Aug 30, 2001

Aug 30, [Craig David, "Fill Me In"]

Ok, well today’s been one busy ass day again. I went to class this morning

at 8, that was boring, we had our first quiz, it was easy, it was just over

the sylubus, crazy man. Oh well. Then I went to work and there was like

no one there, so I went in a talked to my boss person, all I did today was

get netmeeting working with video, audio and a few other things to make

sure they all worked before next Tuesday when they have to use them in the

conference room. Then after that I went and researched on electronic whiteboards,

some of them are pretty damn cool things. After that I came back here and

went to my math 150 recitation thingy. OMG, that’s going to be one long

ass semester in there, I can’t understand a damn word the TA says, and he’s,

he’s just. ARG. I hate him already. Oh well.

I got my Krell e-mail today, that

brings the total up to 9 e-mail accounts I have to check daily. I should

just start forwarding things to one e-mail account, but I don’t really want

to do that cause then I don’t know where things are coming in from, like

right now, all my junk mail goes to comet, and all my personal mail to

now work e-mail goes to krell and school e-mail goes to ISU. I like having

Outlook cause it just checks them all for me. I just wish I could find a

way to convert my outlook mailboxes into something that one of the POP programs

for LINUX can read. Damn M$.

I’m so glad that today’s over, I get to see Adam tomorrow, I’m so fucking

happy. Oh speaking of Adam, the other day I posted some lyrics on my site

at the end of one of my posts, well usually if I put lyrics there, it’s

the lyrics from the song that I was listening to when I started the post,

well this time it wasn’t so I had to figure out what song it was, and I

just couldn’t fucking remember. It’s a great song, but I couldn’t remember

what it was called, so I called 105.1 and they didn’t know, so I knew it

had to be something they didn’t play that much. Savage Garden came to mind,

but just from the names of the songs that I had it didn’t look like any

of those. So I dug out my history in IE, and went back to that day, I found

the song, it was Savage Garden, "The Lover After Me." I love history.


My roomie finally understands the concepts of vacums and other such things.

He turned the fan so that it faces inward. He got out of bed like midnight,

I think he thought I was asleep and wouldn’t hear him doing it, but I saw

him, and I was like, "THANK GOD." Cause it felt so good. Oh well.

I’ve been debating lately on a new storage scheme for my MP3’s. I’m getting

so many I need to start seperating them somehow. I’ve been thinking about

making a new folder for each artist/band and seperating them that way. That

would work, but it’s alot of work. I’ve also been thinking about seperating

them by music type, but then you get those dance remixes of regular songs,

and I’d like to have those with the regular song, and you get those songs

that I just don’t know what the hell they are. So if you have any good suggestions,

E-mail me or something, eh.

I need to read my Soc book. But I’m not really in the mood to do that.

I have all my other HW done for the week. I just hope that I don’t get anything

in my classes tomorrow. I know I won’t get anything in Math cause they would

have assinged that today. I might have something in English, but that shouldn’t

be to bad I wouldn’t think. Oh well.

Aug 29, 2001

Aug 29, [Alicia Keys, "Fallin’"]

Well it’s now noon and I’m done with classes, but I have a shit load of

HW to get done. I went to my Engl 105 class today and the prof comes in

and says, "I just found out 20 minutes ago that I teach this class."

I was like, oh good. So all she did was tell us wich books we needed, I

had to go buy another book, it was only 1.50 so that was cool. But then

we left. So then I went to Soc, I hung outside tell 9, but I never saw Vero,

so I just went on inside and he taught us. We talked about love and how

society teaches us to love. It was a pretty cool thing. Someone brought

up homosexuality too, and he talked about that for a bit. About how homosexuals

learn to love, and he essential said that we learn the same way as heterosexuals,

but we just love a different person. It’s been a pretty uneventful day,

I just can’t wait tell Friday. I want to go home so badly, well not really

home, I just want to see Adam really badly. I hope I don’t have much HW

to do over the weekend. I really don’t. I’m going to go get done what I

have now to do, laters.

Aug 29, 2001 #2

Aug 29, #2 [Star Wars, "Imperial March"]

Well tonight’s been bloody awesome. Vero, Julian, Ryan (I think that’s

his name), And I went to the alliance meeting, that was great times. I saw

like 4 other people that I knew, or have seen around before. One guy, I

can’t remember his name, but Julian thinks it’s Nathan, came over and talked

to us for a bit. [His name’s Tony] It was good times, lots of hot guys there,

hehe. That should be something that I’ll look forward to every week.

I got my HW done, I’m happy about that. And plus there’s only 2 more days

tell Friday. I can’t wait to get out of here this weekend. It should be

good times, well not really good times, but it’ll be good in the sense that

I’ll get to see Adam again. I miss him so much.

