
So, yet another GREAT GREAT Wed night with Andrew. Ohhhh, what a great night!

So I decided that I wasn’t going to go to work at all. So I sat around here paitently waiting for him to arrive. He finally got here about 12:30ish, I was looking out my peep-hole (Why’s that sound so bad and wrong?), and I saw him carrying flowers. I was like, “OMG, ::tears:: how nice.” I had to wait a second to hold them back before opening the door. He came in and handed me the flowers. I was so in shock, and a warm fuzzy feeling that I just didn’t know what to do or act. It was such a special thing for me! No one’s EVER got me flowers before. Sooooo nice. I’m almost in tears just sitting here looking at them, and reading his card…”Topher – Thanks for being you! You mean the world to me! -Drew” They’re so pretty, I wish that I had my digital camera so that I could take some pics of them! Although now he’s kinda ruined a surprise that I’ve been planning, oh well….. Maybe I’ll just do it anyways!

After that excitment was done we came into my room where we sat and talked about how our day was, etc. Made him a CD which was really amusing. Although my CD burning software wasn’t working quite right, so I had to do alot of manual labor to get it done right. Bah! But it was tons of fun. After that we made plans to go out to Reiman gardens.

Went out there and there were a bunch of old crazies working there. First the lady taking money was like “How old is your friend there” and I was like 18. And she was like, “He could pass for 17.” and then she talked some more, and I handed her the $5 that I had, she took it and we went off. We were looking at the hatching area, and Andrew bitched about her saying that he could pass for 17, and then taking the $5 cause we figured she would only make us pay the $2. Well, a couple minutes after he bitched the lady was like… “Here I only rung you up at $2.” I was like, “Ohhh, thanks” I bet she heard Drew Bear bitching.

So Reiman was TONS of fun! We walked around inside, and then went outside…. Yet another place that I wish we had our own little photographer walking around with us! So many cute little thing happened there. First we walked over to this big bell like thing, I dunno what it is, but we stood under it and kissed. SOOO cute! And so much fun! After that we walked around some more. Stopped at this covered bridge type thing and kissed and hugged. God, we’re so CUTE! I just can’t get over it! Weeeeee, so great. You really have no IDEA how great it is to have someone that I care about, and I’m not ashamed of. Someone that I can go out in public and kiss, and hug, and hold hangs, and not be embarrased. Drew and I have had more PDA’s TODAY then Adam and I did in the whole 16 months of our relationship. So great!

After the bridge, we went up to this little hill thing and sat there on a bench and held each other, and kissed some more! We sure do alot of kissing! There were breeders and I think we scared them some… Eh, who cares!

From Reiman it was off to the mall because I heard that AE and Gap got new shit in. It didn’t look as if Gap did, but AE did. So that was fun. After that we went and ate at Village Inn. Good food there, I paid! From there it was off to Best Buy, where Andrew purchased FF1&2, the originals! I’m sure he was excited. Saw Andy Beatty there too!

After that back to my place where we sat around and talked, and kissed some more. Again such great times. What I really love about kissing him is after wards leaning back, and in that second before he openes his eyes, he’s so CUTE! So Adorably cute, and then he opens his eyes, and you see those big, sweet, caring brown eyes looking back and you, and you just feel so great and this warm tingly feeling flows throughout your body, oh so great! I wish I could take a picutre from my eyes so that I could see that all the time!

One thing that we talked about at Village Inn was all the gifts that we had given Ex’s. And it really pissed me off cause I realized how much money I had spent on Adam. I mean, we’re talking TONS of fucking money. And what did I really get in return, he never did anything sweet like I did (Ie, cards on car, etc), he never got me flowers, he never bought me tickets to some show that I wanted to see, he never did SHIT! Pretty much everytime we went out for food, I paid. Arg, it pisses me off to much. I wish I could block that 16 months from memory!

Anyways, back to much happier things. At 7:30ish we had to go to campus for a group meeting. That was amusing and only lasted like 20 minutes. Good time though, Andrew looked as though he was bored as hell! lol.

After that we came back to my house and laid in my bed with Enya playing in the back ground. They should make a movie about us cause we’re so CUTE!! Damnit. so fucking cute! We kissed and talked and kissed and talked some more. It’s getting so hard to leave him! I dunno what we’re going to do if we ever can’t have a Wed together.

