June 18, 2001

june 18, [savage garden, "carry on dancing"] well it’s been another

one of those long ass days. it’s only 9:30 or so now, but i’m fucking tired.

it’s just been a normal day in scoutcraft, everyone wants to kill ty cause

he keeps bitching about his foot, he claims he has gang green, but he won’t

go to the nurse or doc so no one can do anything about it, so yeah, he’s just

getting on everyone’s nerves. i can really go for a day offf about now. we

have a new staff memeber, his names chris richards, they call him pasty cause

he’s white as a gohst, but he’s damn cute, he’s only about 16 or so, but i’ve

actually worked with him before and slept in the same tent as him before,

so yeah, i know who he is, but i don’t think he remembers me. well it’s lightening

pretty bad here, so i’m going to go to bed and shut the comp down, goodnight


June 17, 2001

june 17, [iggy pop, "i need somebody"] ok well it’s fathers day,

i called my dad, yep i sure did. dfun fun. this morning we checked the little

brats out and got them out of here by 11 then we had a saff meeting and then

we went up and started all over. yeah for that. i’ve had a horrible head ache

and i feel sick all day, it hasn’t been good. everyone’s been asking "are

you all right" and i’ve just been saying yeah, caus ei didn’t want to

let everyone down cause i had alot to do today i had to check in three troops

out of 2 different sites so that was a major pain in the ass cause they were

all at different places at different times, it sucked. well it’s 10:30 and

i’m fucking tired i’m going to take some asprin and go to bed, night all.

June 16, 2001

june 16, [third eye blind, ""] ok well last night was great and

so has been today, well it’s been long days both days but they have been good

days. ok well last night bj showed up for some reason and he biked all the

way here from boone, and he was in his biking grea, OMG he’s so damn hot,

oh yeah skin tight shit, bu yeah. ok and then today we checked everyone out

and did tent crew, put up a shit oad of tents and now my back huirts like

hell. then this after noon we checkin the cubs for thier weekend, most of

them brought more for an over night hting then i brought for the entire summer,

it’s relaly funny shit. but yeah, it’s been a pretty good day, i’m going to

leave with ben here soon to go to boone and shit, yeah, good times.

June 15, 2001

june 15, #3 [tonic, "wicked garden"] well it’s 8:45 and i’m back

at camp. it’s been a great day off. i have everything unloaded and stuff.

so yeah. my dad talked to me today, well he tried to, he just came up to me

and said, "anything you want to talk about?" and i said "no"

and he’s like alright and walked off. yep. i also took some time today to

search thier room. i found the book on my dad’s side of the bed, so that means

my mom told him, i found no sign of the letter or the other thing i sent them,

so i don’t know what they did with that. yeah. it’s there somewhere i’m sure.

i also talked to my mom in the campsite, she was like, you know this lighter

fluid we always found in your room works well for starting fires, i finally

know why you always had it. and i was like yeah. and then she went on, yeah

we’ve kept all the stuff that we found in your room all these years. and i

was like, yeah so. and she was like ya know had you told us what it was all

for we would have just given it back to you. and i was like, yeah well you

should have been able to figure out what the lighter fluid was for when you

took my zippos all three of them, and she just looked at me like damn you

and i was like, ok i have to go unpack and stuff, laters. and she was like

ok well i’ll walk back with you and i was like fine. so she followed me back

and we talked about the week and how they had been doing aqns just stuff like

that. so yep, it’s all good. i really wish i could have talked to jules some

more, and i wish i would have seen mandy, but she was no where around,. oh

well hopefully ang will remember and get everyone together to come up here

next thursday night or something. yep, hopefullly. well i have to go to campfire

now, night al.

June 15, 2001

june 15, #2 well todays been pretty cool. i got up about 11;15 or so and

got dressed and went to angies to have lunch, xak, ang, and i went to hardee’s

that was cool then we went to DQ and got ice cream. it was all good. then

i went to wal-mart to get my tire fixed and julian was working so i went to

talk to him. but then he got this big line and some other associate was standing

there, so i went over to the other isle and just wondered around some. but

when i looked up jules was gone, so i went and looked for him at the little

counter thingy, but he wasn’t there, so i just walked around the store, i

didn’t see him again, i was sad, i at least wanted to say bye to him. oh well.

it took them forever to fix my tire i didn’t get out of there tell 3:45 or

so. then i came home and i’m doing my laundry now. i’m going to leave and

go to DM here soon i think. i need to get my glasses fixed and i want to hit

the mall for a bit before i leave, so yeah. i think i’ll go rotate the laundry

and then leave.