may 2, #2. so i just got back from econ, what a mess. i don’t understand
what he’s talking about, today he covered different pages from like 3 different
chapters that we haven’t even begun to cover. oh and sorry bout that last
entry, it’s kinda an incoheriant (sp? again) mess. but oh well. it’s staying
there. we got the AC turned on yesterday, it feels so good, for some reason
this building is always like 10 degrees hotter then it is outside. you would
thing being an all brick and cement building it would be 10 degrees cooler,
cause that’s the way it usually seems to work, but it’s not, it’s freaking
hot in here. so yeah, it’s all cool, air conditioning, hehe. umm this months
entries already take up 20 kb, opps, this might be a long month, lol.