May 3, 2001

may 3, #2. yay, i only have one class left tomorrow morning and then i’m

DONE with this hell hole for classes. i started packing everything that my

pu’s can take back this weekend. yeah it’s alot of shit. oh well,less for

me to move when that time comes. i had to hide a bunch of shit too, took all

that out to my car, you should have seen the stack of magazines and stuff

i had to take out there, lol. i wonder where i’ll hide them one i get them

all home. that’s going to be the tough bit. oh well i’m sure i’ll find something.

damn i’m not likin’ thins template thing, it’s really starting to get to me,

cause yeah, you come type here and you’ll see what i mean.

May 3, 2001

may 3, ::is tired:: i only got like three hours of sleep last night. yeah,

it’s bad when i call danny without using a phone card cause we always talk

to long, at least with a phone card we get cut off, lol. last night was had

a floor meeting. they told us that we had to have our lofts out of here by

this sunday. and i was like WTF? cause i mean, i have no way of taking it

down, cause i have no tools here, or available to me. i have no where to store

it, or any way to take it home. i have nothing. but he was like, well you

ahve to have it down by this weekend. the stupid twats. i asked him months

ago about this type of thing and he said he didn’t know. damn him. but at

least there’s only one week left here, one week and one day. in gov class

today we went over what was going to be on the test. it’s not good times.

(is that right? not good times. or is it ungood times? i forget now) but yeah.

it’s going to be a test over everything in the book, ewww. 25 multiple choice,

10 t/f, 10 matching and 3 essay. i really hate his tests to cause they are

just all messed up. AIM keeps kicking me off. it’s really annoying me. alot.

i wanna get a tattoo, that would be soo cool.

May 2, 2001

may 2, #4. so this guys‘ tattoo.

I’m pretty sure it says “Same Sex Love” cause i looked it up on babelfish

and that’s what it said. nathans online right now, we haven’t really talked

to much tonight, just the basic things. school, and some other junk. oh well.

we have a meeting tonight about how to move out. someone was saying we had

to have our lofts out of here by this sunday, which just sucks cause i have

no way to get it taken down, or out of here. damnit. and you know what i really

hate about finals week, the 24/7 quiet hours.

May 2, 2001

may 2, #2. so i just got back from econ, what a mess. i don’t understand

what he’s talking about, today he covered different pages from like 3 different

chapters that we haven’t even begun to cover. oh and sorry bout that last

entry, it’s kinda an incoheriant (sp? again) mess. but oh well. it’s staying

there. we got the AC turned on yesterday, it feels so good, for some reason

this building is always like 10 degrees hotter then it is outside. you would

thing being an all brick and cement building it would be 10 degrees cooler,

cause that’s the way it usually seems to work, but it’s not, it’s freaking

hot in here. so yeah, it’s all cool, air conditioning, hehe. umm this months

entries already take up 20 kb, opps, this might be a long month, lol.