Sites DOWN!!

Well this morning has been interesting. I’ve been on the phone with the SA’s since 3:30 this morning. 5 sites down so far, and more to come. Apparently one of the cold backup scripts fucked up (Due to some DNS changes, and things timing out), and all the sites will go down at some point or another, but there’s no way to stop it tell it happens. Then we just have to take corrective action after it’s already down.

This weekend was really good, and it seemed much longer then a normal weekend. Friday I hung out at Old Navy with Nikki and Lauren tell JonJon and Nichole (sp?) got off work. Then we hung around and had a jolly old time.

Saturday I got up and hung out, then went up to Chapman and picked up Andrew and we went apartment hunting. Started in Newport Beach and worked our way south. Found a really nice Loft style apartment up in Newport beach, like literly just down the street from my office and like .5 miles from the beach. But I don’t think I want to move up to that area. I like it down in South OC, well like it as much as I can like this horrible area. Worked our way south on PCH and stopped at a few which were WAy out of my price range. (Lofts starting at $1800). Though the two bedroom there was like $2,000. Which if I could find a roomie I could stand would be a nice place to live (IE ocean views, and on the ocean side of PCH).

Came down to Laguna area, and…..

Jon is stealing me. Gotta go.


Name Title Date Appointed
( originally established as MONTACUTE )
John Houser Postmaster 11/05/1849
John A. McFarland Postmaster 08/26/1850
Alfred W. Wasson Postmaster 01/22/1852
changed to POLK CITY on August 12, 1852
Sylvanus W. Baker Postmaster 08/12/1852
Daniel B. Spaulding Postmaster 04/14/1853
Porter T. Hinman Postmaster 09/28/1855
John C. Bennett Postmaster 11/27/1855
Nicholas R. Kuntz Postmaster 03/05/1862
Warren Pickard Postmaster 07/07/1869
George C. Baker Postmaster 04/22/1873
Charles J. Clark Postmaster 12/05/1873
Robert L. Clingan Postmaster 05/18/1877
changed to POLK on June 14, 1883
Robert L. Clingan Postmaster 06/14/1883
Thomas L. Dyer Postmaster 07/16/1883
Daniel W. Ingersoll Postmaster 03/02/1886
Conrad Hug Postmaster 03/31/1886
George W. McClean Postmaster 12/29/1888
Christopher Schroeder Postmaster 07/03/1893
George W. McLean Postmaster 01/11/1897
Albert S. Gorman Postmaster 12/18/1906
Cyrus A. Snow Postmaster 09/09/1914
George P. Naab Postmaster 08/21/1919
changed back to POLK CITY on December 1, 1924
John Blake Postmaster 04/29/1925
Mrs. Lois M. Burt Acting Postmaster 05/31/1955
Donald G. Burt Postmaster 06/27/1956
Homer Dickey Officer-In-Charge 06/11/1981
John W. Baker Officer-In-Charge
Lois M. Burt Postmaster 05/29/1982
Robert Slycord Officer-In-Charge 05/31/1985
Steven L. Syverson Postmaster 10/26/1985

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What’s the earliest date for YOUR town?!

San Diego

This weekend was really great.

I did lots of random things, and went to San Diego on Saturday. Very fun down there. Bought this really cute soccer shirt for $5. And ate at this semi-good Thai place. It was alright.

Lets see, Friday night we hung out at star fucks and had a really good time. It was nice hanging with eveyrone again, it always seems like it’s been forever even though it relaly hasn’t been. Came home and went to bed really early that night for some reason.

Saturday got up early and like I said, went to San Diego. That was really fun. We walked around the gay area. And I found this REALLY cool store that’s exactly like RagStock in Kansas City. It was hot. Then we found this other store that was really neat and had some hot fucking underwear and some really nice shirts.

Came home and I made supper, then we went to Jo-Anns and found some really neat fabric to make curtians. The lady working said that on Sunday there’d be a 40% off coupon in the news paper, so we decided not to buy it and wait tell Sunday to get the coupon. Needless to say, I went through the paper TWICE today and couldn’t find it. Gah! So it’s going to be like $40 for curtains for my room. I’d also like to borrow someones sewing machine, but if I can’t I’ll just use that no-fray stuff. Whatever.

Came home and watched QaF. Went to bed at like 10. Really early again. lol

My imaginary protfolio (What’d I’d have invested in if I’ve invested anything) is down by $89. 🙁 Maybe I should wait a bit to invest money.

Today I got up about 1 and went up to chapman. Had a really fun day, though the night was a bit boring/slow.

Went to Habit and they had some really cute clothes there, but no rocket shirt like they said they had on the phone. Bah! Also walked around the rest of that area… I guess it’s in the ‘anti-mall’.

Umm, I’ve been very mad today. about a lot of things.

I was laying on the couch earlier and suddenly got REALLY mad about my Yucatan grade thing again. Those stupid fucking hoes. I sent the profs an e-mail today. we’ll see if they reply.

I think I’ll send Frank and Kay an e-mail as well, as my PU’s said they stopped by and were asking about me. It makes me feel good, but also a really annoyed because they didn’t bother coming/sending a card to my graduation. I don’t think those two understand how much they mean to me, or my life. Seriously, if it weren’t for Frank and Kay. I’m not sure I’d be where I am today.

