Napa Valley Trip!

I love three day weekends…

This past weekend we had a great time. First was Jason’s birthday party on Friday. We had a great time, but left early. I felt bad about leaving so early, oh well.

Saturday morning we got up early and headed out to Napa Valley. On the way up there we stopped at Pinnacles National Monument. The drive from the freeway to the monument was tons of fun. But we only spent about an hour there. It was pretty and I’d like to spend a little more time there.

Got up to Napa late that night, went out to eat and while we were
eating this girl next to us saw that we were looking over maps and stuff and talked to us about the winery she worked at called Mumm Napa.

Sunday morning we got up and headed out at 9ish. Our first stop was a few parks and what not. First was Bothe-Napa Valley SP. It was a nice park, but nothing exciting. After that we headed to the Old Faithful of California. That was also fun, but again not that exciting. It was neat to ee though. Then we headed to the petrified forest. Here’s a pic of Const at the Petrified Forest:

From there we headed out to the winery’s! First was Sterling, which was probably my favorite in terms of the overall experience. First you arrive and take a tram ride up the side of the hill to the top of the winery. You are greeted with your first wine tasting and then you go on a self-guided tour of the winery. Here’s a shot of the HUGE wood barrels they ferment the wine in:

As you make your way through the winery you get to try a few different wines, on the balcony you get some wonderful views of the valley and you can just chill and talk and drink your wine.

Once you get through the winery you can take a seat in the main building and you get to try three more wines. On the day we were there they had some AMAZING Truffles there as well from a company called Truffle Gateau. I HIGHLY suggest going and buying some of them!

After this place we headed out and and drove to Burgess Cellers. Apparently you needed reservations or something, because the guy seemed very confused that we just walked into the door that said “OPEN”. So we just left. Headed from there to Sutter Home, which we went to because I really liked the building. Tried a few wines, but nothing I really liked.

Headed from there to V. Sattui Winery. This was another GREAT winery. But only because of all the foods and cheese they had at the shop. Oh my god. The cheese was wonderful! We also ended up buying 6 bottles of wine from them. From there we headed to Mumm beacuse of the girl we met. We didn’t taste anything there, but saw the art gallery and bought two small bottles of wine just for the hell of it

Our last stop of the day was Peju (only because it was basically the only one open past 5). I really enjoyed the modern art they had outside, inside we found this great pic which is just exactly like Tuxedo!! How cute:=

We got a great guy to taste with and basically a private tasting room because they were so busy! We bought two bottles of the Provence wine which was really good.

But this whole wine tasting thing. I really don’t get it. “In this wine you’ll taste hints of bannana and mango and this and that and the bottom half is a little bit sassy!”. Umm, really!? WTF!

We went home and were just so tired from all the tasting that we went to the hot tub and then just ate dinner and hung out at the hotel for the night.

Monday we headed home and stopped at the Golden Gate bridge for some pics.

From there we headed south to the Winchester Mystery House. This place was really cool. Very crazy stuff.

Of course, you can download our Google Earth Tracks here or you can download our GeoTagged photos here.

And photos of the trip are all here.

Happiest Place On Earth!

Ok, even though I was single on Valentines day this year, I have to say that it was probably THE BEST valentines day ever! And probably one of the best days I’ve had since I moved to California.

So I came into work and worked for 4 hours and then headed out to Disney with Austin. We get there and go to Denny’s for brunch and have a good chat about random things. Then we head off to the real park.

Get in there to California Adventure and walk around. The first thing we did was Muppets 3D, which was kinda retarted, but still mildly amusing. It was expected.

They played the 1812 during that though which got me thinking about the band “Bond” and thier version of it. So we started talking about it and Austin really likes that band too, which is kinda random because they are such an odd band. It as just cool and random.

From there we walked around a little more and did the Monsters Inc ride, which was COMPLETELY retarted and the damn thing broke like half way through our ride! So we had to sit there and wait for them to come escort us out of the thing. It was so random.

After that we went and did our first rollercoaster, which really wasn’t all that bad. It was the Tower of Terror, which I’ve been on once before down in Florida. So I knew what was going on. From there it was off to California Screamin’. That was a good one. We went upside down. 🙂

As we were leaving we went found this thing called Soarin’ California which Austin had heard was “bad”.. As in good. So we went on it. It was really pretty cool. Basically a quick fly by of California things to do. I really want to go do some of those things! IE, the Hot Air Ballon rides over the Napa Valley, etc. JonJon and I always talked about going up there and doing a long weekend at a bed and breakfast and doing that. But I never really wanted to do it with him. I’d want to go with someone I actually gave a shit about. lol

So after that ride we left California adventure and went over to the real Disney park. (We got same day park hopper tickets, which I highly suggest!)

Ok, the rest of this is in no particular order, because we walked all over the park and around and around and it was crazy, but tons of fun!

But we did the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, which wasn’t all that exciting, but it was still cool and relaxing. Plus we cuddled in the front of the boat in front of all the straight couples. It was funny.

– Big Thunder Railroad, which was crazy. It wasn’t the most exciting of all the rides, but it was still cool.

– Splash Mountian we did after dark, which was a BAD BAD idea. First because we got SOAKED and it was SOOOO COLD! Second because we came over the top of the 50 foot drop and you couldn’t see the bottom, so you had NO IDEA where you were going, it was so scary. Third because we sat in the VERY FRONT of the boat. I’d have to say that was one of the best rides the whole day.. Thrill Wise.

– Indiana Jones, which was pretty cool. Again we sat in the front, and it was pretty good.

– Tea Cups. Standard issue, but still fun and cute way to end the night

– Space Mountian whichw as CRAZY because it was completely dark and you had NO IDEA where you were going!

– Star Tours. A fun ride for being so old, it could have been way better

We counted them up on the way home and we did 12 rides, but I’m only listing 9 or 10, so I dunno where the others are. But we also did the train ride all the way around the park, It was after dark and we cudddled on the train. Again, very cute.

It was also cute because the on all the rides he would hold my hand and stuff. It was adorable.

So overall, we were at Disney from noon till 8pm. Drove back to my place and he came in and spent the night. We had a talk about his high partner numbers… Come to find out there was a bit of a mis-understanding, he has had 50 partners, but most of those people he’s just done like Mutual J/O with. He’s only had 8 actual sex partners, which isn’t that bad. And he said that the VAST majority of them have NOT been one-nighters, which makes me happier about the whole situation, but still not thrilled about it.

Our discussion did get a bit heated though because I feel that SEX is something that should be shared between two people who LOVE each other, and you should be comfortable and MEANINGFUL of telling someone you LOVE them before you have sex with them, whereas he views it as more of a “fun” activity. I just dunno what to think.

But, he did actually kiss me on the lips a few times, which is again just confusing. He says that he just doesn’t feel ready for a boyfriend, mentally and emotionally, because of the whole job thing, and he needs someone more dominating, so that’s cool. But I just want to keep pushing him and make him do it. He said at one point that we’re practically like boyfriends, he said like, “psydo-boyfriends” or something like that.

Arg, like Vero said, it seems like he’s jerking me around a lot. I’m not sure if he’s just not sure what he wants, or if he’s doing it on purpose. Grr! Why are these things so hard.


EDIT:// I forgot to mention that on the drive home, Austin put on this Playlist on his iPod, it sounded a bit lovey dovey too… I think he planned it. He held my hand and it was so cute all the way home.

And when we were first laying in bed, he kept saying…. “Chris… Chris… Chris… What am I going to do with you”… Etc, etc. What’s going down!