May 13, 2001

may 13, [live, hidden track] yay omg i’m so happy, i got my entire site redownloaded.

so it’s all good. alot’s happened in the last couple days, but i really don’t

want to get into it at the moment. i’ll come back laters and tell about all

it. i’ve got cd’s to rip at the moment.

May 12, 2001

may 12. well i reformated my computer today, and i was reinstalling all my

stuff, and found out that it didn’t back up like ALOT of my stuff to cd like

it was supposed to. the damn thing. it didn’t back up any of my website, it

didn’t back up any of my archived stuff, which had all my programs that i

had downloaded. it didn’t back up alot of stuff ::cries:: damnit, it’s going

to take forever to get all that stuff back down. i can get my website pretty

easily, but it’s going to take a while to dl 40 megs over a damn 56k connection.

i wonder if i can go into school one of these days and get it from there,

that would prob work. i think i’ll do that. but all the other stuff is going

to be hard to get again, i don’t even remember everything that i need. damnit.

damnit. damnit. on the other hand yesterday was pretty cool. xak, vero, and

mandy randomly showed up at my house last night, i was in my pj’s already

cause i was working on my computer. and we went off. yeah cool.

May 11, 2001

may 11. [john denver, “leaving on a jet plane”]. well it’s 6:40 and i’ve

only got a few more hours here. once i’m done writing this i’m going hual

my computer out. i hsould be out of here entirely by 1 or so. that is if greg

doesn’t go nuts and make us do a shit load of stuff. lol. well i don’t really

have anything to write this morning. so this is chris, signing out from DSU

Rich 322. laters all. lol

May 10, 2001

may 10, #4 [green day, “nice guys finish last”] well i got redhat 7.1 installed,

it worked nicely, only problem that i still have is that it doesn’t recognize

my damn network card. i wonder if it’ll see my modem, cause it’s a dual cable

and regular modem, so that might be a problem, damn HP, they clain that all

thier shit works with linux, you just have to find the drivers and they don’t

support any of it. assholes. oh well. for some reason there is a trash can

in the showers and water running into it, it’s been there for a couple hours.

i dunno why it’s there, but yeah, it’s there. it’s funny.

May 10, 2001

may 10, #3 [house of gypsies, “samba”] today’s been a pretty wasted day,

i’ve been kinda studying for my econ test which is at 8 tomorrow moring, but

i haven’t gotten much done there. i’ve also been looking for info on how to

install redhat, i downloaded the iso’s and the boot image, but for some reason

it doesn’t want to boot. damn thing. so i’ve been trying to figure out how

to do that, i even tried doing the whole rawrite crap to a disk, but it still

won’t boot off the disk, i don’t know if it’s a bad image or what, but i want

to get it fixed and i want to get it fixed NOW. my half of the room is really

empty now, it’s kinda sad. i wish i hadn’t sent all my cd’s home with my pu’s

otherwise i’d be reformatting shit here, and installing everything that i

need. but i don’t have any of my software, so i’m out of luck there. alot

of people are moving out today, it’s getting pretty empty, they’re closing

down the tc tonight so there won’t be any breakfast or supper tomorrow, only

lunch. my roomie finally came back like 1 or so and now he’s in bed, and he

fucking smells, i think his smell has gotten worse in the last week. i dunno,

maybe it’s just me. these templates on this page are really getting to me.

i’m thinking i’m going to have to go redo them.