We’ve been on this major HIPAA compliance thing lately. And apparently we’re getting a new door video monitoring thing. I guess no one except a very few people will be allowed keys and anyone that wants in has to be buzzed in by the HD now (they choose us cause there’s always someone in our office from midnight to 7pm). It’s really crazy.

Well anyways, laters all.

Fuck you LD!

Fucking LD! This was supposed to take me an hour to recompile php with oracle support built in… But no, it’s now taken me over 10 hours to do. Fuck this shit! I just have to do this, and then get it to work right. I’m begining to think that just sticking with MySQL would have been easier…

Or if I could do this one a linux box instead of a fucking Solaris system, which is totally fucked up. (There’s like 4 different versions of GCC, who knows which one it’s using!…. Well I do know it’s version 2.95.3 when the newest version is like 3.5.* or something like that) lol. Anyways, I keep getting these errors:

gcc -o

conftest -g -O2 -D_POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS -R/usr/ucblib -L/usr/ucblib -R/

usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.8/2.95.3 -L/usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/s

parc-sun-solaris2.8/2.95.3 -R/spare/oui/OraHome1//lib -L/spare/oui/OraHome1/


conftest.c -lresolv -lm -lsocket -lgcc -lnsl -lsocket -lgen -ldl -lclntsh


/usr/local/sparc-sun-solaris2.8/bin/ld: skipping incompatible

/spare/oui/OraHome1//lib/ when searching for -lclntsh

/usr/local/sparc-sun-solaris2.8/bin/ld: cannot find -lclntsh

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

And then when I switch to this version of LD:

ned# /usr/local/bin/ld -V

GNU ld version 2.11.2 (with BFD 2.11.2)

Supported emulations:



I get these errors:

gcc -o

conftest -g -O2 -D_POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS -R/usr/ucblib -L/usr/ucblib -R/

usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.8/2.95.3 -L/usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/s

parc-sun-solaris2.8/2.95.3 -R/spare/oui/OraHome1//lib -L/spare/oui/OraHome1/


conftest.c -lresolv -lm -ldl -lnsl -lsocket -lgcc -lnsl -lsocket -lgen -ldl

-lclntsh 1>&5

ld: fatal: file /spare/oui/OraHome1//lib/ wrong ELF class:


ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to conftest

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

God damnit! Why is this so annoying. I think I’m going to ask Jon if I can redo the Solaris box in my office once this project is over. I can’t keep working on such a messy system. That would however mean I’d have to re-install Oracle, php, apache, and lots of other shit as well. That could be a bit annoying.

Anyways, I don’t really remember much of yesterday. What did I do? Oh well. I’m sure it involved Andrew, JonJon and somewhere in there FFX-2!

Today has been pretty good. I couldn’t sleep, so got up about noon, and hung around. My Gma sent me cookies and I ate some. She also sent me noodles! YAY! Now I just have to make them.

Also funny story about that. I gave Chris and Ty one each, and Chris was eating his and I was talking to Ty about them and telling him what was in it.. As soon as I said they are mostly Oatmeal and Rice-Crispy, he handed Ty the cookie and was like. “I don’t eat Oatmeal” It was like, “HELLO! You can’t taste the oatmeal at all, and you NEVER WOULD HAVE KNOWN it was in there if I hadn’t said anything”

Gah, I really hate people like that.

Ok, well yeah. Didn’t really do to much, went out for a while and had a good time. Then headed up to Chapman and played FFX-2 and watched the season premire of GG.. It was fucking good! Though I can’t wait to find out what they do! Like EVERYONe except for LL and her dad are out of town now! Where’s everyone going.

Though Andrew did mention that it’s taped here in LA, so we might have to go see a taping of it!

Umm, I’ve done other things, but I can’t remember them all right now. Laters all!

Welcome WordPress

Sweet Action dude! I can now update my Myspace journal through wordpress! Hot ass!

Lets see the last couple days have been pretty amusing. I got home from work on Monday morning and couldn’t sleep. So I sstayed up all day and hung around. JonJon came over and we went down to Laguna beach and I bought two new shirts. Well one is really a jacket. but they are both HOT! I’m going to wear them next Wed. Maybe this Wed Too! Though I spent a bit much on them. lol

One was from G-Sus Sindustries and I can’t remember where the other was from. But they are so cute!

Umm, after that we hung out a bit more then headed home. I stayed home for a while and then finally was able to sleep for a couple hours.

Left for work and did that shit. Working on trying to update the Solaris box that I have in my office so that I can get firefox to work right. Bah!

Got home this morning and just hung out and went to bed. I slept very well today. JonJon came over sometime while I was sleeping and played Video gams and the like. once I got up we hung out for a while then met up with everyone and went to Long Beach to a Drag show.

The Drag show as tons of fun, but I like the ones in DM much better…. Better Drag Queens with better outfits, better music, louder music (IE, your body vibrates with the music), beter lights, cool laser shows, etc. Eh, whatever you can get I guess.

I had a really good time though and Jana and Kymie (Sp??, it’s something wierd like that) did the whole promise ring thing. It was so cute!

I felt a bit bad though cause JonJOn and I were driving together and I was on the phone trying to get directions and he was trying to tell me something (That I almost hit someone) and I told him to shut up, and then after wards was like, “NOw what did you want”… And anyone who knows me when I get lost and frustrated knows ohw I get, so It was a little mean and I felt bad for snapping at him like that. He didn’t deserve it.

Well anyways, laters all!


I meant to talk about this…Apple iPod Technology is really hot!