
It’s fucking cold outside, in case you hadn’t been there lately. I must get a heavier coat. Or I shall freeze to death one of these days waiting for the bus.

Yesterday was a VERY VERY long day. Rarr at all of that shit. I left my house at 7, and didn’t get back there tell 10:30. I was very pissed by the time the day was over.

First I had class, then work. Where I got alot done. I figured out how to get OpenBSD to use MD5 instead of blowfish encryption for the passwords, then I got SMTP Auth to authorize people to send things, but it still won’t actually let people send stuff, it’s denying the relay. Which is uber annoying. But if I let it really things, then it lets EVERYONE relay, even if they havn’t authenticated. I tried explaining this to Nazanin and she was like “I don’t get it.” lol. I was amused. Mostly cause I don’t get it either. The next step, after I get it to relay ANYTHING that’s authorized and not EVERYTHING is to get it to use the OpenBSD master.passwd file which is now in MD5. However to do that, it seems that when you authenticate you have to use MD5, which right now, only Kmail, and Evolution support. Everyone at works is using Outlook and Eudora, which only supports plain. Which would then force us to use a TSL or SSL connection to the e-mail server, which is what I want to make them do. But I don’t want to have to store passwords on the system in Plain text.

Quick example….
Password in PLAIN is stored as:
Password in CRAM-MD5 is stored as:
Password in Blowfish is stored as:
(All passwords equate to “thisisatestp@sswd”)

Obviously Blowfish is stronger encyrption, but pretty much nothing uses it expect for *BSD’s from what I’ve found. MD5 is FAR better then PLAIN, but not as good as Blowfish. Again thgouh, hardly anyone supports it.

What I’d really like to do is get SMTP Auth to accept the PLAIN passwords over an TSL (Already enabled) or SSL (Not yet enabled) connection and then check it against the MD5 passwords that are in the master.passwd file of the local machine. What I’m thinking MIGHT have to be done though is NIS, or a Kerbos authentication of somesort. So we’ll see how it all plays out.

Ok, after all that then, I came back to campus about 6:00 and met with my group to work on our project which is due today. We worked on that tell almost ten… I’m sure we would have been here later, but we all had buses to catch, that went by about 9:49ish. I was so very annoyed though with them all cause they didn’t have a clue what was going on and a couple of my group memeber have no clue how C# works. I don’t think they’ve done any programming, or even looked at the book this semester. Rarr. So yeah, that took FOREVER.

Adam was supposed to come up and show me his car. I told him that I had NO idea what time I’d be back to my apartment and that it’d probably be late… So when it was infact LATE he calls and leave a very mad sounding message on my Voicemail. I call him back and he sounds pissed again, so I get pissed cause he’s got no reason to get pissed cause I told him that it’d be late and that there probably wouldn’t be a chance for him to come up at all. As I was talking to him, at the MOTHER FUCKING COLD bus stop, Vero came up. And I was all excited. So I finished talking to Adam, and he seemed to be more upset, and I was more upset.

I talked to Vero which was fun cause I haven’t seen her in like FOREVER! We talked about school and other random shit… It was good to see her.

The bus FINALLY showed up at 9:49.. I could have sworn the thing said 9:39 when I left, but whatever. So we got on and she rode to those tower things, that aren’t towers. And I rode to the Commuter Lot. Where, after sitting for only 4 hours, my car had FROST on the windows. So I had to scrape it off. Rarr.

I got home about 10:30, ate and went to bed… Still FROZEN from having to stand and wait for the damn bus.

This morning came far to quickly. I got up again at 6:30, and went to class at 7. Todays the last day for that class, so next week I don’t have to get up until 10 on Monday and 11 on Friday. So that’s cool. I still have to be up at 8 on Wed though cause I’ve got other stuff to do.

I also started reading this book that I want, (from the preview pages on Amazon.com). They had the first 14 pages, and it seems REALLY fucking good. In the first 14 pages, I was almost crying my eyes out, and if I hadn’t been in a computer lab, I probably would have been crying. The book is called “A Boy I Once Knew: What a Teacher Learned from Her Student.” Really good book!

Now I’m in the computer lab, freezing to death cause I swear they feel the need to refrigerate this place… I’m going to finish this and go warm up my hands b sticking them under some cold water. Laters All!

PS: Go get me something on Amazon!!!! lol

Jeff’s Tool

Today was good, there was no stat class this morning, so I selpt in tell 7:30. I got to work about 8ish and got alot done. I’m still having Auth problems. Something about certs. I dunno. I asked the comp.mail.sendmail group, but no one’s gotten back to me yet. Rarr. I must get it working.

Apparently we’re looking at hiring another person here soon. Chris is graduating, so we need to get someone to replace him. So if anyone out there’s a Windows guru, then e-mail me and I’ll hook you up.

Other then work, nothing else has happened. I wanted to have chili tonight, the kind my dad makes, but would have required far to much work. So I made something else. Perhaps I’ll beg him for it this weekend. Eh?

