I forget?

Water tower to house!

The 50 best cookie recipes on the internet!

Some hot boys!

Mount Ritter Banner Peak

Luang Sathorn Mansion/Russian Embassy

This has been one busy ass week for me and I’m really behind on the shit that I need to get done. I have one client that I have a huge list of stuff to do for him, but I just haven’t had the time to do it.

Not much else has really been happening. I’ve been hanging out with Constantine and having a great time with him. One night this week I went walking on the beach which was really nice. Wed I worked 12 hours, came home, made pudding… The pudding didn’t even make it to the fridge before the whole thing was gone! I dunno where it went! haha

I honestly can’t tell you what else I’ve done all week!

This weekend I have a BBQ tonight, then Constantine and I are going on a last minute road trip for the weekend. It was a bit of a pain in the ass trying to find places to stay this late in the game, but we found some. He’s gonna book them today.

Yesterday we did the first demo for the project I’ve been working on hard core the last two weeks. It was hilarious because GT was showing off the calendar function, which I HATE, and the client said. “That’s a clever way of doing it.”…. IE: “That’s a stupid way to do it!” At least that’s the impression I got. The new calendar is soooo hideous! You can only select ONE day at a time, etc. _MY_ Calendar you could do tons of stuff with! It was soo neat! I’ll see if I can post screen shots of the two so you can see the diff. I’ll be glad when this project is over. I _HATE_ Java!

UPDATE:// Here’s the screen shots:

My Calendar

This is my calendar. As you can see you can select more then one day (this is an early mock-up. You’ll have to use your imagination that the 17th and 18th are highlighed in a light blue to indicate that the range from the 16-19th is selected).

GTs Calendar

GT’s Calendar. As you can see you can only select ONE day at a time or you can select one RECORD from the day. Very annoying and ugly!


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