Sept 25, 2001

Sept 25, [The Doors, "The End"]

So 12 hours after I left my dorm room this morning, I’m just returning.

Grrr. I hate Tuesday’s cause they are such a long day, but today, today

would have been a FUCKING PERFECT day had I not had to work all day.

Things I LOVE about Fall: The cool, perfect sweater wearing weather, the

perfect sleeping temp, the changing leaves, the crunch of the leaves on

the ground as you walk, the smell of firewood in the fireplace, the perfect

sunsets and sunrises, there’s just so much that I love about this time of


Today Adam and I had a really long talk. He’s not doing too well. I’m here

for him and he knows that, so we’re talking about everything. I hope he

gets better soon. I don’t like seeing him like this.

Work was work today. I sat around for most of the day cause I was encoding

stuff on all my machines that I use, All four of them. It took all day to

encode all the shit that I had to get done, once I get the ports in the

firewall opened I’ll show you what I’ve been doing. I saw funny movies of

Omar, Sarah Luke, Lindsey, and a bunch of other NP’s today. I laughed at

them, and so did Barb. I see how people that sit in offices all day get

fat. It’s really easy to just sit there and munch on things and no realize

it. I’m going to have to stop taking lunch to work.

I took my roll of B&W film in today. They said it’s going to take 7

days to get it back, bastards. I wanted it done in the normal 2 day service.

I don’t understand why it takes so much longer. Neither did the techy that

was working.

I guess that’s all for today. I’ve got a big test tomorrow that I don’t

want to study for, and I’ve got the alliance meeting, and I’ve got the Career

Fair that I have to go to for a damn class. Grrrrr.

I can’t wait tell Oct. 😉

Sept 16, 2001

Sept 16, [Soundgarden, "Black Hole Sun"]

Wow, is the only word that pops to mind when I try to descrive this weekend.

It’s been full of emotional out pourings from everyone in every sense of

the word. It’s been by far one of the best weekends since school started.

I hope they keep up.

Friday night was quite the night. Adam and I were going to go to the homecoming

football game, but itwas cancelled, so we went downtown. Ryan Mcconnell

(sp?) called Adam and asked him out. Adam seems to feel that it should bother

me, but it really doesn’t. I mean I know that he’s going to have to start

dating again sometime, and it will hurt me when he does. But I know that

he will eventually and I feel as though I’m ready to see him do that. It

doesn’t bother me that ryan called and asked him out, what would bother

me though is that if Adam did go out with him. When we broke up, he said

that he didn’t feel that he was ready to date at this point in his life,

and he’s still saying that, so right now I would be hurt if he did. That’s

right now. But I know that that will change someday, and I feel as though

I’ve moved on enough so that when it does happen, it won’t kill me. I’ll

be sad about it, but I’ll also be happy that he’s dating again. Emotions

are such a fucked up thing. I love the relationship that I have with Adam

right now. We’re so close and I love it. I don’t want to lose the friendship

that I have with him.

Saturday was just a totally fucked up day all in all, but it was really

cool. Adam and I met up about 11 or so. He didn’t have any money so he had

to call him mom to see if she would loan him some so he could go to the

dance, well he was on the phone and said that I was going with him to the

homecoming and Rob started making really derogetorry statments and us going

together, and that really pissed me off. He said, "Well Chris, you

should get a dress for prom." I just wanted to fucking scream and him,

and that wasn’t the only time yesterday that he pissed me off. The second

time he was trying to buy my car from me and I told him "NO" and

he just kept going. Grrr. But yeah, Adan and I went out car shopping after

that. It was fun, then we went back to his house and hung out and talked

and just messed around there. Then we went out with my mom to supper. It

was fun, but my Parents just annoy me. She let my brother wear a bright

orange shirt and camo pants to the Macarroni Grill. I was like, OMG. We

heard stories about drunk Little Chris, it was fun. Then after that we went

back to Adam’s so he could get him money, and his mom was really sad I guess

is how I would put it. Bad times there. Then we went to the dance, that

was alot of fun. First schoolesk dance I’ve ever been to. It was great.

After that we went back to the park with Andi and Leah and we hung out and

talked about anything and everything. Adam vented which was good for him

to do and we talked about him and Angie and such. Then we went back to his

house after Leah and Andi left and we ended up talking to him mom for 2

hours, it was really cool to be able to talk to her about everything. I

wish I had a relationship with my parents like Adam does with his.

