
Hey y’all. Well, I’ve been kinda sucking at updating my photodump site. MyPhoto wasn’t being updated any more, so I had to find a new solution. I came across WiPhA so I’m using that now. You can go check it out at my Photodump site. Just click to log in as a guest and then you can view all the pics you want. 🙂 I suggest going and looking at the 2006-08-26 – Pirates of the Carb album, as I’ve added a few more shots of the ship and stuff.

This one will be much easier to keep up to date as well, because I don’t have to have anything on my local mac running, I just upload the changed files in my iPhoto Library. So hopefully I’ll keep things better this time! 🙂

All weekend Star 98.7 has been giving out free tickets to the DMB concert today. All evening Friday I tried winning them, but I kept missing the phone number. I thought it was 800-STAR-987. But everytime I called it, I got a message saying that the number wouldn’t accept calls from my area. Ugh! So then Saturday afternoon I finially got the number, which was right! Bastards, why can’t I call them! :'( Hopefully they might sitll be giving out tickets today, so I’m listening, and I now have a 949 number to call from!

Friday I hung out with Andrew, that was fun times. We went out to Panera and then just hung around the chapman. Also went to this amazing play thing called NWC. OMG, it was so great!

I ventured out Saturday and went to Target/Home Depot. Ended up spending way too much money there! Saturday afternoon/night I hung out with two different guys. The first one, James, was nice, and entertaining, but a little short.. Friends only there. lol

The second guy, Di, was really nice, and cool. And hot. 🙂 We just hung out at my place watching Dragnet. lol. He’s apparently on outrigger as well? haha. Oh well. He lives like right down the street from me, so we’ll see if we hang out any more.

Sunday I lounged around the house all day. I ventured out ONCE and almost got killed twice! Stupid fuckers don’t know how to drive. The first guy, clearly merged into my lane in the middle of an intersection and almost killed me. So I honked at him, then the jerk drove 15 mph in front of me and every time I tried to pass him, he kept swearving infront of me so I couldn’t get around him! JERK!

The second one was this Jag that clearly went through a red light… It was SO red for her that it was NEARLY red for me! She just blew right through it! OMG!

So yeah, that was my weekend. Adios!

The Apple Debate

I HATE when people say. “Well, because it’s a mac”… My Mac is NOT sub-par to your windows computer.

I agree, that 5 or 6 years ago, before OSX came out, that YES mac’s were sub-par, you couldn’t do shit. They sucked. I’ll gladly agree to that, but anyone who says that now, is an idiot.

Since OSX Mac’s have blown windows out of the water for everything. I don’t have to worry about getting a virus, I don’t have to worry about accidentially downloading trojan software, my browser correctly support standards, it has tabs built in, the Mail Application is useable.

My Mac has an amazing collection of applications to manage my music, photos, and everything else you could want.

I easily can use my favorite Unix applications, and with a small dwnload, I can have full X abilities!

Show me where Windows competes in any of these areas? IE doesn’t even come close to supporting standards, IE doesn’t offer even a basic ability to have tabs, the Mail application sucks, and to have even the basic usability of Unix, there’s a TON of extra things to download, and they don’t even come close to the ease of use and integration that the Mac has.

Whenever I complain about something… IE. “Why does Acrobat install Yahoo! Messanger”… it’s almost ALYWAYS because I am using a windows computer. So SOMEONE please tell me WHY THE FUCK does Acrobat install the fucking Yahoo Messager!? I NEVER have these issues on my fucking mac… When I download Acrobat, that’s the only fucking thing it installs… ETC!

The new MacPro’s beat out Dell’s pricing for similar hardware spec systems, granted, we’re talking systems that are $2,500+. Although Apple can’t yet meet the $300 price-point of some Dell systems, even the cheapest of Apple’s machines, the Mini, still beats out an equivalent Dell system in price. Also, each time Windows is released, you typically have a major slow down in your performance on your system, thus causing you to buy a new system. With MacOSX, each new release has actually brought about FASTER OS speeds to those with older systems over the previous OS release!