Another wonderfull excert from the book I’m reading:

The flick itself, a low-budget affair, consisted of a series of uninspired and ninspiring duos rehearsing the same routine–I suck yours, you suck mine, then I fuck you, ta-da! All accompanied, of course, by the same Jeff Stryker karaoke: “Oh, yeah, you like that, dontca?” (I always wanted to see some guy, choking on Jeff’s tool, take it out of his mouth and answer, “Well, no, actually, I detest you and hate big dicks, but I have a really expensive cocaine habit.”)

Ha, I love it!


Ok, so here’s the whole story of what happened last night….

So I had a some stuff that I wanted to transfer from my computer to my calculator. So I dug out the connector that I’ve had FOREVER. Hooked it up to my computer and installed the software. And all I would get was this DAMNED “Link Connection Error” and it gave no other help. Rarr! So I went online and started looking for shit. I found out that there were problems with the software on XP. So I rebooted into 2000, installed the software and tried again. SAME DAMN FUCKING ERROR. So I looked some more, found that the cable that I was using was notorious to just randomly stop working. So I went to Radio Shack, they don’t sell them, went to Office Max, they had them, so I buy it, bring it home, and fucking thing STILL doesn’t work.

So I start looking into it more. I had all the calbes that I had ever used on the calculator and started looking at them, switching them in and out. And I came across this one, where the two ends were different. On one end, the tip of it had broken off. So I take the good end and put it into the calc and low and behold, it doesn’t go all the way in… So I’m assuming that the tip to that cable broke off in the calc. Rarr!

So yeah, the ITEC show was really cool. I talked to a bunch of people and got ideas for places to hand in apps for internships. I also got a $1,200 peice of software for free. Which is SWEET! They had lots of pretty Sun servers there, and I wanted to molest them all… However, there were only a few cute bois there (what do you expect for a tech confrence). But they were more then worth looking at! lol

Today’s been really good. C# is pissing me the hell off and so is my group though.

Out group has met 4-5 times for the project that were working on. One of our group members has YET to show up to one, and another one comes, but just sits there, and looks stupid. Probably because he is. Today he was just sitting there sleeping. I, while he was sleeping and the other one that did show up was sitting there trying to get the program working, actually got the program working, and all it needs now are some few tweks, but it’s annoying as hell! Rarr!

At noon I had my Calc test. And I think I kicked it’s ass. But I know that EVERY time I think I did well on a math test. I get it back and I failed it somehow, so I’m not getting my hopes up.

I’ve got like 80 million windows open with links that I’ve been wanting to post so here goes again:

You want a reality TV show? Watch this program. I saw it on Sunday night and it’s really good. It looks like something that I would enjoy doing. Living on the land in Montana. So much fun!

Looking for an alternative to Windows? Perhaps you should check out the new SuSE 8.1. I haven’t had the chance to play with it yet. But everything I’ve heard has been VERY good.

I hope that I don’t get stuck working in death traps like these. Although I have seen some that are just about as bad.

Isn’t he cute! Who says there aren’t any cute nerds?

Speaking of Cute, go vote for me! You better all choose 10’s!

Kinky Fun! (WARNING: NUDITY!!!)

More Kinky Fun, but not as bad as the last one! (WARNING: MORE NUDITY!!!)

And I think that’s all… I’m off to send in resumes!


Yay, so grades are out now for the Summer Semester.. I got a B in Cobol and a C+ in my Psych class… I’m excited.

The new Macs came out yesterday and they’re really pretty.. Head over there if you haven’t seen them. I’m thinking about getting a Ti-Book. I can in theory afford it. It’s only $3200 for the top of the line one through MPC… Good times.

I haven’t really been up to much. I’ve been putting in 10 hour days. Not so much fun. But eh, $100 a day is pretty damn good I think. We’re working in this really stupid project right now… I swear they give us the stupidest things to do when we have far better things to get done… Things currently on my list to do:

1. Backups
2. MySQL
3. Heartbeat
6. Exim
7. Real
8. Real-Backup
9. NTP
10. Rsync – Windows
11. Apple Talk Zones
12. Pool IPs.
13. Rachel’s IMAP (With three !!!’s after it)
14. CSGF RM ~> Link.
15. IMAP / Exim (Mail/Folders)
16. Shellies Outlook (Corrupt??)
17. Vermont Time Frame (For Upgrade)

Now if you have any idea as to what most of this things are… Good Job!

As for other things… Well I’ve been working out as well. And watching some interesting things on the History channel.

The other night I attempted to make Mac and Cheese for the first time.. Without using a box. I got it a bit too cheesy, but it was still good. lol

Andy’s been trying to get Ramsey and I to go out to lunch with him forever… I would, but I just don’t have any money to go with him. Oh well, it’s still amusing to watch him come in every day and bother us about it.. Good times at work!

Hey look at that… For the first time in forever, I’ve got through a post without mentioning you know who’s name… It’s sad really.. That it’s not mentioned…


I really miss him. Love ::hugs::