Yucatan Grade Hell

Well there’s now EXTREMELY PISSED OFF mood, so aggravated is close enough.

Yesterday I sent the stupid bitch… We’ll refer to her as stupid bitch throughout this update, an e-mail (9:00am) stating that I wished to talk about my grade and asking very nicly when I could come in and talk about it.

3:30 rolled aorund and she hadn’t replied. I called her office and asked if she was in, she was. I asked how last she’d be. 4:00. I left and was there at 3:40. I went in and said “I’m here to talk to June.” They buzzed her and I could hear her in her office saying…

“Ummmm…. ::pause:: I’m leaving soon”

So I set up an appointment for 8:30 this morning. And left… I get this e-mail back 30 minutes later…

“I see you are on my calendar for an 8:30 appointment to discuss your grade. I suggest you call before coming to this appointment because you will not be able to discuss your grade with me alone. Mary, Yanira and I will have to be present because all three of us evaluated the grades based on the syllabus you were given for the course.”

To which, I reply:
I gave you oppurtunties to tell me this, both when I e-mailed you at 9:00am
this morning (Which you never replied back to) and when I was IN YOUR OFFICE
to make the appointment. It would have been helpful to know this at that

I will be there at 8:30 to discuss my grade.”

Then I hear nothing all night/morning. So I go into her office this morning at 8:30. “She’s not here”

So I wait… And wait.. and wait Tell 8:45. When I say, “I’m going to discuss this with the dean.”

So I go upstairs. The dean and the person I actually need to speak to are “Out of the office.” But while I’m there making an appointment for MONDAY MORNING, Betty calls and says that June is now in her office. So I go back down there.

“She’ll be right with you” Mind you this is at 8:50.

So I sit, and I wait and I wait… And I see the Dean walk past.

9:05. June and the dean come out and talk to me. “You were told you had to make an appointment with all three of us.”
“I’m here to talk to you, you can at least tell me about the part you graded and why you feel that I did so poorly.”
It goes on and on. Her saying that I have to make an appointment for all three of them and me saying that I want to know why NOW. Then she says…
“Mary is out of the country tell May 27th. So you have to make an appointment for after that.”

Blah blah blah

I complain at the dean because I had an apointment for 8:30. Not 9:05!!!! June jumps in and references the e-mail last night and also CLAIMS she sent an e-mail last night stating that Mary was out of the country and that she couldn’t talk. So I give her the benifit of the doubt and say fine. Lets make an appointment for May 27th. And storm out.

I come back to my office and read my e-mail…

Meesage received 8:32 AM:

I do not appreciate the hostile tone of your message.

Again, it will be your responsibility to arrange a meeting with Yanira,
Mary, and I. Mary is not available until the end of the month. She is
traveling, so you will have to contact her office to make arrangements.

June Smith”



When I was there I also requested to see a POINT BY POINT evaluation of why I lost EVERY SINGLE POINT IN THE CLASS.




No Party?!

So the last couple days have been very stressful for me and I’ve been getting very annoyed with like everything and anything. Andrew found that out the hard way last night.

Yesterday our group met and got everything together for the presentation. Which looks really cool thanks to me! I also printed out the paper, on very nice paper and added some graphics to it. So it’s really cool now too! I have to have it bound tomorrow sometime.

We also moved into the new office. Tuesday Nazanin and gang were all in a meeting all morning, so I got EVERYTHINg moved by myself and set it all up the way that I wanted it. So it’s really pretty now. Though it really looks like Mission Control in here now. lol

Went and bought my cap and gown today for graduation. Good times. It cost like $30, because I got a few other things.

Today went just about as bad as yesterday. I’m still very stressed and short tempered. My MIS group is going to hell quickly. Some of the groups went today… We haven’t even STARTED our project yet. We meet Sunday at 1 to do it.

I’m finally starting my training at job number 2. That’s Monday at 5pm-10pm. Should be fairly easy shit.

Well not much else going on. Sorry all my updates have been shit, but that’s the way tI feel.

Laters all.

Man Oh Man

So yeah, things are going pretty good… Lots of long nights lately with the whole project shit going on. Girl did her part all wrong, and didn’t show up for more meetings. Excuses again. Got it all fixed.

Put together the presentation along with slide design tonight. It looks damn good if I do say so myself.

Started moving offices today. I must finish that tomorrow.

I’m going to set it up the way that I want it. It’s very annoying with Nazanin standing there constantly being like, “Well this should go here, and that there.” It’s like….

“THIS ISN’T YOUR OFFICE, let us set it up the way WE WANT IT!”

We’re the ones to have to use it every day. Not her.


Anyways, I’m sore and tired and a bit grouchy and depressed…

So I’m off to bed.

Lateers all.

