Fiesta Cantina

So Thursday night I ended up going out ot Fiesta Cantina with Jason, James and Ben. It was good times. The place was kinda dead but we chatted it up and enjoyed the night. Came home about 2am.

Friday I went to work and had a horrible conversation with this guy I know online. I guess I need to do better back ground checks on people before I start to hang out with them. UGH! Fucking lying sons of bitches. I’m just so sick of people lying. Why can’t they just fucking tell the truth and be who they are. If you’re a god damn slut. Say you’re a god damn slut. You stupid faggot. I confronted the asshole about it, and he’s yet to reply. I’m guessing I won’t be talking to him again.

I’m sure you’ve all heard of the “Hold your wee for a Wii contest”… Well here’s some updated news:

Yeah, you could see this one coming way back when the original tragedy actually happened, but after getting things all lined up, it seems that the family of Jennifer Lea Strange will be aiming for Sacramento-based KDND-FM, its parent company Entercom, and the employees associated with the whole “Hold your wee for a Wii” ordeal in a wrongful death lawsuit. Although on-air personalities claimed that the contestants signed “a release,” that paper was apparently one that simply “granted the station permission to use the contest in its promotional materials,” and the family lawyer believes that no waiver of liability was ever signed. Notably, the FCC has jumped into the investigation as well at the request of the family’s attorney, as one of their suggestions is to have the station “taken off the air.” Per usual, the lawsuit “seeks unspecified medical, legal, burial, and funeral costs,” as well as presumably lofty sums of money to compensate for “other punitive damages,” which we’re fairly sure they’ll end up receiving.

Ok. this is ridic! The stupid bitch fucking did it on her own will. UGH! Why is this country so god damn stupid. Ok, and the fact that they were fired, and now the FCC is trying to get the whole station off the air. OMG. retarded!

So friday night I went out with Stephen and we had a good time. He’s much cuter then I remember him being, but the braces are just not doing it. Plus he’s WAY too obsessed with having a nice car. IE he drives a 2006 3-series, but he’s all. “OHhh I want a Land Rover so bad.” you know the type! We went out to Cheesecake factory, then ice cream and then went and saw The Departed. So that was fun. Very good movie. You should all go see it. The bitch at Cheessecake switched our left over bags. So I got his and he got mine. And neither of us liked what the other person had! haha.

Saturday I got up early and headed to Santa Monica for a business meeting and then hung out with Ben and Jason most of the afternoon. That was good times. We went to Sunken City again and walked around. Then it started raining so we came back. Ben hung out here all night watching movies and chatting and stuff. He left after breakfast on Sunday morning. He’s really cute and very nice. But I just don’t know. Neither of us are really converstaion people, so it’s a bit awk at times. I really think I need someone who’s talks more. But we have a lot in common and like I said, he’s very cute and nice, etc. We’ll see where this goes. But I’m feeling frieds only.

I lost my camera on Saturday morning as well. I was getting ready to go hiking and putting the battery in my camera. I picked up the camera off my desk, walked the 5 feet to the battery charger. Put the battery in the camera, and then the camera disappeared! GONE, POOF! No WHERE! Jason and I turned this place up side down. Can NOT find it anywhere! UGH!

Sunday afternoon I went out to Coffee with this guy Chad. We just chatted about boys and life and etc. Just like everyone else, he was very nice and very cute… But probably just friends there as well. He was here for nearly 3 hours though and we laughed and chatted. Good times. Really helped me get my mind off previously mentioned asshole. Sadly as soon as he left, I saw the asshole online and wanted to YELL at him. UGH!

Ok. Well since I only got a few hours of sleep last night, I’m going to go nap before Simpsons/etc is on tonight. Later all!

Really Cool. STOFU

This is a really cool app for showing stats about the state of the union. It’d be kinda cool to build something like that into normal websites, etc.

Here in LA there’s been a lot of talk recently about this homeless guy, who found a vial of Mercury in the garbage. He was transporting it to sell for drugs and spilled it in the subway. Granted the guy should be off the streets, but they are trying to charge him with terrorism! How crazy is that. Idiots.

