People are stupid. just so we’re all clear on that.
i think the drinking age should be lowered to 16. yeah, people today, they
are drinking anyhow, so why not make it legal. they would have more control
over it then, and people wouldn’t be out having keggers and the like. and
kids social liveswould be greatly imporved. now i know there’s MADD, which
in my opinion are just a bunch of mad mothers. and not mad in the sense of
mad, but mad in the sense of MAD. you know what i mean. yeah, ya know england
has a 16 drinking age, and you don’t see all the problems there that we have,
do you? i think we should be more like the UK. it would be cool. yeah, i think
abortion should be legal too, i don’t like it, but it’s the woman’s choice,
it’s her body, it’s her. she should be able to choose. the courts and the
government should just stay the fuck out of it. i also think the smoking age
should be lowered to 15. and gay adoption and marrige should be legal, and
i don’t think i have to explain myself there, 🙂 i’m using those smilies way
to much. i should stop. MSN is so cool cause you get to change your name thingy
when ever you want, hehe. it’s cool. i thnk the government should say the
fuck out of the internet too, they have no idea what they are doing, and they
are just regulating it way to much, there’s really nothing, one sertian country
can do, people will find a way around it. if they are going to regulate the
internet it should be one world regulating industry, but i definatially wouldn’t
go for that. nope. but yeah, so what if they are trading music, not like the
recording industry is REALLY losing all that much money. assholes. i also think that e-mail and the such should be treated with the same privacy of
snail mail, where as employers, school, government, etc, shouldn’t be able
to read it as they can now. ok back to the MADD bitches, so who’s always going
to win there, a kid wanting to have fun, or a mother with a dead kid? but
just look at the numbers, look at them, i’m not going to give them to you,
you go find them, but look at them, in england the deaths from drunk drivers
is soooooooo much lower then in the US and they have a much lower drinking
age, when they raised the drinking age 15 years ago, they just pushed all
those kids that were drinking socialy into hidhing where they drink just to
get drunk. maybe if i get time i’ll put up an article i have on the issue.
it’s a good one. i also think they should legalize some drugs. yeah, i mean
people do it, so why make them criminals, legalize it and tax it, MAKE money
instead of wasting billions of dollars on a losing battle. damnit. stupid
ass government they have lost touch with the people, and the way the real
world works. they don’t understand that makeing something illegal doesn’t
make the problem go away, it just increases the problem. now i’m not saying
they should legalize murders or anything, but little things like drinking
and smoking, and a few drugs. what can that hurt? really, i mean. fuckers.
why the hell do i even bother going to programming? he never teaches anything
that i don’t already know. it’s such a waste of time. yay for OOP, he’s making
it out to be this huge hard thng, when it’s really quite simple. ya know maybe
if they learned how to program before he taught the class. and yeah i liked
today, he spent most of the day telling us how it is in “real world”
programming, WTF does a person with a fucking history Ph.D. know about real
world programming? dumbass. there was something else i was going to bitch
about when i started. damnit. i can’t remember it now. oh, yeah i’ve been
looking trough all these colleges that i’ve allpied to, and it’s getting kinda scary. i mean, it’s like cali, that’s a damn long way away, i want to go there,
i want out of this state, but it’s just a scary thing, ya know. it’s expensive
too, i don’t want to put that much of a burden on my PU’s but ya know i kinda
look at it though as they have the time, i’ve given them the info, they said
they would take care of all the money, so if they don’t get going on all the
grants and loans and scholarships and shit then it’s their problem, they said
they would take care of it all. i’ve sent them more then enogh information
on everything, i’ve sent them cost info, places to get info on scholarships,
everything. so if they don’t tell me what to fill out or if they don’t get
it done, then it’s thier problem, not mine, i shouldn’t have to pay shit, when they said, “you can go anywhere, we’ll take care of the cost”
i mean i don’t have a problem with me paying for extra things like supplies,
and clothes and entertainment money. but they said they would pay for books,
and tuituon and housing tell i was 21. so back when they said that i said
fine, and quit my job, cause i have been working a partitme job since i was fucking10. and i took the last two summers off and worked at jobs that were
fun, and i spent time traveling. i still had a lot of money, enough to get
me through tell the next summer when i could work again, but now that they
are throwing this whole thing of saying i have to pay 60% of the cost, or
the difference from instate college to out of state college. that just fucks everything up. does it not? i want out of this state, they are trying to limit
where i can go by this, and i know it and they know it, it’s *really* not
money probelms, they have the money, everyone knows it. they just want to
limit where i can go. they want me to stay in iowa, or close by, and i’m sure
my grandma has a big hand in it, cause ya know they didn’t bring this up tell
after christmas, after they talked to her, after she found out i was looking
at san diego, i bet she has the biggest hand in it. ARG. i hate my family.
if i find someone to spend my life with, i know that they won’t be seeing
much of my family, and we won’t be making many holiday trips to iowa. nope,
were going to their family, or actually i would much rather just stay home
and spend the time with them. ya know i think i should get a different system
for these updates, the files are starting to get alittle big. but yeah, damnit
that’s another thing i’ve beenworking a fucking paying job since i was 10,
in the store first and then in 95 when it closed i went and started at kum
and go, and i usually worked 30-40 hours a week DURING the school year. fuck,
i’ve worked long enough. i want some time off, i don’t want to have to wrok
like that during college, i want to have fun, my HS life sucked ass. i want
to live during college, iwant to be somewhere where i can have fun. out of
this state, that’s for sure. so far i haven’t lived, i don’t ahve the money
to live, most of my money that i made over summer was spent when i traveld
in august. but this summer, no matter where i work, i should make enough money
to get me trough the next year, with plenty of money to spare. and also round here, you have to go all the way to sioux falls to have any fun, and that’s
an hour drive, plus there really isn’t much there to do, sure they have a
huge ass mall, but it’s a fucking boring mall. really it is, trust me. and
then there’s a few clubs, but they aren’t really all that great. ya know sometimes
i just wish i could say SCREW YOU. and leave. i really do. it’s sad really. time for class.