My roomie’s quite the twat, he doesn’t understand that when you have to

fan blowing air out of the room and the door shut it pretty much creates

a vacum in a sense, and that will stop air from moving, so you want the

door to be open so that it’ll provide a fresh air sorce to the room, well

everytime that I open the door he goes and closes it, Grrr. It annoys me.

He’s also kinda rude in the fact that I was listening to music earlier and

trying to study in the room, and he comes back from class and turns on his

TV, sits down and turns it up so much that it drowns out my music, now I

can study with music going, cause it’s something that you can hear, but

not listen to, well TV I can’t have going and study at the same time, even

if I can’t see it. So that just bothered me. I’m like, grrr. I had the music

on first go away.

Aug 28, 2001

Aug 28, [Bon Jovi, "I’ll Be There For You"]

Well today has been one long ass day. I got up this morning at 6:30 and

left here for class at 7:30. I went to class, Acct 285, that was boring

as hell. Lots of hot guys in there, well actually there’s lots of hot guys

in all my classes. But yeah, then after that I went to Bus Ad 101, I have

to go get a book for that tomorrow. I hope I remember that. Then I went

to Krell to work. I should have a new e-mail there. It’ll be like

or something like that. I dunno yet. They haven’t taught me how to use the

system. I worked there tell 5, when I came back here and talked to Adam

a bit online. He’s really not doing good and I feel so bad for him. I wish

I could be there. But I can’t we’ll see what happens. I know in time things

will get better, but right now he needs people to be with him. Everything

reminds him of Angie, and that’s hard. It really is. The small things even

make him cry, and that’s hard for me to hear. I know how much it hurts him

to have her gone. And there’s really nothing I can do to help that. I really

wish there were more that I could do.

After I talked to Adam I went to my last class for the day. It’s Micro-Econ.

It’s going to be boring the frist couple weeks cause the first 5 chapters

between Macro and Mirco are the same thing. The prof is pretty young, and

he moves at a pretty fast pace. I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep that

up all semester.

Now I’m back here, it’s almost 8. I tried calling Adam cause I wanted to

talk to him, but he wasn’t home. I’l try there again later. Dean called

me and left a message on my cell phone, he’s at the Madonna Concert and

he’s pretty excited. lol. I didn’t get anything to eat yet today, so I’m

going to go and try to find something here soon. I don’t really know where

on campus you can get food after the food service closes. I really dislike

that. At DSU you could go in and order anything any time of the day, that

was really cool cause if you missed a meal you didn’t have to go off campus

to find something. Here you can’t do that, or as I’m told. I’ll have to

find something to do in that aspect of things, cause I’m going to miss alot

of meals.

Tomorrow should be a pretty easy day. I’ve only got two classes. We’ll

see though.

Aug 27, 2001 #2

Aug 27, #2 [BBMak, "Back Here"]

Ok so my Math 150 teacher is Russian, he has some funky ass name: Petr

Vojtechovsky. How in the hell do you pronounce that. It should be an interesting

semester with him, he seems amusing so far. They fucked up my schedule though,

this class isn’t supposed to have recitation with it, but it does, and the

recitation is the same time as my Lib 160 class, which I only have to go

to the first one for, but still, and I’m also supposed to be working at

that time. So in otherwords, I’m supposed to be in 3 places at once, so

I don’t know how that’ll work out.

My mechanic called my house today. I called them, and they said he was

at lunch and that he would call me back around 1:15. Well I waited here

tell 1:30 when I had to leave for a class and he still hadn’t called me

back. When I got back at 3 I called again, and they said he was in a meeting.

They took my phone number this time, and said he would call back in the

next hour or so. It’s been an hour and still nothing. Grrr. I’m never taking

my car back to them, and by the way, it’s Westside Auto Pros. Don’t go there.

I found out that we have call waiting here which will be cool, cause well

it’s call waiting.

I still don’t want to be here. I really don’t. I talked to Adam for a bit

today on-line. It seems he’s still having problems with the days as well.

Grrr. Hopefully things will get better though. Hopefully.

Horroscopes Lie: Aquarius is coming into an exciting

time of the month. Spirits and energy run high for the next few days, which

is a welcome change to the mood you’ve been experiencing. It’s fun to be

around people in love for once, especially if you’re one of them. During

this period of bliss, it’s important to remember that everyone comes from

a common ancestry. There are no enemies, aliens or even strangers. Your

motto for tonight should be ‘live and let live.’

My roomie just talked to me about my being gay, he said that he was cool

that I was open and honest about things and all that jazz, but that nothing

could happen in this room, which isn’t really a big deal since well, I’m

stilla virgin and I plan on staying that way for a while at least, well

maybe not that long, but long enough, hehe.