320 TREES??

So this weekend has been SOOO great. I’m sure that the neighbors will agree!

Friday was pretty good. Started out very early because I had to get up and get dressed up for an MIS project, also had an early morning meeting. So I did that, got to MIS and all the hot bois in my group were all dressed up in hot boi outfits (IE, Suits!). Rarr, so hot I wanted to eat them there! lol. We gave our presentation, got a 14.5 out of 15 on it. I’ll find out Monday what we missed the .5 points on. Crazyness. After that was over went off to MKT, which was UBER boring. She showed a video and like half the class got up and left. So funny!

(I can’t type right now!!) lol. After MKT went to work. From 11-2 was the LONGEST 4 hours in my life! And then from 2-5:15 was EVEN LONGER! So annoying, but it was well worth it to make someone happy! lol. Anyways, work was work. Like everyone was gone so we all just pretty much sat around the office all day. I did call Tech support for Dell.

So I call into Dell, had to sit on hold for like 30 minutes before even getting to someone. So I get on there and she’s like, “Who am I speaking with”
I go, “Chris.”
“And what’s your Service code?”
So I give it to her…”8-Z-G-5-Z-0-1″
She says, “8-G-G-5-Z-0-1”
“No, 8-Z, as in Zulu, G as in George, 5-Z-0-1” I corrected.
“So that’s 8-Z-G-G-5-Z-0-1”
So by now I’m thinking, “Ok, this is a SIMPLE alpha-numberic code. How can she fuck it up THIS badly, and I mean, the last one wasn’t even the RIGHT length!” So I say, “NO, can I just give you the Express Code.”
“OK, thanks, what’s the phone number for the company?”
“515-956-369*” (* to protect the innocent)
She gets that wrong a couple times, finally get’s it right.
“Company Address”
I give it to her, she gets it WRONG! By now I was so mad, but I was trying my hardest to be nice. So then she asks for the company name, and I tell her, “Krell Inst”
“Frell What?”
“K-R-E-L-L Institute”
She gets THAT wrong a couple more times… Rarr, so MAD!

So finallly we get to the spot where she asks what the problem was. I tell her, and then she goes…”Can you JUST TELL ME what the problem was??”

Well you get the point, she was STUPID! Finally I was so mad that I just said “Can you transfer me to someone who KNOWS what’s going on.” And the bitch says “Please hold” And then she HANGS UP ON ME! I was sooooo fucking mad!

Anyways, after I vented with that, I just did random little things, etc. Good times. I checked my Amazon.com account to see when my camera was shipping. I get there and it says that it won’t ship tell MAY 9th. I was so pissed. So I cancelled it and then called up some places in DM and found one there. So at 5 I drove down there and got my camera. YAY! I now have my digital camera! So cool!

So after that I was like, I don’t want to drive back to Ames. So I went to my house in PC and spent the night studying cause I didn’t really feel like going out that night cause I was so tired. I eventually went to bed about 11. Andrew called me at 11:30 and woke me up. I was soooooo fuckin’ confused. For some reason I thought that he had gone to prom that night, and it was like 4AM, and he was calling me after-after prom. I was really confused. And apparently I kept telling him that I had just gone to bed, and that he hadn’t waken me. I still don’t even remember what we talked about. lol.

Saturday I got up and did random things around the house tell Andrew called, about 12:30. I left home to go meet him at his house and on the way out, my mom said to me, “Next weekend we’re getting in 320 trees so make sure your home. We have to plant them all.” I was in a hurry so I didn’t ask, it’s nothing odd for them.

So went over to Andrews and we hung out, did lots of random stuff. Ended up at Gray’s lake where we scared the breeders. So funny. From there over to Beak’s where we met some crazy people, Lori and some guy. She had good food so we stole some. She also had some hard lemonade, and I wanted to steal some, but I didn’t. Such good food though! Mmmmm. After that we went to Perkins down the street, everyone there was soooo creepy! The stupid put out meal on one tab, so Andrew just paid for it, so nice of him! The lady kept asking him if he wanted an easter egg, something about supporting some kids of some sort? Anyways, he got one and it had a buy one meal get one half price. So YAY for that! After that crazyness we went to some girls house for a bon-fire. That was TONS of fun, and it reminded me of my days in the BSA. So much fun! lol.

It was getting late, so then Andrew and I left, and decided to go back to Ames to watch movies. We got here and then decided it was too late to do that, and also didn’t feel like driving him home. So he spent the night.

We got up this morning about 8ish, and have been hanging around my apartment all day watching movies and TV, and just hanging out and talking about random shit. So much fun! I fianlly drove him home about 6ish, got to his about 7. Dropped him off and then drove back to PC to talk to the Pu’s some more. Found out that we actually ARE getting 320 trees… Not just an exageration from my mom. I guess that they’re going to try and re-forest a large part of our yard to lower their taxes. My Pu’s are so WEIRD!

Anyways, after that I drove home and now I’m here having a good time updating! YAY!



Welcome to the newest version of cjbonline.org. I hope that everything is working right for you. If not, PLEASE contact me! Hopefully the rss feeds will work for most people yet, I included those in my htaccess for redirection. Sorry to Julian, the only person I KNOW uses those. Other then that the only thing that I KNOW is broken is the calender at the bottom of the page, it doesn’t seem to work right when you aren’t veiwing the main page. Something stupid I’m sure.

