Not a Way to Start.

I’ve already put out one fire so far this morning. Damn computers!

So I had this random ass dream last night, about me and Skinny…. How random, cause I haven’t seen him in years! We were spending a weekend together at my grandparents for some reason. And we showered together, but nothing sexual happened. We were just hanging out as friends. Very strange. I’d really like to see Mike again, although we were never good friends, he was always fun to hang out with.

I’ve been awake since 1 this morning. Blah. 🙁

Good news! I might get to see Blake on the 13th. And depending on if he can get away from the Monster-In-Law, he might be coming all the way down to the OC! So I’m excited already, but I’ll be super duper excited once all the plans are finialized!

Got the company christmas party invites yesterday. Cocktails at 6:30 and then dinner at 7, with free passes to the park for all day. Blah!

I also got another e-mail from the guy offering me a job. It’s like the exact SA job that I want, here’s the description he gave me:

The specific duties include ordinary things like dealing with our various hardware devices & related applications – linux & mac servers, email & ftp & web servers, routers, firewalls, mac laptops, asterisk phone switch, backups, monitoring, telecom lines, network printers, etc. – mostly in support of your co-workers and sometimes for our clients. For example, we have demanding & changing security compliance requirements and we need to change/improve many things to meet those requirements. Also we want to implement enterprise-class disaster recovery (using a combination of interesting opensource technologies like xen & drbd). Also we want to implement a global ldap/directory system for our distributed offices & clients (haven’t yet decided whether to use apple’s or redhat’s ldap implementations). Also we want to implement a wikipedia-like system for our product documentation (would be used by thousands of users around the world). Also we want to upgrade our bugzilla issue tracking system and integrate it more tightly with our business partners. Also want to automate monitoring of our systems & services. As you might imagine, there is no end to the projects necessary to keep a company modern & competitive, and you would play a role in many of them.

AND they just switched from all Desktop PCs to Mac desktops! Woot! It sounds like an amazing job.. Sad thing is that I’d have to take a 15,000 pay cut. Which I really don’t want to be doing. So yeah.

I wish my cat would understand that taking these damn pills is for her own good! Stupid animals.

Blake made me watch this amazing movie yesterday called, “House of Sand and Fog.” I dunno how old it is, but if you haven’t seen it you MUST go watch it! I was crying 30 minutes into the movie and it only got sader from there… But I HATE the fucking Cop man, he’s a freaking bitch, I wish the kid would have shot him.

But you know I’ve been very emotional lately because commercials have been making me cry, so yeah.

I want to go romp around in the snow with someone sexy and make snow angels!

On Friday I was in Laguna Beach and found my next art purchase. It’s an original, 7feet wide by 6feet tall. It’s amazing. Now I just have to save money to buy it!


Another Wish List

Check out my new ThinkGeek Wishlist

If you want to buy me some things I also want the following:



Chess Set

The Solar Orrery

Constellation Draco Compass

So get out your checkbooks!

So remember a few weeks ago I was supposed to go up to Big Bear with this guy Joshua? Well as you know, I never called him and he enver called me so we never went.

Well this week he IMed me and was like, “You wanna go again”. So I said, sure i’ll give him another chance. So I called him twice yesterday and sent him a few txt messages and the bitch never called me back. Stupid fag. I can’t wait till he gets online on Monday so I can fucking bitch at him. God that just pisses me off.

You know what else pisses me off. Stupid people that I work with. I sent this guy a Wiki Doc with SiteIDs.. (Wiki is basically a paage anyone can change to update, etc). He e-mails me back saying. “That page has old info”.

I just want to e-mail him back and say. “The fucking fix it”. You asked for the information, i sent it to you. I fucking spent a WEEK gathering that information and putting it into there, it is NOT OLD. And if you fucking think it’s old, then do your fucking job and update it you stupid fucker.

Sorry, this guy just hits a spot in all of us SAs. He calls at 1 or 2 in the morning for STUPID problems. He NEVER calls the right person, he IMs you on the weekends or whenever he damn well pleases and expects an INSTANT responce, and if you don’t give him one he freaks out. Then when you DO reply to him he often doesn’t get back to you for hours.

I put up my christmas tree yesterday, put some garland/lights on my mantle, and put lights in my slider door. I’d like to do more then that, but just not in the mood to spend that money. I have too many other things to pay for right now.

My cat has been throwing up hard core style lately. I’m going to take her to the vet here soon.

And I broke my classes today. Thankfully I have my contacts and my old glasses to wear till I get my FB card and can get a discount at Pearl Vision. Fuck you company for not having vision insurance!

