Adopted Kids

Gah, ok so one of my co-workers adopeted these two kids… And Gah, he’s just annoying with them…

Well, ok. He’s annoying in general. He’s one of those people who takes 100 steps to do one thing… Thinks he knows everything, and that he’s always right. He has all these stories about how he owned a multi-million dollar business, and how he’s done HD for his whole life for a “big” printer company and blah blah blah. And sometims I just want to tell him to shut up.

I also get annoyed that we use so damn many windows machines around this office…. I wonder what the policy would be if I switched my desktop to linux.

I slept all day yesterday, and then got up for an hour and then fell asleep again. Got up at 11 and started work from home.

I’m still really tired… I may be sick or something.

Might be taking on a second job, it’s a dreamweaver position for a small company. Just a few hours a week, but it’d be nice to get some extra money in my pocket as always… I’m still waiting for that raise I was supposed to get at the begining of the year.

Anyways, night all.


This weekend, I had probably like 20 nightmares… It was crazy! I can only rememeber two of them right now, but it was strange because in the morning when I got up for good, I remembered them all…

The two that I remember now though are… 1) that I was flying a 747, and had to land it on Highway 69 between Ames and Ankeny. 2) That I was in the military and people were attacking ISU and we had to save it…. Both very random and very scary… If I remember any of the others I’ll try and write about them again.

Ok, so about my weekend.. Friday was a really long day for me. Nothing worked on Friday morning and then they came in and moved our desks around.. I now have about 2 feet less desk space which is really annoying if you ask me. It’s like I’m an island out here in the middle of the office, all alone. 🙁 Though this morning there’s a new unopened Dell box at the end of my desk. I’m hoping it’s a laptop for me, which means I’ve been officially upgraded to an SA. ::crosses fingers:: I really hope that’s what it is… THough I REALLY don’t want to go to daytime hours. 🙁 hopefuly they’ll let me work 6-2 or something like that.

We have a new CIO or something like that, it’s a new position and he’s cracking down on the working hours… Alot of people used to come in at anytime between 8 and noon. Now he’s asking that everyone be here by 9, which I think sucks. I’d like to have the ability to come in anytime. And since we all work so late into the days sometimes… OK, most of the time. I think it’s only logical to start later if you’re planning on working later. But I guess we’ll have to see how it goes.

I do really like this guy.. He’s very nice and seems to be getting a lot of the little things taken care of, so that’s always exciting. Plus this way we have someone who’s totally focused on the technology part of the business, so that’s good. I’d eventually like to be CIO or something myself… If I don’t have a nice business of my own some day.

Ok, Friday night JonJon and I went out to a nice Thai resturant of rhis B-day. His food was really good, my food wasn’t that great, that is tell it had sat overnight and soaked up all the flavor. Then it was REALLY good. 🙂 Anyways, the lady was crazy nice and you got a HUGE serving for cheap, so we might have to go back there again…. After that we went to the hookah lounge right next door and that was fun. Which brings me to my newest business idea….

I figure it’ll take about $2,000 investment. However, I’d have to be in Iowa since they are already so big out here… That spot right next to JJ’s, the one that can never keep a business more then two weeks. (It’s had a high end clothing store, and then a disko/DJ store in there before, two things that DM DOES NOT need!) Anyways, I think it’d be pretty popular… Though you’d have to sell about 50 a month to cut even, and even more to make a profit. Though… I think it’d be a small profit that you’d make. However, you could also have little mini-lounges at places like the state fair, the malls, etc during the summer for a little extra money. But I don’t think it’s a viable business for the long run.

So after that we were going to go to Robs for a party but ended up going home.

Saturday… Got up and went grocery shopping and bought some girl scout cookies. JonJon came over after work and we made dinner then just hung around the apartment that night. It was actually really boring, I would have liked to have gone out, but I feel alseep at like 8:30. lol.

