Family Tree

So I started playing with that family tree/website thing last night. The Cookbook will be so cool to have online! But, I’m going to have to take some major time to move all the reciepies into it. You can even do ratings and stuff. It’s going to be so cool!

The whole family tree thing though is going to be more problematic. I’ve found lots of free desktop apps to do this, which all seem pretty cool, however I want something web-based. The only one I’ve found that’s web based is broken. So who knows about that. I’ll keep looking into it though.

Brian came over and hung out for a while last night. Again he was just using me to as a staging point for his evening out. However, I did get him to take care of my kitties while I’m in Iowa for christmas. So that’s good. 🙂

While he was there Nile IMed me… Nile and I hung out once WAY back in June, now he’s got a girlfriend and the only time he ever talks to me is when he wants to get fucked. AND as we all know, I don’t have sex with people unless I’m dating them! I tell him NO everytime, but he just never seems to get it. Damn straight boys. Brian messed around with him some online though, it was pretty funny.

Technically you can consider this Wed already. 🙂


Site Movements

So yesterday I bought a new domain… That’s right! Soon, will point to this site as well! Woot.

I also got my site set up at my home computer and just need to work on getting a few other things working before I make a switch over to there. Because I’m sick of being hosted. It looks like DyDNS will charge me $24 a year to do what I want, so I’m trying to find a free solution. Any ideas anyone?

Yesterday at work I really didn’t want to do anything, but I did end up getting a lot of stuff done.

I also realized that google has pulled 5 gigs this month from my website and thanks to OG we found that it was because of one page getting stuck in a loop and sending data forever and ever! I disabled that page for now.

I was supposed to go up to Big Bear today, but the bitch I was going with never called me last night… And stupid me left his number at the office. Oh well.

Umm, other then that nothing has been going on in my life. So adios!

Paris Day 1

Wow, I can’t believe it’s only 10:30am on Friday … Well here it is 7:30 and we’re so ready to sleep. I think we both got maybe three hours of sleep on the plane.

Anyways. I left SNA yesterday and the first flight was Ok, but the woman sitting next to me was reading this mindless drivel magazine and it was annoying. Got to Detroit and waited around. 5 fucking hour layover. Blah! I found a nice place with free internet and a plug in… So that was good. Got to talk to Blake some more and it was nice to do that.

We went to dinner at Chili’s and the waitress was so stupid. Finally got on the plane, and we tried switching with the Isle people so that we could sit next to each other. But they were both bitchy and were like. “I want to keep my isle seat” Grr. Anyways, then he made me get a fucking dinner when I didn’t want too, and then he didn’t even eat it! I also drank on the plane. That was fun! Who knew that they were free on international flights! Woot.

BTW Blake, 661mph cruising speed with a 71mph tail wind, outside temp of -51 degrees. We landed 1 hour early. 🙂

Got through customs which was much easier there then when I went to mexico, Very strange. Got on the train after being very confused and then got to our hotel.. It’s a slum, what can I say. 🙂 The building is really old and cool though. As are all the buildings in the area! So pretty!

After we got settled here we headed out to Notre Dame.. It didn’t take that long and the skies were overcast so that sucks.. But I got some good pics of it. (73 pics in total today). From there we walked over to the Arc and then to the Eiffel Tower. We didn’t stay long at either of them because it was cloudy and the visibility sucked, so there was no point in going up them today. Hopefully before the weekend is over.

Did some random shopping and stuff in there too and just general walking around the city. It’s really fun and cool. But also really dirty.

Anyways…… I’m out for the night.


So who here knew that Paul Schafer (From David Letterman) wrote “It’s Raining Men”?!?!

Umm, so this weekend was ok. Friday I went out with the Astricon people. Dinner with 40 people was hilarious, and cost $2,000!! Good thing someone else was paying! After that we went down to newport beach which was kinda a bust. Oh well. Ended up staying out till midnight that night.

Got up Saturday and spent the day wondering around my house talking to Blake online. After two weeks, we finially got to skype it again. So that was nice. THough I kinda laid into him about how I feel left out of his life sometimes. and how it really pisses me off that i can’t see him more. I mean he’s only 2.5 hours away. I would be willing to laeve here at noon on fridays, go up there and hang out with him for 3 or 4 hours after his class and then drive back home. But whatever.

saturday night Brian came over and hung out. It was nice that he came over, but i was a bit annoyed because he only came over while he was waiting for his other friends to call him. Because if he’s not out of his house by 8 he gets bitched at apparently. He ended up staying till nearly 11:30, but that’s because his frineds didn’t call him back till then. Whatever. it was nice to hang out. We watched Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy. Which i thought was pretty funny.

Sunday was more of the same. Sitting around my house. Only it was raining and overcast and made me depressed. Because when it’s rainy and overcast like that I like to sit infront of the fire and cuddle. But alas, no one to do it with! Blah.

I was dead tired for some reason and went to bed at 6:30ish. Was alseep by 7. Then someone called and woke me up at 8. I looked at the clock and thought it was 8AM! So I jumped in the shower and then realized it was 8pm! haha. So I went back to bed.

Also found these two amazing things this weekend:

Throw Bush Around!

Magic Cone (Thanks to Zach for that one).

Adios yall.

Geek To Me

Blake sent this to me a while back… He said it reminded him of me.. I thought it was cute:

How I learned to stop fretting and love a computer nerd

I had been going out with him for about four days. It was summer, and we were lying on a blanket in the park, shaded by the whispering leaves of a tall maple. I was trying to remember the age of a mutual friend.

Without saying a word, he sat up and pulled out a tiny zip-lock bag from his backpack. From it, he extracted a square of paper and unfolded it until it turned into an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet containing in 6-point print the addresses, phone numbers and birth dates of all his friends and acquaintances.

What kind of alien life-form was I dealing with? He had thick eyeglasses and mad-scientist hair. He wore T-shirts commemorating computer conferences. He used CD-ROMs as coffee-table coasters, and his china cabinet housed electronic gear.

I knew he was a computer programmer, a self-proclaimed “geek.” But I had counted on there being some self-mocking irony in his proclamation.

Instead, he was the kind of guy who opens the door for you and offers to carry your bag. He was attentive, ready to take you home as soon as you showed signs of tiring. And he could write e-mails with a humorous edge. Plus, behind those thick lenses he had large blue eyes.

When he asked me out for coffee, then for dinner, then for dancing I could not quite say no.

I came to understand that he didn’t mean to be socially inept; he was just on a perpetual quest for efficiency. He wrote his grocery list on the back of debit-card slips. He named items in the shortest possible form. Sometimes it was “tom,” for tomatoes. Once I stood looking at the list on his refrigerator, trying to figure out what “zalm” was.

“Oh, that’s ‘salmon’ in Dutch,” he explained.

He had a huge music collection, which he had meticulously converted into MP3s and sorted into categories on his computer. But I couldn’t figure out how to access his music because, of course, he didn’t use Windows; he used Linux.

When my birthday rolled around, he secretly e-mailed my friends and relatives to ask if they wanted to chip in to buy me an LCD screen for my office computer. He suggested a PayPal account. (My parents preferred to drive over and hand him a check.)

At some point I can’t say when I began to use double digits to program the microwave (33 seconds, 99 seconds so much faster!). I organized my storage closet, adopting his system of labeling each box with a letter and keeping a list on the computer of what each contained. I even found myself perusing one of his favorite Web sites, the one with the motto, “News for Nerds.”

Soon I concluded that resistance was futile. I moved in with him that fall, only to discover that living together meant…sharing all his toys. I could borrow his laptop and sit in the backyard, writing e-mail via our wireless connection. We could sit in bed and watch DVDs on his laptop’s deluxe 16.1-inch screen. Once, we went to a cheap motel and cozied up with old episodes of “Fawlty Towers.”

There were practical advantages too. He offered personalized tech support, 24/7. He provided free Web service, thanks to the server in the living room. And he could combine all the leftovers in the fridge into a scrumptious meal. Most of the time.

He was always open to trying things, whether it was a camping trip, a new restaurant or a classical music concert. And he always seemed to be able to put what I was feeling into just a few concise, efficient words.

Six months after our first date, we were sitting at a Spanish restaurant. He took my hand, shyly, and blurted out, “I made a New Year’s resolution that I would ask you to marry me, and I see no reason to wait any longer.” It was January 4.

I agreed that we would send out the invitations by e-mail. He agreed to wear clean socks for the occasion. The following September, we wed.

And now, every morning I get up and face one fact: I married a geek. I made my choice, and I’ve never been happier. Now if only I could find some teacups to go with those CD-ROM coasters.

by Eve Krakow