted. and it’s like damnit,

you make things so dman fucking difficult when it’s damn simple just pic someting

and eat it. so i don’t remember how it came up excatly but i said "i’m

pissy becuase you people make thyings so damn difficult" which they do,

and she’s like "YOU PEOPLE" and i just wanted to yell at her and

say "YES YOU PEOPLE. you aren’t my family or my parents or my mom or

my dad, you’r YOU POPLE. cause that’s what you’ve been fucking acting like"

but i didn’t i just let it drop. so here we are back at hme. 5 hours after

we left and we only got a couple things done, we didn’t get my shoes like

i needed, we didn’t get my camel bak like i needed, we didn’t get any groceries

like we needed, we didn’t get _most_ of the stuff on the list done. and that

just really pisses me off cause i only have one pair of shoes now and she’s

been saying we would go get the camel bak for weeks now, but she always comes

up with some damn excuse not to go get it. on a completely differnet note,

i talked to danny last night, that was really really nice to hear his voice

again. it was really funy calling though cause he ust gave me the 800 number

and the code for his calling card and i called him, but the only number that

he had for the card was in spanish so i had to figure that out, but he toldme mostly how it worked, so that was funny shit. he thinks that i should ask

julian out on a date too, lol. i dunno. he really want’s me to be dating people,

but i don’t really want to, not yet. cause i mean it’d only be for the summer

cause ya know, i’m moving in aug. and with camp and shit i couldn’t have a

meaningful relationship with anyone. but i wouldn’t mind a few dates withsomeone

as long as they understood that it wouldn’t really go anywhere, lol yeah whatever.

oh i also put up the article about steven cozza that i have, it’s here.

just check out the files called Steven Cozza Page *.jpg there’s 8 pages and

it’s worth the time it takes to download them, sorry about the huge files,

but they were 21 megs each, so you should be happy that they are only 300k

or so now.