In short, I honestly don’t think that people who haven’t significantly used both OSes for a while should really be dissing one or the other. I have used Windows, MacOSX, and Linux in a daily operating life, as a desktop, server, and tons of other roles. In the long run, the MacOSX has proven to be far more useful and reliable then the WindowsOS for me.


Is Windows inherently more vulnerable to malware attacks than OS X?.

VT again adds machines, and again boost score.

US Army Drafts Apple Xserve for Supercomputer.

New MacPro Beats Dell Pricing.

IE 7.0 Technical Changes Leave Web Developers, Users in the Lurch.

Windows 5x More Expensive than Mac OS X.

Top 500.

When I lived in Iowa, I drove my car for ~60,000 miles, during all that time, I NEVER changed the air filter.. I know you’re supposed to, but I never noticed any problems. Since I’ve lived in OC, I changed it every couple Oil changes. NOW living in LA, it seems to be EVEN worse! Ugh!

Friday, I always look forward to getting to my office and having a NICE big office to myself, and of course …. My WONDERFUL chair. It’s so comfy and set just right… I get there this past week, and someone has STOLEN my chair! UGH! Why do people feel they can steal your chair!!!

Also, Friday I was driving down to Austin’s via PCH, lots of stop and go, traffic lights, etc. But the speed limit is 45. I got stuck behind this Mini-van.. Every light we came up to, the damn van would slow down to 15-20mph.. Even if the light was CLEARLY GREEN! It was SO annoying!

Check out the adorable Firefox Dog! I want one of my own… Too bad it’s not real. :'(

FireFox Dog!

And who says Starbucks isn’t taking over the world:

StarBucks and MacDonalds


HEY! It’s a REAL public entry! How about that?!

Pics from V-Day are here.

Today at work was annoying. I have VERY little to do, because I’m still in this transition between the jobs.. It’s very frustrating.

Tonight I’m going to dinner with Than and Michael. That should be fun. Hopefully the food is amazing.

Adios yall!

Green Tape

So, last night sucked hard core for me… Most emotional night I’ve had in a long time, and I’m only working on about 4 hours of sleep now. Gah!

I watched Gilmore Girls last night, did anyone else notice the green tape on lor and suki during the flower shopping scene? WTF up with that? And what the hell happened there at the end! That was such a mess.

I found this picture on Digg yesterday:

Anyone notice anything wrong with it?!?!? WTF!?

I installed iLife ’06 and iWork ’06 last night, very exciting, iPhoto really does scroll like a knife through butter or whatever Jobs said… I haven’t played with the other things yet.

My Mac seems more sluggish since I installed 10.4.4, I dunno, maybe it’s just me.

Tomorrow I’m working a normal day (9-4) because I have a doc appointment at 4:30 in Newport Beach. I’m not sure if this is just a consultation or if they are actually going to do the surgery then… Who knows, like I said, it’s just out patient and the Doc said it shouldn’t take more then 30 minutes. I guess we’ll find out… Either way, I kinda wanna go out tonight, but at the same time, just sit at home and be a bitch some more.

Why can’t things just still be the way they were 2 years ago.. I was happy then, what happened?

I’m still really pissed about a lot of things. I’m out.


Note: Pics from the weekend

Oh, my.

First, drunk blogging is not a good idea. The computer should be TAKEN away from me when I am drunk!

Ok, so Saturday, I Spent the day alone in my apartment being very depressed and shit. Watched TV and laid on my couch in my underwear.