Sunday got up and went to Laurens and went through all her camping shit. That took tell nearly 5:30. also got some more wood, which we chopped and stuff. It was lots of fun… And that got me thinking about joining the boy scouts again… Blah!

Why can’t I just forget things that hurt and annoy me… LIke Boy Scouts… I know I can’t do it again, but yet I want too so badly!

Anyways, next topic, random change…..

I miss fucking… I miss like back in the day with Adam where we’d fuck, and then 20 minues later, we’d switch tops and fuck again. I miss being able to top/bottom whenever.. Gah. It really annoys me when people are all. “I’m a top only” Gah, get over yourself.

I got iLife ’05 downloaded and installed. That’s an excitment in and of itself!

Ok, well I’m going to go to work now. Night all.

3 people here, at 3 am?!

Ok, so today is majorly crazy.

I couldn’t sleep at all today so I spent most of the day sitting out side on the porch reading and playing with my kitties. I made a litlle baracade so that they can’t get off the porch. They were so funny, they freaked out at the slightest sounds. I also had a hummingbird today too. That was fun.

Finially got to sleep about 4 or so and slept tell 11:30. JonJon came over somewhere in there, but I slept through all of his visit. I feel bad about that. 🙁 Came into work and first nothing was working, now there are three people here and still nothing is working. 🙁 It’s crazyness.

One of the guys had to leave to go get another guy who’s at a bar and has to come in to help, but he car got towed. lol.

I’m on page 800 of Cryptonomicon. I’m nearly done with it, which is really sad. 🙁 Though reading it really makes me want to live during the post WW-II era, IE 1950’s or so. I think it’d be fun. And much better life.

Umm, I had a lot of nice things to write about today when I was laying there reading, but of course now I can’t think of any of them. Gah! I knew I should have written a mid-day update! Oh well. You all get to hear me blab about nothing then!

I’ve finished with my most recent project here at the office as well, which is always good. 🙂 They seem very thrilled by it which makes me feel really good and like I’m contributing to the company again. I haven’t felt like that since I wrote the Timesheet thing. 🙂 Jeff says he has lots of little projects for me to do, which is nice because I like little projects that help the company. Short term and all that.

Well anyways, I guess I should break. This weekend is JonJon’s b-day. We’ll see what that has in store.

Laters all.

More Stupid People

I really hate people who try to talk about things which they’ve never used.

I also really hate people who claim they have experience in things when they don’t.


Also, why don’t people understand the clear superiority of Apple OS 10.X??? WHY!?

I wish I could force every doubter to spend a day with a mac… They would undeerstand then.

It’s really funny too to hear all the switch stories right here in our office. First it was Damon with a Mac, then it was Me… Now there’s 7 people all with brand new mac laptops that they all bring in, and plop out on thier desk every day… And every one of them LOVES it!

Speaking of switch stories. I woner what happened to that really hot boy that Apple used in it’s switch campaign?

Laters all

Cube City

Well, yesterday I was moved out of my office….

And into my bery own CUBE!

Whoppy (SP?)

It’s actually not that bad. It’s a HUGE cube, and I can still get a faily good view of the windows.

The back side of it is open to the ping pong table, so that’s kinda fun. But not much else to report.

I don’t like that anyone walking by can see my computer screen. I may be moving some stuff around here soon.

Today I went to Ikea with JonJon, and Andrew got all pissed at me because I wouldn’t come up there.

We had a good time at Ikea and I found some stuff that I want to buy, but didn’t because the lines were REALLY long, also went to Best Buy, Wal-Mart and a few other places looking for ergonomic keyboards. Why can’t I find ANY! I really don’t want to buy one from online because that means I won’t get to type on it first. And I like to have a keyboard that, well fits.

I went out to get my mail at like noon today and this random lady from next door stopped me andw as like, Do you have a cat that looks almost exactly like this, and I was like, yeah. And then we talked for a while. I twas really random.

Anyways, laters all.