So anyways, recap…

Wed I worked in Newport again. I got moved out of the shared office and into a bullpen cube area with the developers. Very strange move for me. I don’t really feel like I should be sitting with them. The good news is that I no longer have to sit in the office and listen to the two other people I was sharing with talk baby talk to thier fucking wives all day long! On the other hand, now my monitor is visible to everyone who walks by again. Very annoying in it’s own right. So we’ll see how that goes!

After work I went home and hit the gym. Three UBER hot boys working out yesterday. OMG. I swear one of them kept staring at me too. Came home after that, showered and then did some work. Ben came over about 6ish and we hit up the sushi place. Since he was late we didn’t get half price, but it was still good. The convo got off to a bit of a rocky start, he was cute and very nice, but searching for topics not work related was a little difficult because he hasn’t really done much here and he’s been working so much that’s about all there was. However, I tried to stay away from that because he said he was sick of it.

Got done with dinner and decided to head back to my place, where we watched a movie, cuddled and talked some more. He’s very nice, and like I said, VERY cute. I was a bit concerned because his myspace pics aren’t that good, and he actually looks good with longish hair. Big concern is that he smokes, UGH! He left my place about 10 and I tried going to bed.

Ended up trying to talk to Mayko, but just got annoyed. I think I need to take a break from him. As the feelings are once again becoming more then just friendly. Finially got to sleep about 11, which is strange considering I’d only had 2.5 hours of sleep the night before.

Phil said this the other day: “All I know is that my love is wasted away as each year passes away”…. Damnit!

Thursday I worked as usual and applied for a part-time IT Manager for a small non-profit in BevHills. I think it would be a really fun job to add onto my typical work duties, plus this way I won’t have to worry about contracts all the time. I would have a steady second job. So I’m looking forward to hearing back about that. The only place I was lacking experience was in the fund raising software they use. Which I’m sure can’t be that hard to learn.

I had lunch with this guy Jimmy today day as well. He was cute, nice and very smart, majoring in neuroscience. But yeah. Just not my type. He was very quiet as well though. What is it with me finding all these quiet boys. I can’t do that! I need someone who talks a lot! After work I went home and biked for a while and then pretty much crashed on the couch. I don’t have to work till 11 on Friday and wanted to go out Thrusday night, but I haven’t found anyone to go with me yet… Hopefully someone will come through! 🙁

I was bored at work the other day and decided to play with Google Maps. My weekly routine now includes over 500 miles, and 12 HOURS in the car. EACH WEEK! Oh god, someone shoot me? That doesn’t even include the time driving between the gym, store, etc. That’s just TO AND FROM WORK! And then add in the traffic time as well. 🙂


I got a summons to jury duty…. UGH! I’ve done so good at not getting those damn things! But my luch has finially run out! It starts in last Feb and the thing says is expected to last 5 months! Holy cow!

When I got the envelope and saw “District Court of LA” or what not. I was scared out of my mind. I was like, “Oh GOD! The feds caught me!”

This is a really boring but very interesting video about math in education. I highly suggest you watch it:

And this is a really cool video about the stress testing a Boeing 777 undergoes.

Do you hate those damn speed traps? Check out this CopSpy seems a little out dated, but still cool and could become useful if enough people submit to it.

Google updated the satellite images of the DM area. Check them out.You can see amazing deatil now!

I bought a new domain yesterday. It was one that the VP threw out when he was rambling, and I liked the sound of it. So I bought it. is now mine! 🙂 Now, what to do with it?! If you have any good ideas, let me know!

They posted the Tour De Palm Springs elevation and route maps the other day… Check them out. I’m a bit scared!!

Tour De Palm Springs Route Map

Tour De Palm Springs Elevation Map

Tuesday night I went out with Mayko to Beige. We had a really good time and ended up chatting with these two random guys. Well, he talked to them, cause they were speaking Portugesse. 🙁 God I really need to learn another language, I feel so stupid around them! hahah. Either way, the 405S was closed yet AGAIN! Why do they always do this to me!? So I got home shortly after 2am and got up to go to work at 4:45. So I’ve had about 2.5 hours of sleep. Ugh!

