Well, christmas’ are all over now. We got home last night and opened all the presents from the parents. I got some good stuff, but I don’t know what it is with my mother she always seems to pick out the things that i want least on my list. Oh well. It’s all good stuff. 🙂 Drank some more wine with my mom and we watched ‘Christmas with the Kranks” I was bawling by the time that damn movie was over with. I can’t wait till my damn period is over with! Grrr, seems like it’s been going on for months now though.
Went to bed and read some of my new suze orman book. Good stuff so far! Went to bed about midnight and couldn’t get to sleep. Woke up about 2:30 again though cause santa was making way too much noise!
Got up again at 8:00 this mornin g and showered then we did santa. I got some more good stuff but nothing too important. I was kinda surprised that this year my parents didn’t go very hard out. But I guess my brother is really draining them of money, the stupid little fuck. There’s a chance he might have to go to jail. hahaha.
After that we all lounged around and then headed out to the farm. Got there right as the other aunt was getting there. So at least we weren’t the first ones. Seems like everyone hates going out there, it’s funny. My grandma was actually so late, she didn’t get there till right before we started eating. And that damn aunt makes everyone pray. She’s the only fucking religious one. Debbie and I actually got along pretty well and we might be going to germany this spring. Woot!
The stupid aunt also bought all her food from hy-vee in one of those pre-made things. Lazy bitch. Paper plates, plastic silver wear. That’s not fucking christmas!
Anyways, after that we all did christmas. My grandma told me to grab a certian present, but the bitch aunt changed up the way we do it so I couldn’t get the one she told me too. But I like what I got. Plus I got $40 from my grandma for christmas and my birthday, so that was nice of her. 🙂
Now we’re on the way home.
Right after we got to the farm though I got some really bad news and that really put me in a sad mood all day. 🙁 Jimmy txted me and said that Blkae was in the hospital. I’m really sad by this, I hate thinking that he spent christmas in the hospital. Though I’m sure he’s surrounded by people that love him still.
I’ve really been thinking that I might stand by to go back early. He’s supposed to be in the OC area for new years and it’d be great to get to see him. Though I wonder if he’d be free enough so that I’d have someone to kiss at midnight or if he’s going to be sutck with his dad or what. I just know taht I want to see him so badly again.
I think I’m really over Iowa now, I still hate the OC, and I still love Iowa, but I’m over moving back. I’m ready to go somewhere new.
Also after driving 400 miles with my dad in the last two days, I’ve realized that even though my mom is the one who TAUGHT me how to drive, I LEARNED from my dad. lol
Adios all.