And speaking of, he’s not going out Friday night, which is sad. But also understandable. I was reading XY today, the relationship section of the new guide thing, and it’s like…Ok, so I can’t think of exactly what it said right now, but basically is said that in a good relationship everyone has to have a night or two out with freinds that are just thier friends. And that there should be some non-shared friends. Anyways, I’m glad that he’s going out with girl. Even though I find her funny cause she almost acts like she’s his GF or something. So crazy! But I’m sure he’ll have fun, and I’ll find something fun to do too!

So eventually it came to the point where he had to leave, and it’s so hard. Of course it always takes like 20 minutes to get him out the door, and I feel kinda bad for pushing him… Cause I feel like I am. But he has to go at some point!

Tonight shall be filled with sweet sweet dreams, and I’ll be smiling all day tomorrow!


So, we had our first Calc test today, and I got totally ass raped by it. It sucked MAJOR ass…. Every problem but one he you had to use this (f(x + h) – f(x)) / h. Something that looks easy, but I never did understand it. I figured we’d be able to use all these other rules that we’ve been learning about since like the 2nd week. But nope. So yeah, I got the right answer for EVERY problem, but I didn’t do it the way that he wants, so I’ll get 2 of the 6 points for all the problems, which isn’t passing. So that’s NOT good. Rarr!!

But in good news, this is the 6th week of classes… So we’re getting there…

Adam was online today for like 10 seconds, but I was busy with a group project, so I couldn’t talk to him 🙁 He said he’d be on later tonight, but I don’t think I will be. Rarr!

Umm, Redhat 8.0 is SWEET!! I love it. Everything’s so pretty and shit. I just haven’t found the place to change the theme, etc. It’s usually under something called “Look and Feel” but it’s not here anymore. Rarr! But I’m happy with it. Samba STILL doesn’t work, which was the reason that I upgraded, but I’m sure it’s just some stupid thing. (Mental Note: Must find a SAMBA expert)

Also Opera doesn’t work, but I know why. Damn librarys and shit! But Mozilla’s nice.

Anyways, I’m going to study… Or at least attempt too. Laters!!

She’s not bitchy, she’s just…. Herself

So tonight’s been TONS of fun, even though it’ll be the most time that I get to spend with Adam this weekend.

I picked up Adam at 4, and we went off to the Mall, where we met up with Dustin, and went on break with him, that was fun. From there we met my mom and went looking for a Suit for me. Cause I need one for interviews this week. So we went off to Structure, just to look at stuff, and they had Suits there, so we ended up getting the whole thing there. It was the MOST amusing time I’ve had in forever!

First, we got there and they guy that helped us, was totaly gay! And the third thing he said to me was “Do you talk with your hands, cause I do!” It was so funny. Then he had to leave cause he had another “Appointment” (He walked out the door with his bf!). But yeah, it was good times. I got two of thier cool ass shirts and two ties, etc. It was soo Cool!

After that we went out to eat and my mom got totally SMASHED, it was hilarious!

From there we went downtown where we met up with Andrew, good times there. We talked about how we came to know each other, and how the hate/love relationship worked back in the day when no-one knew anyone else. They also made fun of my horrible spelling skills, etc. Hey, fuck it!

Scott showed up as well, but didn’t stay long, anyways, it was good to see him again.

We went to the str8 loop and I was scared to death. I mean it. I was sooooo fucking scared. I demanded that we go back to Java’s. I don’t think the girl was too happy about that. Whatever. I mean, it felt like I was going to have a heart attack. It was bad.

After that, we all sat around Java’s talking about random things. Andrew asked me to go to homecoming with him, it was a nice gesture, but it was too little too late in my eyes. And plus, it’d be a double standard, since that’s the reason I was pissed in the first place. So whatever. We’ll see what tomorrow brings. I’d like to see Adam at some point at least.

As I was driving home, I got stuck behind this fucker going 40 in the 55, we were coming into PC and the guy saw the cop, so he slowed to 30 in the 55. The cop pulled out, turned on his sirens and got up right behind me. I was sooo sure he was going to pull me over… But I was like, what the hell for, cause I hadn’t done anything. So I got over, and he pulled over the other guy. I hate PC cops. Rarr!

Ha, the cops in DM just pulled a guy over for doing 70 on University (30mph, we learned in english that you shouldn’t use Miles Per Hour…. It should be Miles An Hour, whatever), dumbass.

And that’s my life.

Pound, Pound, Pound.

So yesterday Adam and Missy stopped into work just as I was getting ready to leave, so we left and I headed back to Adam’s and they went to Missy’s. They met up with me at Adam’s about 45 Minutes after I got to Adam’s. Blah.

From there we went shopping with Scott, this was the first time I’ve gotten a chance to hang out with him and he’s really cool.