Tonight I’m hanging out with this guy Ben, we’re doing sushi. Tomorrow I am having lunch with this guy Jimmy, and Friday I an having dinner with Stephen. Saturday I am going to stay home and do work which I’ve been neglecting and Sunday I have a bike ride in the morning, a lunch business meeting and then hopefully Mayko and I can go out and spend the last of my birthday money! 🙂

I also need to find time to get my ass to SMC and get my Student ID and find out about parking. I’m also getting really nervous about this class and wondering if I should change over to French…. 🙁

Why is it that when you have to mail something to a federal agency you have to pay for postage? All incoming and outgoing mail to ANY federal office should be FREE. “God damnit. I have a problem right there!” LOL Oh Mayko!

Ok, adios!

Line-Item Veto

Ok, why are Republicans so stupid!…

“The Senate’s high-profile ethics and lobbying reform bill was sidetracked yesterday after conservatives voted against further consideration of the bill because it didn’t include an amendment giving President Bush line-item veto power, the ability to single out individual spending items in legislation for elimination.

Umm, last I checked Line-Item Veto was ruled unconstitutional back in 1998. So why are we pushing for it again?

Ten foods you should never eat. Why do they all look so tasty!

OMG. I was laughing sooo hard at that video!

Amazing shot of Toyko at night. I think I wanna go there this year. Maybe if I’m still talking to Mayko in November he can come with! haha

I want this waterfall in my house.

Check out these COOL Soviet Era bus stops! The real question is why are the all out in the middle of NO WHERE?

Apparently you can still cancel your Verizon contract even if you have a txting plan. However, it seems that Cingular doesn’t want your business until the iPhone actually does come out.

Detox your diet. I’m gonna have to start having more green tea or something.

The Aids/Lifecycle Campsites have been announced.. check them out. So who’s coming to which nights to hang out with me? haha.

And now for some real news. I posted a while back that my building was for sale, etc. Well, on Monday the boss called me and I had a total Office Space moment. The boss asked that I send him a list of what I do, and how much time it takes up. I could honestly only account for about 50% of my time. Since before Christmas, no new projects have been sent to me and I don’t have any LONG TERM projects that really keep me busy. Well today, he calls me again and basically said that they want me to start working out of that office 3 days a week so that they can integrate me on some other projects down there. Because PHS hasn’t fully utilized my time like they kept talking about when I moved up here! UGH.

WHAT TO DO!? :'(

But either way, starting Monday I will be in Newport Beach M,W,F and Santa Monica T,R.
Logo There are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

I’ve invited 23 people to go out tonight for my B-Day. So far 1 person has said for sure, and 3 have said “maybe”. We’ll see how this goes.


Take it or leave it

You know, I HATE when people call me up and ask for advice on electronics or computers or what not. And then they do the exact oposite and come compain at me when what they did breaks something.

IE, Evil Aunt is buying a new computer.She asks me what she should do. I say go to the website and find the best computer you can for what you are willing to spend. What does she do? Instead she goes to fucking QVC and buys a computer off there! UGH! She sends me the specs… She spent $900 at QVC, is selling the EXACT SAME COMPUTER for $359!! hahah

IE#2, nearly 6 years ago the G&G bought a desktop computer. I kept saying, get them a Mac, get a Mac, blah blah blah. I knew I would have to provide support for them, etc. The Evil Aunt kept saying, “No, I’ll help them, get them a computer I can help with, blah blah blah”. Well they got a dell, right off the bat I had to teach the Gma how to do everything. Some of the other family helped a little, but most of the stuff she had to learn I had to teach her. And of course now that things are really starting to get fucked up… She calls me up all the time with her problems! And it’s not EASY to talk her through things.. “You see the ‘File,Edit,View’ buttons at the top”? …. “No”. OMG! I don’t USE windows. I honestly have no idea how to do most of the steps in windows any more. If I’m sitting there using it I can do it, but trying to talk someone through deleting an Outlook Express account from memory is basically impossible for me to do over the phone. If we had got her a fucking MAC like I suggested years ago it would be NO PROBLEM!

