Walking Away.

You know, ever since Andrew, it’s been much easier for me to just walk away from things. Any more, I don’t expect people to be there for me, or to be in my life. Who’s there is there, and when they’re gone.. Well then they are.

This weekend, I feel it’s time to walk away from 3 people in my life. Perhaps more. They just weren’t acting as true friends any more. It’s kind of amazing how you think you meet people who would/could be such great friends. And then stuff happens and it’s all over. No more bars for a while, please!

It’s been a really long weekend, I’m glad that it’s over, and honestly just wish this summer would be over. But at the same time. I’m really amazed that this year is going by so fast. So much has happened already and most of it hasn’t ended well.

One good thing this weekend. I hung out with Carlito. That was last night, we had a really good time. Or at least I did. Went and saw Cars. It was a really good movie. Not at all what I was expecting. At times I was nearly crying. Carlito said the same. 🙂  After that we came back to my place and talked and drank. Between the two of us we went through a whole bottle of Jack. We also watched the first 2 Eps of QaF British Version. He was really nice, and VERY cute.. Not sure if something more will happen there. He was talking about how he’s enjoying the single life and al this. I dunno. Plus there was some akwardness in there. However, like I said before he and I were like writing novels to each over over myspace. Hopefully he can be a friend at the least.

He called me this morning and invited me to breakfast with his friends. That was fun too. We went to this realy ghetto place, but it was cool.

I also spent the day watching The book of Daniel. OMG, Talk about amazing TV show! I think it totally could have replaced the West Wing. Sadly NBC cancelled it because of the religious right. I was crying my eyes out for parts of it and laughing my ass of at others. It was so great. You should all go torrent it! 😀

I finished System of the World today. I started it the day afer christmas. God I’m slow! It was a really good book I thought, kinda crazy towards the end though.Next up is the DaVinci Code! I get it on Monday.

This weekend has just really made me want to be in a real relationship again. I’m so sick of the single life and all this shit that apparently goes along with it. Ugh!

I’m out.

3 thoughts on “Walking Away.”

  1. Yeah, I am sick of the single life myself. It would be nice to have someone to share it with.

  2. From what I heard The book of Daniel was cancelled due to ratings and not the religious right.

    Not that the religious right arn’t a bunch of bastards, because they are.

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