Edit:// If you’d like to see our paper and parts of the presentation, go read it here.

Wierd Times At The Krell Institute

So this morning has a been a bit wierd and exciting all at the same time!

I got into work at 8 this mornig, like I do every morning and was catching up on what had happened over night, you know, news, tech stuff, logs etc. When Rachel comes into my office with some guy behind her.

She said something about this guy talked to someone yesterday about a computer problem and that they had told him to bring it on in. So I was like, well it must have been one of the other guys that work here, and they must know him or something. So I had him bring the computer into the other PT’s office and he told me all about the problem and then left his contact info and stuff.

Then he left, and I went into Rachel and and I was like, “Who the hell was that?” and she said she had no clue. So then we were talking about it and she was like, “Do you think he meant to take it over to that computer repair place across the street?” And I was like, “That has to be it.” So I called them up and explained the situtation to them and they were like, ‘Yep, we’re expecting an e-machine.”

So then they came over and picked it up. But I just thought it reall random and wierd. What a freaking crazy. I’m just REALLY glad that I didn’t have to call the guy and be like, “Yeah, so you’re in an idiot and we don’t fix computers.” lol

Also I got my paycheck today and I made about $200 more then I was expecting this month. So that’s REALLY exciting. It means that I won’t be as strapped for money as I thought I would be when I go out to Cali this week. Way exciting times.

I also have to remember to call Radio Tradio next Saturday morning on my way home, because I really want to get a few things sold. Then the week after I get back from Cali is going to be a HUGE e-baying week along with a HUGE decision making week.

As Andrew eluded to on his journal, I think I’ve made up my mind about where I’m going to live along with how I’m moving out there. But I don’t want to go into to much detail before I find out more information next week.

Also, As Andrew said, I’m really pulling for this one job that I have an interview for. Basically the story is that there was a job for a COBOL programmer on Monster.com…

I sat there for like a day debating with myself if I should apply for it or not. I mean, it’d be HORRIBLE if that were the only job offer I got, then I’d essentially have to take it and then do something that I EXTREMELY REALLY HORRIBLY HATE! Because I HATE programming, but I EXTREMELY REALLY HORRIBLY HATE COBOL programming…. Well the guy e-mailed me back and was like… “Well you’re not good enough for the COBOL job, but how about interviewing for a job we’re not advertising, and that I was just thinking about adding…. A Systems Administrator job”

So I was like, Sweet! And told him sure. So I REALLY hope that I can get that job, it’s super close to Andrew, and close to the potential apartment that I’ll be living in, and it’d be what I want to do! Well, it’d REALLY be what I want to do if you added, UNIX or LINUX infront of the title. But I doubt that’ll happen.

It does however seem that they use a lot of Unix/Linux systems at the place, and they guy that I’m interviewing with seems very smart, at least from what I got from the group postings that I’ve found about him on google. So that’s a little intimidating. But I’m sure I can handle it.

Wish me luck everyone and send me good vibes on Tuesday at 11am Cali time!

Laters all.

Also my mother just sent me an e-mail with potential people to invite to Graduation. In which she said:
“Sibbel side (yes, including the witch)”
And I’m like, “WHO THE HELL is the witch????” Because if anything there’s a witch on the black side, not the sibbel side. Crazyness…

But on this topic… If you have any ideas of people that I can invite to my graduation and will give me money… Leave me comments!!!


This Is Getting OLD!