After shopping for like 3 hours we went to Java Joe’s. Scott and Missy went and got Dusting W and a shit load of other people. We met them at Java’s and went to Static about 10:30. It was good times, the guy at the door didn’t even check Adam’s (fake) ID, so that was amusing. We got in there and there was no one there so we just hung out. I hate dancing, but they made me anyways. I felt like such a dumbass. But I danced for a while and looked stupid. But within like 30 minutes I had a splitting headache, I still tried dancing as much as I could, but with the POUND, POUND, POUND of the music, I really couldn’t. I had to go somewhere. So I went to the balcony and hung out where it was quiter and cooler. I wasn’t planning on spending the rest of the 2 hours there, but I ended up doing that. Even though I may not have looked like I was having fun, I still had fun times. It was great, perhaps next time we go back I’ll take lots of caffine pills and tylenol first.

About 1am we went to Perkins and ate breakfast. Adam had to be back at 2:30, so we ordered before everyone else, thus we got our food first. I felt so bad eating in front of everyone, but whatever, we had to get home.

Last night was fun.

I got to bed about 3am, and then at 7:30am, my dad gets the great IDEA to put in a fucking skylight in our bathroom. (Which is on the other side of the wall from my head). So he cuts a hole in the bathroom cieling, not that bad, just a hand saw. Then…. He cuts the hole in the roof… Can we say LOUD?? He got out a power saw to do that sucker, and it took him like 45 minutes, I swear to god. I wanted to go punch him and hope that he fall’s off the roof or something. After that they noice died down a little bit, until he started putting in the skylight…. more POUND, POUND, POUND. Fucking shit..

I’m now working on 4 hours of sleep. I’m going to be dead today…

So in recap, last night was POUND, POUND, POUND. This morning was POUND, POUND, POUND. I hope the rest of the weekend doesn’t have that.


So yeah, Ramsey got the job at Krell, which is way cool. This should be a fun summer there. Mike Dorman was in the paper yesterday, you should all read about it.

Today’s consisted of nothingness. I had a final at 4:30, so I had signed up to check out at 3 from my room. I got there at 2:30 and went to knock on Sri’s door, he wasn’t home, so I hung out for a while and read the paper and shit. At 3 he still wasn’t there, so I did like he told me to yesterday when I talked to him. He said tha tif he wasn’t there to go down to the hall desk and turn in my keys and get things going there, so I went down there and the guy said that I couldn’t do that, I had to have my RA with me. So then I was like, well Sri’s not in his room and he told me to have you call someone if he wasn’t there, so could you do that, and he was like, “No, but you can wait tell after 7 and we can page someone then” now remember this is 3! Fucker, so I went back to my room and waited tell 3:20, Sri still wasn’t there, so I went downstairs and talked to Nicci the hall director, she was like, “OK we can call someone.” So then, I waited tell 3:30 tell they found someone that could do it, he came and we did the whole thing, went back to my room and he was like, “You need to clean such and such better” and I was really pissed by now and told him that “I already cleaned that damnit” he said “You didn’t do it well enough” I wanted to fucking punch him, cause there’s no way he could tell how clean it was, he didn’t touch it or anything, gwar. He just sucked at it totaly. Then he was like, when you get done with that come back down to the hall desk. So I did that and went back down there…

I got there and he was gone, the guy was like “He had something to do” So I had to stand around again waiting for them to find someone to come check me out, by this time I wanted to punch everyone one of the mother fuckers. God-Damnit. So along comes this girl… She’s like, so you need to check out, and she went though the whole thing that the last guy had just done…. I was like, he already did that, and she said “Oh” Dumbass. Then she went back to my room and told me to clean everything that the last guy had just told me to do and then some. I was like, I JUST FUCKING DID THAT, and she said that “well we have to make sure it’s clean” so off I want to get the cleaning shit again, and this time, I did it with her in there, so that the fucker dumbfuck could see that it was being cleaned. So I cleaned it all and then she was like, well this and this are broken, and I bitched at her about that shit cause it was like that when I moved the fuck in. God I wanted to just fucking punch her. ….

So even longer story short, I was late for my final.

I took my final then headed off to meet Adam at his house like we talked about yesterday. I got to the insterstate and called him. He said that he was “sick” and that I couldn’t come, I was like, thanks alot for calling and telling me that, so I hadn’t wasted my time driving to the interstate, but whatever, I just went to VWM and got my mum her Mothers Day Gift and I got myself this game called “Zoo Tycoon” It look amusing.

That’s all.