June 7, 2001

june 7, [divine, "walk like a man"] well it’s 10:00 PM and this

is the first time i’ve been back to my tent since 7 this morning. today was

the fiirst day of cub scout camp and i got to be a guide. i love cub camp,

it’s so much fun. there’s this adorable little kid in my group he’s so cool.

i love him to death. if i were to have a kid, i’d want him to be like that

kid. he’s got the cutest blond hair and he’s just so adorable i don’t know

how to explain it. and then we’ve got this new stafff memeber today too. he’s

so fucking gay, either that or way fem. it’s really funny, but oh well he’s

ok i guess. well not much really going on today other then checking the cubs

in. have i mentioned i LOVE cub scout camp. i really do. i wish i could do

this all summer, you get to spend the whole day in the campsite with the kids

and it’s just so much fun. i hope i get to do it again tomorrow, but i probably

won’t cause staff training starts again at 9. oh those kids are so cute too,

i was introducing myself and i go like this "hi, i’m chris, i also go

by, cj, christopher, justin, j, whatever." so they are calling me "sally"

now, it’s really cool. i love this group of kids, i usually can’t stand the

adults, but i love the kids. especially that one kid, his nickname is gravy,

i don’t even know his realy name, but he’s just so fucking adorable. i so

wish that if i have kids they are like him. lol. well i have alot to do yet

and i want to get to bede early, so i’m going to go now, laters all.

June 6, 2001

june 6, [green day, "minority"] well it’s 5:00. i’ve been up since

7 or so. i had another fucking mouse in here last night and the damn thing

kept me up all night. it was running back and forth from side to side of my

tent and making tons of noise, kept me up all damn night. grr. today we worked

in scoutcraft again, we got the orienteering course set up, got eagle bound

olympics figured out, got some orienteering games set up and figured out.

walked up to frankel ridge out to the abandoned campsite to see if we could

use it for some stuff. it looked good, so we’re going to use it. we also found

a brand new saw up there. it had the plastic still on the handle, only thing

is the blade is rusted like no other, but it’s cool. i think the rest of the

areas are still working, but we’re done with everything in scoutcraft and

it’s all set up, so we left early. suppers in about an hour any how, so yeah.

that’s cool. it’s wed night so it’s the sucky supper too. i dunno what for

sure it is, but i know it’s going to suck like shit. yep. so that’s my day

today. fun fun fun. laters all.

June 5, 2001

june 5, #3. [west end, "it’s raining men"] well i got that damn

mouse out, we had quite the go round, it was pretty funny, but i shoed him

out the door and he ran over to tony’s tent, hehe, he can deal with that damn

thing. lol. i dunno really how it go in, i thought these were pretty well

done up against mice and such. i’ll have to get smokey to come look at this

tent, there must be a tear in the screen somewhere under the decking or something.

ok well just as i was writing that i saw the damn thing sneak back across

my floor and i shined my flashlight at him and i saw him run out the little

spot that he came in at. so i followed him out side and killed him. i really

didn’t want to have to, but damnit. i’m not going to share my fucking tent

with a mouse. damn nasty little things. then i stuck a dryer sheet thing in

the hole that he had come in, cause i guess they hate that smell or something.

i know you’re supposed to put steelwool in there cause they can’t chew through

that, but i don’t have any of it right now. so i guess that’s what i had to

do. ok well it’s 9:20 and i’ve finshed my eagle bound requirments. so i guess

i’m going to head out and see what all is going on round here. mostly nothing,

but it never hurts to look does it.

June 5, 2001

june 5, [bee gee’s, "alone"] well today’s been one of those sucky

days. it rained all morning, and i mean rained. the thunder kept me up most

of the night. this morning scott and i went up to his cabin and worked on

paper work, we got everything done for all the merit badges, but we diudn’t

get to my stuff, the eagle bound stuff. so i’m working on that now. this afternoon

we worked in scoutcraft and such getting tents and dinning flys put up, we

also got the model campsite set up, so far everyone that’s seen it has said

it’s the best model campsite they’ve seen in years up here. so that’s cool.

tonight’s cook out night, and because of the weather and there only being

15 people up here, pete took everyone out to supper in boone, that was really

cool. angie’s got me eating ranch dressing with everything now and everyone

looked at me weird cause i was always ordering it with stuff xtra, it was

funny shit. i think we got hit by lightening last night cause my monitor is

acting wacko, so that’s annoying shit. but it seems to be better now. i should

really get to work on this stuff. laters.