(10:22:24) SqUaLL0112: you CAN IM me first you know
(10:23:35) pischkoa: Sorry, but I’m not always here watching for when you get here.
(10:23:48) SqUaLL0112: you could leave me a message
(10:23:55) pischkoa: I did leave you a message last night
(10:23:58) SqUaLL0112: like ou did everyday last semester
(10:24:00) pischkoa: And you didn’t respond to it.
(10:24:00) SqUaLL0112: what did it say?
(10:24:05) pischkoa: Have a good night
(10:24:19) SqUaLL0112: i d ont think i saw it
(10:24:24) pischkoa: Well I left one.
(10:24:28) SqUaLL0112: when i came home my comp was off cause theplug fell out and i didnt know it
(10:24:32) SqUaLL0112: well it still wasnt this morning
(10:24:32) pischkoa: Oh
(10:24:40) pischkoa: Well I’ll try harder
(10:24:45) SqUaLL0112: thanks honey
(10:24:47) SqUaLL0112: whats up?
(10:24:54) pischkoa: You know that job I applied to at CKE, and the guy put me on hold for like 10 minutes
(10:25:22) SqUaLL0112: yeah
(10:25:34) pischkoa: Well the SAME job is up for the THIRD time on Careerbuilder.com
(10:25:43) pischkoa: Why the hell doesn’t he just HIRE ME!
(10:26:05) pischkoa: You think I should apply again?
(10:26:08) SqUaLL0112: yeah wy not
(10:26:12) SqUaLL0112: and call again
(10:26:13) SqUaLL0112: and bitch
(10:26:15) pischkoa: lol
(10:26:36) pischkoa: So what’s up with you?
(10:26:37) SqUaLL0112: other guy call back yet?
(10:26:40) pischkoa: Nope
(10:26:44) SqUaLL0112: nothing honey i just woke up
(10:26:54) pischkoa: Yeah, well you did stuff LAST night after we talked.
(10:27:09) SqUaLL0112: well whas up with you indicated whats up right now
(10:27:13) SqUaLL0112: you didnt ask me what i did last night
(10:27:22) pischkoa: Well don’t be picky about wording.
(10:27:32) pischkoa: You know what I mean
(10:27:44) SqUaLL0112: well you KNOW im picky about wording
(10:27:46) SqUaLL0112: i alwyas have been
(10:27:48) SqUaLL0112: anyways
(10:27:54) SqUaLL0112: i went midnight bowling
(10:28:01) pischkoa: Oh you did? Was everyone drunk?
(10:28:07) pischkoa: Did you ahve fun?
(10:29:11) SqUaLL0112: yes i did
(10:29:14) SqUaLL0112: i bowled wth my old ra
(10:29:24) SqUaLL0112: it was only 2 bucks
(10:29:42) pischkoa: Oh, well that’s fun. I like how you avioded the first question.
(10:30:00) SqUaLL0112: i didnt avoi dit
(10:30:05) SqUaLL0112: a few people were drunk not everyone
(10:30:11) SqUaLL0112: why? did you think i was drinking??
(10:30:27) pischkoa: No, I ASKED because you said the people you were going with we’re going to have some fun before going.
(10:30:50) SqUaLL0112: well they did.. its nat and lisa, i didnt expect anything different
(10:31:08) pischkoa: Alright
(10:31:16) SqUaLL0112: alright?
(10:31:35) pischkoa: You’re being a little snappy this morning.
(10:31:36) SqUaLL0112: hows work?
(10:31:44) SqUaLL0112: of course i am
(10:31:52) pischkoa: What’s that mean?
(10:31:59) pischkoa: Did I do something wrong?
(10:32:02) SqUaLL0112: no
(10:32:16) SqUaLL0112: it menas you ALWAYS think im snapping/beingmean/being rude/being whatever
(10:32:21) SqUaLL0112: brb bathroom
(10:32:24) pischkoa: I do not
(10:38:43) SqUaLL0112: what have i said that was snappy?
(10:39:15) pischkoa: (10:26:44) SqUaLL0112: nothing honey i just woke up(10:26:54) pischkoa: Yeah, well you did stuff LAST night after we talked.(10:27:09) SqUaLL0112: well whas up with you indicated whats up right now(10:27:13) SqUaLL0112: you didnt ask me what i did last night
(10:39:25) pischkoa: (10:27:44) SqUaLL0112: well you KNOW im picky about wording(10:27:46) SqUaLL0112: i alwyas have been(10:27:48) SqUaLL0112: anyways(10:27:54) SqUaLL0112: i went midnight bowling
(10:39:37) pischkoa: (10:30:50) SqUaLL0112: well they did.. its nat and lisa, i didnt expect anything different
(10:39:59) pischkoa: 10:22:24) SqUaLL0112: you CAN IM me first you know
(10:40:10) pischkoa: Good morning to you too.
(10:40:19) SqUaLL0112: just stop it
(10:40:26) pischkoa: I’m not doing anything!
(10:40:37) SqUaLL0112: the majority of those things i was just saying, i wasnt ‘snapping’ i was just telling you
(10:40:43) SqUaLL0112: and the IM me first comment was a joke
(10:40:49) SqUaLL0112: which i indicated with the stupid face thing
(10:40:57) SqUaLL0112: you know im starting to think we should never talk online b/c this is always what happens
(10:41:07) pischkoa: It is not what always happens.
(10:41:24) SqUaLL0112: well you completely took everything is aid in the wrong way this morning
(10:41:35) pischkoa: And you take everything I say in the wrong way too.
(10:41:45) SqUaLL0112: i didnt say it wasnt both our faults
(10:41:57) pischkoa: well you completely took everything is aid in the wrong way this morning
