Cold weekend

It’s been a really cold and blah weekend. Cloudy, rainy looking. Not very nice. But it was still a great and busy weekend.

Lets see, Friday I stayed home. It was well needed rest, altough after this busy weekend I’m still tried! Tonight I’m going to go home and nap after my dentist appointment.

So, Saturday I got up and went and picked up Ben and headed to the California Science Center for the Star Wars exhibit. It was really cool. First we saw the iMax film about hurricanes which was sad and almost made me cry! From there over to the exhibit which was tons of fun. I love star wars. After we were done with that we looked around the rest of the top floor of the science center and saw some stuff, but not as much as I wanted to as Mark and his boy-toy wanted to go eat. It would have been nice to see the rest of the area but whatever.

We headed off to Santa Monica and ate at the Cafe Crepe place. After that we went and bought Mark a cute new outfit at American Eagle! Thankfully the homo that always bothers me there wasn’t working!

Ben and I left after that and went back to my place and hung out for the night. Sunday we got up and went to WeHo and went biking. It was COLD but still a really nice ride. Up through Beverly Hills and what not. Great times. Nick and Jaun were there again so it was cool to chat with them again. There was this stupid bitch on the ride that was complaining about everything though!

Sunday afternoon we went back to my place and ate chinese. After that it was back to my place for a nap! Ben left about 6 because I was waiting for a call from Jay.

Yes, Jay. Friday I emailed him. I need help, mortgage help. And he’s the most qualified person I know that I trust to get me the right answers. He replied back with so much information, so I replied back to him with more questions. He said we’d talk on Sunday after 6, but he never did call. Which honestly is probably a good thing, because last night I was just SOOO tired I probably wouldn’t have gotten very much out of him. I’ll ring him early this morning to see if we can chat about it today.

As always, pictures from the weekend are on the photodump.

Outdoor weekend!

Wow this weekend has been busy!

Friday, Ben, Sirin and I met up with Jess in WeHo for his birthday! Had a great time at OBar and then went down the street tot his piano thing. It was a really fun night. On the way home Sirin and I got to talking and are going to try and figure out a way that we can buy our building. So all weekend I’ve been really excited about that and what not. Sadly I got online this morning and looked it up and the guy has increased the price by $600,000 for the building!! So now each unit is $325,000. 🙁 I’m not sure I can afford that much! But I’m still going to make a few calls and see what’s going on.

Saturday Ben and I got up, I dropped him off at home and went to a business meeting. After that we met up again and went hiking in Red Rock Canyon and then hung out in Santa Monica area for a while. Went back to his place and had dinner. We laid down for a 15 minute nap at like 8:30 and didn’t wake up again till 8:30 Sunday morning! Opps!

While I was out driving in LA on Saturday I found a gas station that was at $3.45 for REGULAR gas! Insane!

Sunday we got up and headed down to my place. Went for a bike ride and then hung out in RB area. Lots of crazy stuff going on at the Pier. It was an amzing weekend 80 degrees and what not. He left about 4ish and then I spent the rest of the day relaxing on the couch.

As always, photos from the weekend are up on the Photodump

Halliburton is planning on moving it’s head quarters to Dubai. I really think that if they do make this move, that EVERY government contract they have should be revoked. They have access to WAY too much sensitive information.

Remember the game You Don’t Know Jack?. Well you can now play them online! These games wasted away MANY hours of time at BSA staff camp every year! Soo fun

25-Code Snippets for web designers. Some very cool and useful things. I wish I had found this before we demoed a few of the past projects I’ve been working on

Time Sensitive CSS Switcher. This idea has been around for a LONG time. I remember in HS having a website that printed out “Good Morning”, “Good Afternoon” etc depending on the time. But this is a realy cool implimentation of that idea.

Need a menu? 71 cool CSS menus.

Web 2.0 Tutorial Roundup!. I’ve been trying to learn photoshop lately and this has been a great resource!


Biking Weekend

Well this weekend has been pretty busy. Friday I just stayed home after work and had an enjoyable evening alone. That was nice to just hang out and relax. Saturday I got up early in the morning and headed down to Long Beach. Did a great 50 mile ride that day. There’s a 70 mile ride coming up in a couple weeks going from Irvine to San Diego, and then you catch the train back. It sounds like it would be a lot of fun, so I think I am going to sign up for that. After the ride I came home, showered and then went and got my hair cut and stopped at Target to pick up a few things.

