Why I love Iowa

This was just posted by RyanD…. A reason I LOVE Iowa, they actually have WEATHER!

I just watched a storm roll in and it was really cool. It went from blue sky to so dark that the street lights turned on at 7 oclock… all of this happening in 15 minutes. It started off with these black clouds rolling in, but it had a white ribbon in between large clouds all the way across the sky and it was perfectly straight. I took a picture because it was so picturesque.

As the ribbon passed over head, it was like a shockwave of wind that nearly blew my plants over by the window. I looked down to see dust swirling all around and when i sat down at my desk, its was covered in white grit and sand. So ofcourse, closed the windows. I went on the balcony to watch the storm better. It started pouring by then. Big huge drops. But with the wind, it was nearly falling horizontal. I looked at the parking lot across the street and you could see the rain falling in bands, that it appeared to be waves crashing on a shore. It had started to die down, so I went back inside. Turns out we had 70 mph winds and that power lines were down and semis were blown off of hiways. I saw inside and watched the rain fall. It felt like I was inside of a fish tank with the rain pouring down my huge window… and I was the fishy =)

God, I miss storms.

NAS — Decided.

I decided to go with the Buffalo TerraStation It’s $929 at one place, and you get 750Gig’s of usuable RAID5 space (1 Terrabyte with striping). And it’s hardware RAID. THe only thing I don’t like about it is that you have to take the damn thing all the way apart to change a drive. I wish it had a module loader like most. But that’s what you get when you don’t have a budget for an Enterprise solution.

The thing I really like is that you can add up to 4 more drives via USB2. And from my understanding they can be used as part of the RAID!

Now I’m going to update my desktop with LInux and reformat the drives. I still need to buy a new tuner card with more onboard encoding capacity, and a better graphics card to output to my HDTV. Then I can finially have my PVR that I want. I was thinking about maybe installing the Windows Media CEnter version (we have a copy here at work that I could use) just to see how it works. I think it’d be fun. 🙂 But MythTV is the way to go.

I really can’t wait to do all this, but I feel SO BAD about dropping all this money on technology. Gah, why must I be such a tightwad.

Hung out with Andrew again tonight. It was lots of fun. Just like old times. We went to Target, and watched Golden Girls and had a jolly old time. Though I guess lots of people are talking bad about my hanging out with him again… Oh well… They are right to think bad about me.

Next weekend is also a three day weekend for me. I want to go on a trip somewhere, but I just don’t know where. Nor do I know who I’d go with. 🙁 Anyone up for a road trip?


NAS not NOS!

I’ve decided I want to build my own NAS…. I mean WHO WOULDN’T want 800 Gig’s of RAID 5 hard drive space?

It’s pretty much means no chance of loosing data. After seeing andrew loose his twice in as many weeks. I dont want to do that.

I currently have an 80 gig and a 160 gig full of shit at home. It’s also be nice to use so that I can start running MythTV again. Currently I don’t have the room on my computer to store even an hour of TV. Blah. AND the best part is that I could backup my laptop daily to it.

I have found Project UDAT. That one will cost me about $1500 to build myself. Which could be fun. But there are a few parts that I would be nervous about building myself… “Drilling out the rivets”

I also found Fastora NAS Which is $1,000 pre-build. But it doesn’t come with drives, and it’s only a 4 bay model. Which means I’d only get 600 Gigs.

On this topic. It always amazes me how quickly one can fill a big hard drive. I just bought my 160 a few months ago (LIke around christmas) and it’s already full… I never thought I’d be able to fill it! And now that it’s full and all my other drives. I really want to get a good backup solution. Currently I have a single copy of most of it, and a dual copy of the things that really matter. My laptop gets synced to my iPod whnever I remember to do it….

I really can’t wait tell Apple enables the iPodHome. That way I can just have my Home directory mirrored to my iPod, much like you do with a windows domain (Check in/out). Though I have to delete about another 2 gigs off my iPod to fit my entire home directory.


Where are our Terrabyte drives?!

Lots to write

You know. I’ve actually been thinking about a lot of stuff to write about here today, but now I can’t remember any of it. Only reason you got a long post yesterday was because I wrote reminders. I should have done that today as well I guess.

Anyways, still having solaris problems. Damon didn’t respond to me yesterday. I really hate that about him. He’s a nice enough guy. But he NEVER responds to you unless you corner him here in the office. AND he’s always saying, “Oh, I’ll send this or that to you” and he NEVER DOES. Look how long it took to get that guys name from him!

I also got a very scathing e-mail from the VP the other day (who happens to be the CEO’s brother) and of course he CCed it to the CEO. But anyways he was complaining at me about installing apache2 on the new corp webserver. (I did that because I wasn’t TOLD that they wanted 1.4, I just assumed we should use the newest version)… Well I guess I should go back first. Two days ago he sent me an e-mail saying the website didn’t work any more. After being moved from a windows box with apache1.4 onto solaris with apache2. Anyways, the website had SSI’s and it had files named *.GIF and they were referenced at *.gif. Now on windows, which doesn’t give a shit about CAPs, that wouldn’t have been a problem. But here on solaris were GIF, gif, GiF, Gif, giF, and gIF are ALL DIFFERENT FILES! Well the first e-mail he sent me said that he wanted apache1.4 installed on the machine (about 1.5 hours work to install and configure it) so that the page would work.

Now remember at this point he had NEVER TOLD ME WHAT THE PROBLEM WAS. Just that he wanted apache1.4 installed. So I asked oscar what the problem was, and found out. And fixed the problem in Apache2. (About 15 minutes work). But anways, he sent me a mean e-mail but after I talked to him about it, he understood and saw that apache2 was actually the better choice.

Not much else going on here. I’m going home early today. I’ve spent way to much time here this week already (38, plus the ten for fri). So yeah.

I’ve also decided that I’m going to be going to the beach every Sat/Sun from now on. I’ve lived here way to long and have only been to the beach a few times. So I’m going to start going every weekend and get a hot tan. 🙂

Oh, I found the BEST lj_community ever: found_photos!

Ok. laters!

Adopted Kids

Gah, ok so one of my co-workers adopeted these two kids… And Gah, he’s just annoying with them…

Well, ok. He’s annoying in general. He’s one of those people who takes 100 steps to do one thing… Thinks he knows everything, and that he’s always right. He has all these stories about how he owned a multi-million dollar business, and how he’s done HD for his whole life for a “big” printer company and blah blah blah. And sometims I just want to tell him to shut up.

I also get annoyed that we use so damn many windows machines around this office…. I wonder what the policy would be if I switched my desktop to linux.

I slept all day yesterday, and then got up for an hour and then fell asleep again. Got up at 11 and started work from home.

I’m still really tired… I may be sick or something.

Might be taking on a second job, it’s a dreamweaver position for a small company. Just a few hours a week, but it’d be nice to get some extra money in my pocket as always… I’m still waiting for that raise I was supposed to get at the begining of the year.

Anyways, night all.