This is not the FINAL stuff, it’s just the basic code backend that I’ve been talking about. Hopefully once finals are over I’ll have some more time to get the graphics working, also the new layout coded. I do however think this will be the color scheme and the basicness of it (IE, the neat titles, etc. Things just might move.

Other then this, not much going on lately in my life. Had an MIS presentation today, that was fun times. We all looked HOT hot HOT! And apparently he was really impressed too! Steven wore a REALLY cool yellow shirt, and I want it now. Grr.

Now I’m at work and Nazanin just finished “cleaning” my office. I hate when she does that.

Anyways, I’m out. Laters!

Adam Being STUPID!

15:09:01 AcerSai: You there?

15:09:01 pischkoa: I’m currently in the office but I am busy. Talk to you laters.

15:10:03 AcerSai: GUess not…

15:13:56 AcerSai: Well at any rate I’d like to talk to you for at least a little bit.

15:14:13 AcerSai: If you want to talk to me, IM me or call me. I’d really appreciate it.

15:14:13 pischkoa: I’m currently in the office but I am busy. Talk to you laters.

15:14:20 AcerSai: If not I I’ll understand.

15:14:27 AcerSai: Or do my best to anyway.

16:10:01 AcerSai: Please respond so I know you don’t hate me…

16:10:01 pischkoa: I’m currently in the office but I am busy. Talk to you laters.

16:10:25 AcerSai: PLease…

16:12:10 AcerSai: I’m really scared right now Chris. I need to know you’re there. I need to know you care.


Grrr. This week just seems to drag on and on. I can’t wait for it to be over!

Monday I went to class and worked. The new thing that they’re on here is taking a powerpoint presentation and taping it, then streaming it to people over the internet…

Now this seems like an easy concept. But it really isn’t. Because you see they want to take the powerpoint from ANY type of laptop, any format (ie, powerpoint itself, Acrobat, or Keynote), they want to record JUST the slides (as in a screen capture) from the computer directly and then record the sound from a microphone over it.

Well, this isn’t easy and the only commercial solution for this specific type of thing that we’ve been able to find is a $22,000 piece of software/hardware. And that’s WAY over priced.

Anyways, Nazanin has been OVERLY annoying about the whole thing. She’ll come into my office and do stupid shit, and say stupid things, etc. Monday she came in here (dragging along a very large projector case). Sat the case down, and dug like the whole thing out.. And then she just left it there. Then later in the day she came into my office and dug out two BIG bags full of cables. Dug through them and then left them in the middle of my office floor. So far I’ve just pushed them out of the way so that I can get around them. I’m not going to clean up after her, what do I look like, her mother? And I KNOW that she’s not some idiot 2 year old that can’t pick up thier own fucking shit!

I’d make a horrible parent. I’d be like “BITCH, YOU AIN’T TWO, PICK UP YOUR OWN DAMN TOYS!!” And then the kid would be like, “But DADDY, I am only two!!” ::in a whiny little two year old voice::

Anyways. Tuesday I had classes and they were a total WASTE of time. I know I should go tomorrow, but I really don’t want too! I want my break to start early!

Today I had TWO tests. One in MIS, another in MKT. I studied my ass off last night for the MIS test, I never got around to the MKT test because I got distracted by someone/something. 😛

Hope I did alright on them both. I think I did better on the MIS one then on the MKT one cause the MKT one asked alot of wierd questions that I had NO idea about.

My Dad just called and apparently we have to go help him move a piano on Saturday. Not good times. I don’t want to have to do that. ::whines::

Oh well, he said that he wanted both me and Adam.

I can’t wait tell this weekend! It’ll be great times. Unfortunatly I don’t think Sleepover 4.0 will be happening anytime soon, but I’m sure we’ll still have fun, and I’m looking forward to time in the TT.

I have no classes on Friday, but I do have a denist appointment at 3:45, which kinda fucks up my day. What the hell am I going to do all damn day.

Well I’m going to go home now… I’ve put in my 7.5 hours for the day.


TeSts Part II

So I’ve had tests this week. The last one for the week it tomorrow night at 8pm. Grrr.

Test #1, MIS: I thought I had done alright, I studied my ass off for it on Thursday and Friday, and that morning some as well. Got grades back today… Not so good.

Test #2, MKT: I think I did fine, MKTing is pretty much a no-brainer. Although she did ask some things out of the book that I skipped over because I didn’t think she’d ask questions over that. So I missed those. She said that the grades would be up by 4 this afternoon. Here it is…. 9:18 and they’re still not up.

Test #3, POM: It’ll kick my ass hard if I don’t study. There’s no class tomorrow, so I’m going to spend that time studying. Then I’m STAYING on campus from 3:30 tell 8. There’s a review session for FIN from 5-6 so I’m going to that for the test next week. The rest of the time I’m studying.

Other then that Life is Life. I installed SuSe, and it’s happy. However I can’t get MythTV to work. Which was the WHOLE thing that prompted the switch back to Suse. However, I do have Cable TV on my computer again, so that’s nice. I just can’t record it like I wanted too.

Today at work, they said they want Voice Recognition software for EVERYONE in the office, we’re talking like $3,000 there. Crazyness. Again, I wish that I had that kind of money.

My group for MIS is going well. We have M2 done, so that’s good. On to M3 now. Perhaps I’ll offer to start working on M5 now. Its going to take the longest, and I think I have the most skill in that area.

I shall go now so that Andrew will update!


PS. I declare this boi, the HOTTEST boi on earth: