Dec 18, 2000

Dec 18, opps i slipped a couple days, o well, hehe, not much

has been going on round here lately. I’ve been SOOOOOOOOOOOOO fucking bored,

you want to know how fucking bored i’ve been i found some HS’s website and

COMPLETELY redid the damn thing, go check it out here, it’s pretty good. but

yeah, finals start today, i haven’t studied yet for my first on i have it

in two hours, hehe, opps. maybe i should start. o well. i miss danny, haven’t

talked to him since sat after noon, i wonder why he’s never on on sunday anymore,

i had a lot of stuff i wanted to ask him about yesterday, now i don’t even

remember half of it, i was temped to write it down, but i didn’t i should

have, lol. o well. i love him. hmmm, well not much else going on round here,

only three days tell i go home, yucky, i don’t want to, i really don’t. but

i guess i have to. o yeah, i got that application for the philly summer camp

today, looks good. hehe, lets fill it out. bubye

Dec 15, 2000

Dec 15. well i thought there for a second i had missed a day

but i guess not, today was the last day of CLASSES, YEAH. i’m talking to danny

now, hehe, were talking bout relationships i guess, i don’t really know. lol.

but yeah all went well today i guess, i went through 10 hours of playlist

today, hehe. yeah i’m tierd so FUCK This update, nighty night.

Dec 14, 2000

Dec 14. my god i’m keeping this updated quite well i’m happy

for myself, hehe. well hey todays been pretty cool. i got a job offer to work

at out of council camps, but the best part is that one of the councils is

the cradle of liberity council in philly. that would be soo cool. but yeah

i don;t know if i want to do that though, it would be kinda odd working out

there at a scout camp i think, but it would be fun, i’be been wanting to work

out of council this summer. huh. i don’t know what i’ll do, well see what

the info they send me says. but yeah other then that today has been pretty

boring like normal. yeah. all that shit. nothings going on rounf here, i need

to go get a job for next semester too yeah. well i’m done for now. i yeah,

quite hours are 24/7 over finals week that’s going to suck.

Dec 13, 2000

Dec 13. Wed, ha;lf way trough the week. ahhhhh, finals are next

week, i don’t like that. i’m really not looking forward to going home for

the holidays. really not looking forward to it at all. i want to go out to

philly and spend the time with danny, hehe. but i’ll have to go home, family

annoys me at times. o well. kim called me today, really freaked me out. hehe,

it was funny. well i’ll done with course work, all i have mleft now is finals.

finals, finals. ARG. i only have one week left here, this semester, then i’m

home for 18 days, i don’t know if i can stand 18 days at home, i really don’t

think i can. i don’t know what i’m going to do this summer when i’m home the

WHOLE bloody summer. o well. I’m going to miss everyone sooooo much over christmas,

specially danny. really going to miss danny. i love him. telephones are annyoing.

they really are. o well i don’t really have much to bitch about today, so

i’m just going to go off and wonder round, there’s really nothing to wonder

round for here, but i’ll go do something i guess, lol. bubye

Dec 12, 2000

Dec 12 hehe, i’m doing this way to early, but o well. todays

been kinda a downer day. i haven’t gotten much done really, went to math,

that was fucking boring like normal so i won’t go into that. then i went to

programming an hour early and sat in that room and got all my notecards made

out for tomorrow, but now i just have to figure out how i’m going to say shit,

i have it all, i just need the order of it all. know what i mean. haven’t

seen or heard from danny since late sat night, i hope he’s alright, he made

some snyde (i think that’s the word) comment on sat night, i was watching

the fight on HBO, and i was like i don’t get how they score this. and he told

me, then i was like well you’ll just have to come explain this shit to me

more some time, and then he said “yeah the jock, is that what you’re

saying about me, that i’m a jock.” and then i was like “why you

say that” and then he said nothing i was just tugging your leg, but then

the next thing he said was, not going near that. so what’s he mean by all

this. he meant something, but he won’t tell me. damnit i love him. i want

to know what he’s thinking. why did he say that. fuck. i’ve been really sad

lately. i really don’t want to go “home” for the holidays, i just

want to go out and be on my own. i don’t want to face my family again, not

after all that shit at t-day. I’m really not looking forward to the holidays.

o yeah, i’ve been thinking alot lately about what i want to do with my life.

I’ve decided that if i end up with a nice guy, like a really long term thing,

i want kids. matt’s really helped me decide that lately. he’s so cute. lol.I’ve

also been thinking about my choise in careers. i think i might seriously think

about going into teaching, i think i would like that more then the private

sector of computers, but you know there’s always that mone problem. maybe

i can get a really good summer job or something. yeah. i don’t know, but o

pseaking of summer jobs, i’m thinking about going out of council for summer

work this year, that way i can be alittle bit of my self, but i would still

have to hide the REAL me. you know what i mean. but i know if i worked here

in council i would have to go as far as taking my ear ring out,cause the freaks

here are really homophobic. but some of the councils that i’m looking at like

The Cradle of Liberty they aren’t as stuck up about it. and that would be

cool to cause they have the FIRST every BSA camp out there and i’d also be closer to danny, only like an hour or so. that would be REALLY cool. but i

probobly won’t go out there, i’ll end up working at shitty ass Kum & Go

again or something knowing me. I HATE KUM & GO. wow i really wasn’t planning

on babbling this much. so i’ll go now, maybe i’ll write more later.