Speaking of companies. I got an e-mail from a guy I interviewed with back in April ’04. He’s adding a new SA job to his company and offered me the job. I musta made a good impression when I was here for him to keep my information around that long! I’m going to e–mail and ask for some more information. Though I don’t think I’ll go with it as I didn’t really like the office when I was there last time, plus I don’t really want to change jobs, unless I’m moving out of the OC.


National Debt Now Completely Insane

Free spending big government Republicans are breaking the country. After all the talk about fiscal responsibility and small government from these guys, this is what they give us.

Last month, the national debt reached yet another miserable milestone, passing the $8 trillion mark for the first time. As of last week, the United States was $8,084,858,891,735.31 in the hole, according to the Treasury Department.

Here is the depressing stuff you should now consider before the 2006 elections:

In fact, Bush has borrowed more money $1.05 trillion from foreign governments and banks since taking office than all other presidents combined.

From 1776 to 2000, the nation’s first 42 presidents borrowed a combined $1.01 trillion from foreign interests, official statistics show. In just five years, Bush has out-borrowed them all.

–Dvorak Uncensored

EDIT:// And as we all know the Big 3 auto companies are having major financial issues… Yet we get this:

So, let me get this straight – one of the major problems with the Big 3 is excessive worker benefits, right? So, if that’s the case, then one would expect executives to practice what they preach. And at about this time, you’re wondering if I’m really from this planet, and for good reason. GM CEO Rick Wagoner will be receiving a $4.6M retirement package, courtesy of a Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan that has been set up for him. This plan comes from funding that is separate from GM’s vastly underfunded pension plan, and is said to be payable even if GM files for bankruptcy. Is it just not possible to properly fund one’s own retirement on $4.8 million a year? Or is the goal to just eliminate whatever sympathy that the public might still have for GM’s management? Wow.

Long Weekend

“Where men build on false grounds, the more they build, the greater is the ruin”

Wow, so a lot has happened this weekend. This is going to be long…. HERE WE GO!

First, I want to go all the way back to Wed… because right before I left work I had a meeting with GT, I’ve been working on this website forever for him. The thing that I have approved overtime for. Well, basically this website has a table, each row consits of a set of data stored with in the database, you can do a certian set of actions on each of these sets of data based on if it failed QA or not, or if it’s been processed at all, etc.

So I started out, with the table of data and one column with a radio box next to each set. At the top and bottom of the table you had a drop down box, and then a “Go” Button. The drop down consisted of the actions you could take on the data (5 in total). I had a meeting with GT then and he decided that he just wanted the drop down next to each row, with an onchange event to handle it. That way you don’t have to scroll to the top or bottom of the page, etc. So I changed it…

Then I had another meeting and he decided he wanted pretty buttons next to each one… Now as we all know, I’m NOT a graphic designer… And there are no such thing as pre-made buttons for the work we’re trying to indicate. So I spent about 2 weeks designing and drawing these buttons to look good… This is about 2 months after the start of the project, mainly because GT says… “I’ll meet with you at this time” and then he never shows up or something else comes up and he’s not around. IE, I was supposed to have this Wed meeting with him on MONDAY.

Anyways, so I finish the buttons and then show him… NOW he wants to go back to the FIRST FUCKING way I had it done! GRRRR!

Ok, so that’s that… Thursday I spent the day alone, I made a turkey breast and noodles and potatos and stuff… It was pretty good. I got a call from Michael late that night asking if I wanted to go to a movie, but by the time he would have gotten back to the OC and stuff it would have been way too late, so I said no.

Friday I again spent the day alone doing nothing. Well actually I did a few hours of work and came into the office and grabbed my laptop from here so that I could work fully at home without having to scp things across the network. Which was getting slow. I also installed Sim City 4 on it and was playing that some. 😀

That night I went out with JaunC, what is it with short boys in the OC! Anyways, we went up to the Block at Orange and watched HP.. Amazing movie! And OMG Harry shirtless.. Yum yum! Sadly they killed the other hot boy! And Malfoy didn’t get enough screen time. After that we went shopping and I found some 2(x)ist undies at Off 5th for like $4! So I bought two pairs. They’re sexy!

Got home about 11 and went to bed. Got up Saturday and lounged around my house… Did some random stuff and then Robert came over and hung out for a few hours. We went out car shopping. That was tons of fun! I test drove a Jetta and I have to say that I REALLY liked that car. I’m just leary cause everyone is all, “They have bad electrical” and plus I’ve read things about being easy to mess up the computer if you don’t take it to a Jetta Dealer for maint. I’ve narrowed my seach down to 6 cars, and fully decked out the way I want them they range between $22,500 and $28,900. So it’s just a matter of picking them apart bit by bit and making the final decision. Expect another year of this! 😀

I already have a few minor things I don’t like about the Jetta is that the cup holders aren’t covered… And something I don’t like about the Mazda3 is that the back seat has very little leg room when I have the drivers seat at a comfortable poistion.

I’ve also been really wanting a Wrangler lately, but after going and looking at them, they just seem like they are WAY over priced for what you get and they get HORRIBLE gas milage!

Once we got done with that, went back to my place and hung out till 7 when I left to go back to the Block at Orange.. This time I was meeting Jeffery… But first I went shopping again and bought two more pairs of undies, and a new stocking cap… It’s cute and has a penguin on it! 😀

So I met up with Jeffery and we went out to dinner then went to see Rent… RENT WAS AMAZING! You all have to go see it. I cried, again. It’s just such a compliment to the play. OMG, just amazing! And I saw the trailer for BrokeBack Mount in the theaters… OMG I can NOT WAIT for that movie to come out! Just under 2 weeks! ::does a happy dance::

Jeffery on the other hand was a dud. … ::yawn:: He just really didn’t have much to talk about, and I tried making conversation with him and he just didn’t say much. So yeah.

Got home about 12:30 (because the movie didn’t get out till midnight) and went right to bed.

Sunday I got up and spent the day lounging around my house. I ran into Robert while I was out grocery shopping and we talked for a few minutes. I made turkey tacos too. Those were so yummy!

Speaking of though, I’ve actually been making most of my food out of turkey or chicken lately… ground and such. They say it’s healthier, so that’s good. 🙂

I talked to my mom on Saturday too, and found out when the christmases are in my family.. We’re doing my dad’s side on Christmas eve and my mom’s side on christmas day… Which I think is actually a first! For as long as I can remember we’ve always done my dad’s side on christmas day.

However, my mom’s side is at the farm… Which, is HORRIBLE! I’ll be brief about this because this post is already getting very long, but the farm house is small… And my mom’s side is LARGE, as in fat and as in, lots of people! There’s absolutely NO WHERE To hide! When we have it at our house I can always go up to my room and not be annoyed… When we have it at my aunt’s house in town I can hide in the basement with the pool table and no one will bother me… But when we have it at the farm house. There’s no where to go. You have the kitchen, the dining room and the living room. All of which are full at all times.

Plus the farm house smells, not of farm smells, because those wouldn’t bother me.. But it smells because the people who live there don’t clean, and it’s all dusty and old smelling. I’m just really not looking forward to it. Blah!

Plus, my mom is like. “I don’t know when we’ll have our own christmas’ haha. So I’m going to have to hit the ground running when I get there at 9pm Friday night. I was thinking I might try and go out with Jenkins that night. I’m really excited to see him again. Plus Jef promises he’ll make more time for me this time that I’m back. 😀 Since he and his boyfriend are on better terms now.

And lastly… This weekend I had to use the key for the first time in like forever to get into my car… I stuck it in and turned it and, well it didn’t turn! So I looked more closely at it, and found that the lock mechanism is all beat to shit. Looks like someone tried to put a screw driver or somthing in there and bust my door lock open. So I looked at the others and found that the trunk was like that too. The passenger side door is the only one left that’s not destroyed.. Very interesting if you ask me because who the fuck would want to steal my car? And how long has it been like that?

Oh.. and thanks to leper boy for all the advice… I’m still considering what to do… Andrew IMed me the saturday and said. “if you don’t want to be my friend, it’d be nice of you to at least tell me” or something along those lines. All I said back to him was that he should go read it again, because no one ever said anything about NOT wanting to be his friend. I did however take down all the pictures of him, and all the shit from the trips we’ve taken. Not the first time I’ve done that though.

Site Movements

So yesterday I bought a new domain… That’s right! Soon, will point to this site as well! Woot.

I also got my site set up at my home computer and just need to work on getting a few other things working before I make a switch over to there. Because I’m sick of being hosted. It looks like DyDNS will charge me $24 a year to do what I want, so I’m trying to find a free solution. Any ideas anyone?

Yesterday at work I really didn’t want to do anything, but I did end up getting a lot of stuff done.

I also realized that google has pulled 5 gigs this month from my website and thanks to OG we found that it was because of one page getting stuck in a loop and sending data forever and ever! I disabled that page for now.

I was supposed to go up to Big Bear today, but the bitch I was going with never called me last night… And stupid me left his number at the office. Oh well.

Umm, other then that nothing has been going on in my life. So adios!