(10:42:04) pischkoa: That didn’t leave much room for it to be your fualt.
(10:42:05) SqUaLL0112: how?
(10:42:14) SqUaLL0112: oh nevermind i see waht youare saying
(10:42:31) pischkoa: Is that sarcasm or truthful?
(10:43:35) SqUaLL0112: i didnt get at first what you meant
(10:43:45) SqUaLL0112: i thought you were saying that i took everything the wrong way this morning and thats why i said how
(10:44:07) pischkoa: Anyways, this is stupid.
(10:44:37) SqUaLL0112: i agree
(10:44:39) pischkoa: But I never indicated that I thought you were drinking, and I think it’s obvious that when I ask you “What’s up” when you first get out of bed, it’s indicating that you should explain what you did last night.
(10:45:07) SqUaLL0112: but why not just say ‘what did you do last night’
(10:45:15) SqUaLL0112: whats up means just that, whats up now
(10:45:39) pischkoa: Does it really matter?!?!
(10:45:57) SqUaLL0112: it matters b/c if you ask me wahts up im going to respond differently than if you say what did you do last night!!!
(10:46:02) SqUaLL0112: thats the only point im trying to make
(10:46:28) pischkoa: And the point I’m making is it doesn’t matter!
(10:46:48) SqUaLL0112: ok but when you say whats up how am i supposed to know that means tell me about your night
(10:47:03) pischkoa: because you JUST GOT OUT OF BED!
(10:47:22) SqUaLL0112: EXACTLY
(10:47:29) pischkoa: nevermind.
(10:47:37) SqUaLL0112: thats why i said all of this
(10:47:46) pischkoa: I’ll just fucking treat you like a senator and state everything in 10000 words when it’ll just take 1
(10:48:04) SqUaLL0112: why are you gettign so defensive?
(10:48:21) pischkoa: I’m not getting defensive, I’m just sick of this.
(10:48:26) pischkoa: This is stupid.
(10:48:34) pischkoa: And I just want to have a good converstaion with you for once
(10:48:41) SqUaLL0112: you already stated that and i agreed and then you didnt drop it
(10:48:53) pischkoa: Fine, I’m dropping it.
(10:48:55) pischkoa: move on
(10:49:09) SqUaLL0112: ok
(10:49:26) SqUaLL0112: well im off to class, im glad we got a chance to talk this morning
(10:49:32) pischkoa: Stop it!
(10:49:39) SqUaLL0112: im being serious
(10:49:54) pischkoa: Alright, well have fun in class.
(10:49:57) pischkoa: I’ll talk to you later
(10:50:23) SqUaLL0112: im very frustrated right now just FYI
(10:50:28) pischkoa: WHY?
(10:50:35) SqUaLL0112: b/c i just am, this whole thing
(10:50:40) pischkoa: And I’m not?!
(10:50:44) SqUaLL0112: i never said that
(10:51:22) SqUaLL0112: everything i said this morning was in jest and you completely blew it up and said i was bieng snappy
(10:51:37) pischkoa: I didn’t blow ANYTHING up
(10:51:37) SqUaLL0112: but i dont have time, i have to go to class
(10:51:46) SqUaLL0112: well i guess we can debate it later
(10:51:52) pischkoa: fine
(10:51:58) pischkoa: Have fun in class.
(10:52:02) SqUaLL0112: dont ‘fine’ me
(10:52:05) SqUaLL0112: you have fun at work
(10:52:13) pischkoa: I’m going to have a GREAT time at work now.
(10:52:20) SqUaLL0112: stop being so sarcastice
(10:52:24) pischkoa: You!
(10:52:29) SqUaLL0112: im NOT
(10:52:39) SqUaLL0112: im going to be later
(10:52:41) SqUaLL0112: we can fight later
(10:52:46) SqUaLL0112: have a good day, goodbye
(10:52:53) pischkoa: goodbye to you


I’m getting really sick of being made out to be the bad guy in EVERYTHING here. If he wasn’t being snappy this morning then I don’t know what the hell being snappy is. Getting on me because I asked him “What’s up” which I do EVERY FUCKING MORNING and then saying that he’s always been picky about wording. Excuse me?

And saying, “You CAN im me first.” Well excuse me, but you could also leave me messages when I’m not here, like over night and the like…. Oh because I never do that for you ever.

And then saying, “Why did you think I was drunk” that really indicates to me that he WAS drunk, and is hiding it from me. And the only reason that I asked if people were drunk was last night he bitched about how the people he was going with were going to get drunk before going. So obviosuly the question to ask was, “Were people drunk.” referring to when he BITCHED last night about people getting drunk there.

I’m really begining to wonder if he’s doing that thing again where he TRYS to get mad at me, so that he won’t feel bad about breaking up with me. IS that what’s going on? Cause if it is, then we need to talk and just end it now. If not, then we need to talk and find out why, ever since I got back from the trip, every time we’ve talked has been a fight.

Because this is getting really old and I don’t know how long I can go on with it.

I’ll be in my office tell 6 tonight (except for 12-1 when I have class). You can call me here.