While I was there I realized I forgot the croutons for my Meatloaf I was going to make. So I checked out the food section and couldn’t find any croutons. So I just headed next door to the Ralphs. I ended up getting a whole basket full of stuff. Most of it was on sale with a ralphs club card. So I get up to the check out line and the woman rings up my stuff. I realize I left my club card in the car, and just enter my phone number… Which NEVER works. I swear, the thing doesn’t work with out of state phone numbers. Because everytime I try to do that at any of the grocery stores it never works. Anyways, I try twice then the cashier woman tries. Doesn’t work. So she says that I can’t get the club discount. I say to her, “Don’t you have one you can just scan for me?”. It’s not that big of a deal, most cashiers have one, thier own or what not that they’ll just scan. They get points towards coffee at starbucks and whatnot, so why not? She says, “No, we’re not allowed to do that.” So then I do whate everyone else does.. I ask the lady behind me. Typical grandma style woman, she’s confused at first but when I explain it to her again she gladly hands over her Club card for me to use.

The cashier refuses to take it… WHAT?!?!?! Now this is where things get ridiculious. It doesn’t MATTER whos card it is. The cashier goes off on this rant about how it’s “Wrong that you get her discount” and blah blah blah. Excuse me? It’s NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL. It’s not like the old woman has to pay the card, it’s not like the money is coming out of the cashiers pockets. It’s a discount that ANYONE could have gotten. Hell I could have just taken the 5 minutes to sign up for a new card if I really wanted to. But I didn’t want to hold up the line any more then it already was. At one point the cashier in the next line even turned to the old woman and said. “I really don’t know what her damn problem is.” Sooo funny. Anyways, on the way out I happen to run into a manager and told him the story, then the old woman stopped and talked to him. As soon as she was done he ran over to the phone and picked it up. I assume to yell at her or something.

The old lady and I stopped outside and chatted for a while. It was great.

After that I went home and made my meatloaf. Sooo yummy! By that time it was like 6pm and I was exhausted from running around all day, so I again just spend the night at home and watched the movie magnolia. It was very very strange. Raining frogs?! WTF?

Sunday morning I got up early and headed up to Santa Monica for a ride with Team 100. Pretty big group there this time, which was cool. There was this new really cute boy, like REALLY cute, anyways, he totally falshed like everyone. You could see his junk. Haha. I also met this guy Wayne and Nick. They were pretty cool. Nick and I got lost early on though because we were following this guy who apparently wasn’t in our group. lol. Opps. Wayne and I think that NIck got lost again because he took off from us about 10 miles before the first rest stop and we lost track of him. But he was no where to be found at the first stop. Opps again. I headed back from there because I was on a time constraint.

Met up with Ben for lunch at The Counter which was relaly good as per usual. After that we went shopping, and then split ways for a couple hours.

He came back over at 8:30 and we hung out. It’s good to have him back in town. 🙂

It Wasn’t Me

So I was listening to the radio the other day and “It Wasn’t Me” by Shaggy came on the radio. It got to the line where the song goes:

now we were both caught making love on the bathroom floor

and instead of that it now says:

now we were both caught love on the bathroom floor

Umm. WTF?! Since when did “making love” become something you can’t say on the radio!? WHAT!? Are you serious!? This has to be one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard!

So then. Friday night I was supposed to go out to Weho with people but everyone backed out at the last minute and it was just annoying. Instead I spent the night working on some stuff for one of my contract jobs and I just couldn’t get it figured out. The View is returning 4 rows and I need to take data from the two identical rows and join it together…. Well, it’s harder then that, I’m just not explaining it right. Either way I couldn’t figure it out. I went to bed about 11 and woke up around 9ish Saturday.

Got up and went to Ikea and the SouthBay Pavilion. GHETTO! Ikea was good. I spent $65 there, got a shoe rack, a rack for the bathroom, some spoons, and a huge coffee mug for the newport beach office. Came home and put things together and cleaned.

So remember the camera I lost? It’s STILL not found. I have spent 15-20 minutes every day looking for it. Today I pulled EvERYTHING off my desk, out from under my desk, out of the closets, turned the couch up side down, moved the coffee tables, I even searched through my underwear drawer!! It’s GONE. I’m really starting to think I might have thrown it away or something, but I went out and searched through the two bags of trash that I’ve taken out in the last week.. NOTHING. So now I have to find a new one. I’ve been WANTING a Digital SLR forever, but I think that’s just way too much to spend on it right now. So I don’t know what to do. I’m thining the Canon Powershot SD630. It looks like a really nice camera and I _love_ the 3″ screen! I really want to have a camera before this weekend’s ride.

I also went out and did a quick bike ride. That was good. Less then one week till my 100 mile ride.

