so my mom called late, i mean really late last night,
it was odd. she babbled at me about all kinds of stuff, i don’t really remember
what most of it was. o well. must not have been to important. i should be
doing that hw yet. i started reading it then got off on this thing of looking
for apartments and such in various places. apartments are fucking expensive
even in des moines and such. i need a job so bad. but i’m just not wanting
to get one, not here. not now. i could easially hold one down and still get
my hw and shit done on time. but i just don’t want one, not in this town cause
everything is fast food work and shit. and i really don’t want to do that
again. ycuky. and with gas prices they way they are now it’s not cost effective
to drive all the way to sioux falls to get a job. not at all. for some reason
lately i’ve been really tired, i’ve been getting enough sleep, and not to
much. so i don’t know what it is. i broke my toothbrush somehow this morning.
i was brushing my teeth and then all of a sudden half of it just snapped,
it was nuts. so i had to dig out my camping toothbruch tell i get a chance
to go buy a new one, lol. it was odd. i applied to a nother college the other
day, i don’t remember if i mentioned that or not. but the sad thing is that
i won’t hear from them tell april sometime, but i have to tell UNL for sure
if i’m going ot go there or not by march 30, so yeah, i don’t know how that
will work. i would rather not go to unl, it’s kinda a back up for if i don’t
get into anywhere else. but yeah. if worse comes to worse i can always go
to DMACC or ISU i guess. i really don’t want to cause then i would have to
live with my PU’s yucky. 🙁 Q102 is
really cool. they have good music. lol. so i talked to the high adventure
program director the other day from that job offer in philly i got. yeah,
sounds pretty cool. i should be getting a phone call sometime this week to
do an interview. that’s one thing i talked to my mom about last night. i was
like, so if i get this job out there, your cool with me going out there to
work, and she was like, well i don’t know i haven’t talked to your dad about
it. arg. i really want to go work out there, and not just cause danny is out
there, it’s the first fucknig ever boy scout camp, it would be so cool to
work there. it was started in 1912. it would be so fucking cool to work out
there. and plus it would get me out of the state for the summer and shit.
i want out, now, out of everything. damnit.