Andrew’s Coming Up!

So today’s really beautiful out, supposed to be in the 80’s again. Nice nice weather. I’m really liking this.

Not going to work because Andrew’s coming up. I can’t wait to see him. It’s like those feelings that I used to have for Adam. I really like him, but I just don’t know what I want right now. I mean, I JUST got out of a relationship, should I really be getting back into one so soon. Also with him moving, and his obsession about getting 100% of guys, etc. What’s the use. But at the same time, I want to have that with him…. So confusing.

The plan for today is for him to get here about 1:00 and then off to somewhere to eat. I was thinking Great Plains, or somewhere in the MU or campus town. Then come to campus, hang out on the Central Campus (Between Beardsher, and Curtis) and talk about it all. He complained the other day that I don’t tell him enough of what I’m thinking, and feeling. Also hopefully they’ll be some making out on Central Campus. I’d really like that. Two cute gay bois on campus making out. How cute.

He has to leave about 5ish to get back to DM to meet some other girl, dunno what I’ll do after that. I’m sure I’ll find something…


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