Today, Sunday’s been just a downer day. It’s been raining all afternoon

and it’s been cloudy all day. I dunno. I was going to leave home at 12 or

so, but I went up to see Mandy at work before I left. I ended up not getting

back to the dorm tell 6. Oh well I had lots of fun, Mandy and I went and

got pictures developed from when Angie left. It was sad. I have them posted

on my wall now, and I’ve been sitting here listening to Graduation Song

and just thinking about how everyone’s changed since high school and everyone

that I haven’t seen since graduation. I dunno. I really didn’t want to come

back to campus today. I just wanted to stay in Ankeny and hang out with


Tonight I went out with Katie, Vero, and Ryan. It was good times. We went

to get Katie’s car and she thought she had lost it. It was really funny

cause we were in this parking lot and she was like going insane cause she

thought she had lost it, or it was towed or something. But no fear we found

it. Then went over to Ryan’s and played video games and ate pizza. It was


I dunno. I’m just really depressed today. I really didn’t want to leave

Ankeny. I’m so sad being back here in the dorms, they’re so depressing and

Grrr. I just hate it here. :'(

Sept 13, 2001

Sept 13, [Godsmack, "Keep Away"]

Gotta Love NASA.

I hate my TA for Math 150. He e-mailed us today and gave us HW to have

done by Monday. The bastard.

Not much really going on today. I’m really depressed right now. I can’t

wait tell Friday. I’m going to skip my Math class and go home early. I got

a working LINUX boot disk today, so I’ll have to DL Redhat 7.1 and burn

it to disk, all 3 gig’s of it. Grrr. Oh well.

So I’m going to bring my other computer up on Sunday, that is if I can

get my monitor back from my parents. They stole it a while ago, why I don’t

know, the one they had on thier computer was much better then what I had.

Oh well. Whatever they want.

I got some other stuff I have to download and install as well. I’ve got

access to RealSystems RealServer so I’m going to try installing that so

I can stream live video to my website. I don’t know when I’ll get to that

though cause I have alot of other things to get done right now. Like Econ

and Math. Laters all.

Sept 10, 2001

Sept 10, [Sublime, "What I Got"]

The Guy:

We’ve all seen him,

The sun bather by the pool

The guy on the beach

The athlete in the gym.

Walking proudly with the prowess of a lion.

Chest high, shoulders wide and his body trim.

Each step sending shockwaves through his body.

Tall, but gracefull

He embodies more than what you could ever want.

Is he gay? A guy that attractive maybe.

Since you don’t even know his name you’ll probably never know.

He looks in your direction.

He makes eye contact with you for a few seconds.

Suddenly all the fantasies you’ve ever had flood back from memory.

Your stomach gitters and your eyes start to tingle.

He brings out all the physical attraction you’ve been harboring since you

were 12

For a breif instant you had a relationship with him.

Now all you see is his back walking away from you.

Another memory to add to your collection.

-Timm S

Aug 28, 2001

Aug 28, [Bon Jovi, "I’ll Be There For You"]

Well today has been one long ass day. I got up this morning at 6:30 and

left here for class at 7:30. I went to class, Acct 285, that was boring

as hell. Lots of hot guys in there, well actually there’s lots of hot guys

in all my classes. But yeah, then after that I went to Bus Ad 101, I have

to go get a book for that tomorrow. I hope I remember that. Then I went

to Krell to work. I should have a new e-mail there. It’ll be like

or something like that. I dunno yet. They haven’t taught me how to use the

system. I worked there tell 5, when I came back here and talked to Adam

a bit online. He’s really not doing good and I feel so bad for him. I wish

I could be there. But I can’t we’ll see what happens. I know in time things

will get better, but right now he needs people to be with him. Everything

reminds him of Angie, and that’s hard. It really is. The small things even

make him cry, and that’s hard for me to hear. I know how much it hurts him

to have her gone. And there’s really nothing I can do to help that. I really

wish there were more that I could do.

After I talked to Adam I went to my last class for the day. It’s Micro-Econ.

It’s going to be boring the frist couple weeks cause the first 5 chapters

between Macro and Mirco are the same thing. The prof is pretty young, and

he moves at a pretty fast pace. I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep that

up all semester.

Now I’m back here, it’s almost 8. I tried calling Adam cause I wanted to

talk to him, but he wasn’t home. I’l try there again later. Dean called

me and left a message on my cell phone, he’s at the Madonna Concert and

he’s pretty excited. lol. I didn’t get anything to eat yet today, so I’m

going to go and try to find something here soon. I don’t really know where

on campus you can get food after the food service closes. I really dislike

that. At DSU you could go in and order anything any time of the day, that

was really cool cause if you missed a meal you didn’t have to go off campus

to find something. Here you can’t do that, or as I’m told. I’ll have to

find something to do in that aspect of things, cause I’m going to miss alot

of meals.

Tomorrow should be a pretty easy day. I’ve only got two classes. We’ll

see though.