Saturday night Robert and I hit up Weho. Had a really good time, and checked out a few boys. 🙂 Fun fun! Surpised we didn’t run into you know who. But thank god. The lines at HERE were HUGE! Something special must have been going on. Either way we had a great time. Got home about 3am and crashed.

Sunday got up and looked for my camera a little more. But there’s really no where LEFT to look, but I just know that as soon as I go buy a new one, it’s going to turn up somewhere.

Went flying in the afternoon with Jason and Carlito. We flew inland over downtown LA, up to Santa Monica, south over LAX and then back into Hawthorne. While we were flying up towards downtown LA we came within what seemed like a couple hundred feet of an Airbus A320 that was coming into LAX. They said that they were really low or what not. Either way it was COOL and scary at the same time being that close to such a huge jet.

After that Jason and I went over to Torrance Airport and talked to a guy who knows the guy who was in a plane crasha over the weekend. Pretty amazing story. Now that’s a real pilot!

Ben came over that afternoon about 3 hours after I had expected him, but either way we had an enjoyable evening talking and watching Scrubs.

Fiesta Cantina

So Thursday night I ended up going out ot Fiesta Cantina with Jason, James and Ben. It was good times. The place was kinda dead but we chatted it up and enjoyed the night. Came home about 2am.

Friday I went to work and had a horrible conversation with this guy I know online. I guess I need to do better back ground checks on people before I start to hang out with them. UGH! Fucking lying sons of bitches. I’m just so sick of people lying. Why can’t they just fucking tell the truth and be who they are. If you’re a god damn slut. Say you’re a god damn slut. You stupid faggot. I confronted the asshole about it, and he’s yet to reply. I’m guessing I won’t be talking to him again.

I’m sure you’ve all heard of the “Hold your wee for a Wii contest”… Well here’s some updated news:

Yeah, you could see this one coming way back when the original tragedy actually happened, but after getting things all lined up, it seems that the family of Jennifer Lea Strange will be aiming for Sacramento-based KDND-FM, its parent company Entercom, and the employees associated with the whole “Hold your wee for a Wii” ordeal in a wrongful death lawsuit. Although on-air personalities claimed that the contestants signed “a release,” that paper was apparently one that simply “granted the station permission to use the contest in its promotional materials,” and the family lawyer believes that no waiver of liability was ever signed. Notably, the FCC has jumped into the investigation as well at the request of the family’s attorney, as one of their suggestions is to have the station “taken off the air.” Per usual, the lawsuit “seeks unspecified medical, legal, burial, and funeral costs,” as well as presumably lofty sums of money to compensate for “other punitive damages,” which we’re fairly sure they’ll end up receiving.

Ok. this is ridic! The stupid bitch fucking did it on her own will. UGH! Why is this country so god damn stupid. Ok, and the fact that they were fired, and now the FCC is trying to get the whole station off the air. OMG. retarded!

So friday night I went out with Stephen and we had a good time. He’s much cuter then I remember him being, but the braces are just not doing it. Plus he’s WAY too obsessed with having a nice car. IE he drives a 2006 3-series, but he’s all. “OHhh I want a Land Rover so bad.” you know the type! We went out to Cheesecake factory, then ice cream and then went and saw The Departed. So that was fun. Very good movie. You should all go see it. The bitch at Cheessecake switched our left over bags. So I got his and he got mine. And neither of us liked what the other person had! haha.

Saturday I got up early and headed to Santa Monica for a business meeting and then hung out with Ben and Jason most of the afternoon. That was good times. We went to Sunken City again and walked around. Then it started raining so we came back. Ben hung out here all night watching movies and chatting and stuff. He left after breakfast on Sunday morning. He’s really cute and very nice. But I just don’t know. Neither of us are really converstaion people, so it’s a bit awk at times. I really think I need someone who’s talks more. But we have a lot in common and like I said, he’s very cute and nice, etc. We’ll see where this goes. But I’m feeling frieds only.

I lost my camera on Saturday morning as well. I was getting ready to go hiking and putting the battery in my camera. I picked up the camera off my desk, walked the 5 feet to the battery charger. Put the battery in the camera, and then the camera disappeared! GONE, POOF! No WHERE! Jason and I turned this place up side down. Can NOT find it anywhere! UGH!

Sunday afternoon I went out to Coffee with this guy Chad. We just chatted about boys and life and etc. Just like everyone else, he was very nice and very cute… But probably just friends there as well. He was here for nearly 3 hours though and we laughed and chatted. Good times. Really helped me get my mind off previously mentioned asshole. Sadly as soon as he left, I saw the asshole online and wanted to YELL at him. UGH!

Ok. Well since I only got a few hours of sleep last night, I’m going to go nap before Simpsons/etc is on tonight. Later all!