Austin finially called like 5ish and asked if I wanted to go to HM, I said I didn’t really feel like going out, but he talked me into it. So I decided to have a glass or two of wine before going so that it would be cheaper to drink once there. So over the two hour period of waiting for him to get there, I have the two glasses of wine and get VERY VERY drunk…

Ended up on my bathroom floor even before he got there. Thankfully he was smart enough to let himself in he took care of me for a few hours while I was throwing up, made me a hot dog and got me water, etc. So very kind of him. Though he was pretty mad at me for ruining his night. I felt so bad too, because I really did want to go out after the inital talking me into it. I think it would have been good. He left somewhere in there and I went to bed and slept till 5am when I got up and wrote him a note and then went back to bed till 9 when he called asking me about computer questions.

Oh, saturday I was out driving to the store and decided it was time to take the damn international calling off my cell phone, so I called up verizon and they have this damn automated system and it asks you for your billing zip code, while no matter what zip code I entered the damn thing WOULD NOT WORK! So when I finially got through to a woman I flipped out on her. I was so pissed. lol

Anyways, back to Sunday… Got up and went over to Austin’s about 10:30ish and we worked on his computer for a few hours. He’s trying to get Mac OSx86 installed on his computer, since you can supposedly do that. 🙂 Anyways, we got things going and then the HD that I gave him crapped out. So I’ve got to find him another one.

Once we got bored with that it was off to Oceanside to go shopping and to gamble some. We got down there and went to this big mall and got food. He had Sushi and I got some Chicken stuff. But I tried his sushi and it was pretty good really. So I’ll have to try more of it. Once we were done with food we walked around some and couldn’t find any stores that we liked so then we went car shopping. Which is always fun! 😀

Drove up north a bit to this little casino called Oceans Eleven, but Austin thought there was a bigger one around, so we drove some more and ended up back in San Clemente, so we never did get a chance to gamble, oh well. Drove around the beach some and then went back to his house. Basically spent the rest of the night there hanging out.

We watched Sword in the Stone, a movie I haven’t seen in FOREVER! I love that movie, but who knew it was so educatinal! lol. I went to the beach and watched the Sunset while Austin stayed at his house and rested. After that I went back to his place and we played cards and watched the normal sunday night line-up. IE, Simpsons, etc. 😀

We also went up to Baskin Robbins in there and got ice cream. It was so yummy!

As I was getting ready to leave he said, “Would you like your gift”. And honestly, I was completly floored that he would have gotten me anything! It was so kind and thoughtful of him. So he handed me this little box and I opened it and there’s this cute ass little ninja bobble-head thing. It’s so adorable! It has a special place on my desk. 😀

He finds out today if he gets the job in DC or not. I think I’m about as excited as he is to find out. It’ll really suck if he has to move. :'( He’s got another interview today at 1 and we are going out to lunch after that. Then tonight we are going to dinner with Robert and his bf.

Which brings up a point… There seems to be LOTS of confusion out there in internet land as to the standing of people in my life! I am NOT dating anyone. And I haven’t been dating anyone since Last May! Sure there are two obvious people in my life who I would like to be dating, but neither of them want anything like that out of me, which is perfectly fine. They have been making great friends. But you all mght be saying, “Damnit, Cj B, you spend so much time with these people and you cuddle in bed and sleep together, what the hell is that then?”… Well you should realize that when I’m not in a relationship, I always keep one friend who I’m extremely close too, someone I cuddle with, sleep with, etc. Jenkins was that friend back in Iowa… and Austin/Blake are those friends here now. Although, Jenkins and I did more then either Austin or Blake have done. haha.

But on the same topic, Austin hasn’t spent the night since Thursday when he flew back in from Oakland… Kinda sad really. 🙁 I was hoping that he would have spent the night some this weekend. But oh well. His mother flys in tomorrow, so I probably won’t be hanging out with him much this week.

Oh, also at least this year one set of Grandparents remembered to call me on my birthday! So Yay for that at least. 🙂

Overall, it didn’t turn out as badly as most. It was nice to have Austin around to hang out with and stuff. Even though I’ve known him less then a month. I’m really gonna miss that boy if he moves away.

Adios Y’all.