Remember sex guy upstairs, the one that MOVED OUT!? Well the new guy is having loud sex at all hours of the night as well… And I’ve YET to figure out who the hell actually lives there. I Swear every day there’s a new guy walking in and out of there… There was one hot 20-something that was going in and out one day. YUM! But no matter who LIVES there, I’ve only seen MEN coming and going!

I am officially signed up for Tour De Palm Springs Yay! This will be my first Century (100 miles in one day!) Wish me luck! Anyone want to come out to Palm Springs for the weekend with me??? I’ll be gone all day Saturday, but Friday night and Sunday morning we can do something. Perhaps shopping at the outlet mall?

You know what’s amazing about SoCal in winter? You can ride your bike down the strand and see people wearing:

A) Laying on the beach wearing a bikini

B) Playing Volleyball in board shorts

C) Walking on the strand in shorts/t-shirt and flipflops

D) Sitting on a bench wearing jeans and a sweater

E) Walking the dog in a heavy jacket, stocking cap, and gloves

F) All of the above….

People are crazy!

I’m REALLY getting sick of people ditching me at the last minute for things. Ever since the New Year, I’ve been trying to schedule things for EVERY night of the week, be it staying in and chatting with someone, going to coffee, or hitting up a club.. I want to get out of my house. I’m tired of being stuck here.

Now, go back through and count the number of nights that I have actually gone out. It’s not near every night. Infact, it seems that MOST of my week-day activities get cancelled at the last minute. And I’m SICK of it. Chiba really pushed me over the edge on Tuesday night. He and I had made plans LAST week to go out to Beige. So I txt him at 3:30 to see if he’s still wanting to go. No reply. He gets online at 7ish and messages me… We talk for a while and after a bit I ask him if he’s still going, he says he will see…. So anyways, 9 comes, and he still doesn’t know, then 9:30.. He’s just now starting his HW…. So at 9:50 I tell him. I need to know if you are going or not because if not then I am going to bed or or if we are then I need to change. Anyways, so we got into an argument about it because it was very annoying and I just snapped because I’m so tired of people cancelling on me!

He called later that night and we had like an hour long discussion about it and how I’m so much more managed in my life then nearly everyone he or I knows here in LA. I manage my time, I manage my money. The only thing I can’t do is manage my social life! I also don’t double schedule things, so if someone cancels on me, I’m screwed. And double scheduling is a VERY LA thing to do. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to turn into an asshole just because I live here. Either way we talked and it was good, I wish we could have more in-depth convos like that to connect. It’d be nice at least. He called me again like an hour after that, I’m not sure what he wanted, but I was pretty sleepy so we just basically said Hi and then Bye. lol

Mayko said he really wanted to hang out for my Birthday, so that was nice of him. I’m thinking that Sunday I can head over his way and we can go shopping or something. I figure I can afford to spend like $300 on myself for my birthday. Maybe take a trip out to the outlet malls or what not, and I really like his style of dress, so that’d be fun!

I’m not too sure what I’m going to do for it though. I really wanted to have a group of people and go out to dinner, but since no one can ever commit to anything and two of my better friends are in a bitter fighting match right now, I just said screw it. So Friday night I’m pretty much not doing anything at this point, Saturday day I am doing laundry, that night one of the guys at work is having a bowling party which I may or may not go to depending on if I go on a ride Sunday morning. And then as I said, probably hang out with Chiba on Sunday afternoon. I’m also thinking of baking myself a Pink Champange Cake. Which behind Ice Cream Cake, is my favorite!

This morning I really wasn’t in the mood to roll out of bed, so I slept in till 6. I was on the freeway by 6:30 and traffic was already at a dead stand still. Why can’t I just work from home. Seriously, I NEVER interact with the people in this office.
