June 27, 2001

june 27, #2 [tonic, "my old man"] i just got an e-mail from justin,

Anyway, i plan on seeing people (yet i dont believe they

know im coming yet lol) So since ive been in contact with you how abouts i

start making plans with you and email everyone else so we can all get together!

Something like that should work methinks…..we should go see moulin rouge!

😀 actually heres another thought as well….we should seriously go see moulin

rouge go eat or something, kinda like a date….but just for fun (ive never

been on a date so thus it would be cool) it wouldnt have to be anything serious….just

something fun to do….but anyway the main plan for saturday is i get off

work at 4pm so i would be coming down after work (obviously lol) so maybe

we could meet somewhere or something? Write back with any thoughts…..tata

umm, yeah what do i say to that. oh i haven’t told the story about my parents

and jules either have i. well the other day when jules and i went to ISU.

well my parents thought we were on a date. hehe, that was funny. i was like,

"umm, NO" but they kept going on and on, i think they may be taking

it a bit to well.

June 27, 2001

june 27, [o town, "all for love"] well today’s been another day.

yep. i started this morning mowing the yard, got the lawn mower stuck between

two trees, that was not good. then this afternoon ang called and i went over

there. hung out there for a bit then we went and got dean, he has a nice apartment.

then we went back to ang’s and called adam, but he wasn’t there, so we went

out for supper, we went to villige inn, that was cool, good food. then we

called adam again and his phone was busy so we went over that way, he wasn’t

home. so we went to kim’s house. i met kim, yay. now when they say, "kim

did…" i know who they are talking about. we hung out there tell like

10:30 or so, and then ang and i took dean home, then i took ang home, then

i went to wal-mart and bought some CD’s, O town and train. they’re cool. now

i’m here and getting ready to head out to the hot tub. so night all. oh almost

forgot, if i get my arse in gear, they’ll soon be a major site change.

June 26, 2001

june 26, [ joi cardwell, "run to you"] well tonight’s been another

one of those great nights. about noon mandy and i went to jules and woke him

up, then we finished watching QaF, that was great, jules sister was in the

other room and could hear it all. then we left and shit and went MHM for lunch

that was good, then everyone had to go to work. so i came home and zach called

me cause he was with ang and some other people, but the PU’s were bitching

at me about not being home much so i stayed home. then after they went to

bed i left and went to wal-mart to see jules and to fill out an app, which

i did. then i went to java joes there were a few cute guys there, but not

much so i left and went to the loop, there was nothing but child molesting

vans there, so i left there too and went to K&G to talk to mandy, by that

time it was 9:45 or so, and i just hung there tell she got off. we called

jules and dean was there, so they came over and we hung out, we ended up at

the west side, and yeah, that was cool, we just talked. i’d like to have some

personal time to talk with jules, but everytime we’re together there’s someone

else there. oh well, it’ll come. it’s now 1:40 am and i’m thinking i’m gonna

head to bed, so nighties all

June 24, 2001

june 24, #2 [matchbox 20, "girl like that"] heh, well i’ve got

5 minutes tell june 25, but oh well. today’s been cool. i got up about 12,

i’m well rested now, 🙂 i’ve been catching up with people since i got home,

ya know, e-mails and such. today jules and i went up to ISU and checked out

the "campus" well we checked out the guys that were there more,

but yeah, i paid attention to the campus too. then we drove round ames some,

checking out other guys, lol. there were a few. lol, then we went back to

his house and called adam, but he was sick, so we called mandy, well actually

we called mandy first, but her phone was busy, so then we called adam and

then mandy again, she wasn’t doing anything so we went and got her. then we

went back to jules house and watched QaF series 1, and that was the night,

it was a good night. yep. good times. someone left the back door open and

all the lights in here on and there are little bugs flying all over my computer

and it’s really buggin the hell out of me damnit. ok well it’s late and i’m

thinking a hot tub sounds good about now, laters all

June 24, 2001

june 24, [smashing pumpkins, "1979"] well tonight’s been really

great, it’s good to be home. about 6:30 or so xak showed up randomly then

we called angie, who was having some party at her house, so we went and got

her. it was wierd being at her house with all these people there. then we

went off to xaks apt. we started watching this movie, it’s called 8 1/2 women,

but then mandy and vero called and they came over. once they got there we

went back to angies house and my house so we could change then we went to

java joes, there was some concert type thing at the plaza so there were alot

of people there, alot of hot people even, hehe. after that we went to the

gay loop, more hot people. adam was there, that was cool, he’s damn fucking

cute. ya know, there’s all these people that i’d like to ask out, but i either

say, oh well they’re to cute for me and they’d never go out with me, and i

just drop it, or i’m just to afraid to ask them. and it just sucks. i’d really

like to ask people out, but i just don’t know how to go about it. yeah. i

suck at the whole asking out thing. but yeah, it was good seeing adam, then

there were other random people that were there, i didn’t know them, but they

knew xak and vero, and angie so yeah. then there was this guy, he just came

over to us and started introducing himself, he was david or something like

that, he apparently knew vero. but he was damn cute, and i swear i’ve seen

him somewhere before, but i just don’t know where. yeah, that’s life.