Oct 17, 2001 #2

Oct 17, #2 [Wall Of VooDoo, "Mexican Radio"]

Yeah, so you’re looking at two cars, both are identical except:

Car #1:


28,000 Miles

No Power Door Locks

No MoonRoof



$300 more then car #2

Car #2


57,000 Miles



Keyless Entry


$300 less then car #1

Which one do you buy?

It’s such a hard decision. I mean on one hand you have the stick (which

I like better), the moonroof, the keyless entry, but it’s got twice the

miles. And on the other hand you have half the miles, which means it’ll

probably last longer. Gwar. I really like the 99. Gwar again.

So Adam’s been doing volunteer work, YAY for him. I need to get back into

the volunteer work. I used to average like 100 hours a year. 90 of them

on my own free will thanks…. But yeah. I should get back into that, but

I just simply don’t have the time to. Maybe this summer I’ll put in a shit

load of time. We’ll see.

Oct 17, 2001

Oct 17, [Bjork, "Venus As A Boy"]

Ok, so we’re learning about stereotypes and devieance and such in Soc class

and a while ago we took this survey, on the survey one of the questions

was what your tolerance for certian "groups" was. One of the choices

was to have that "group" of people banished from the country,

of the about 1,500 people taking Soc 134 this semester 21% of them wanted

homosexuals banished from the country. 21%, man that’s alot of people that

want us gone. Don’t you agree? That fact is just scary.

Not much relaly has been going on yet today, it’s Wed so I have the rest

of the afternoon free. I’m going to go and try and study some more Soc and

then get some Econ and Acct done. I also have to write a paper for English.

I’m contemplating waiting for this weekend to get it done, but I’d like

to have it done before the weekend. So we’ll see if I get to it or not.

Time to study….

September 5, 2001

Sept 5, [Drain STH, "Enter My Mind"]

Ok so I’m working on my schedule for the next couple years (up to graduation

actually) and I’m having problems, you see, they require a shit load of

Soc and other such classes. I hate Soc. I hate all of these damn classes

that they require, Grrr. So I’m having problems with that. Whatever.

Jules, Vero and I are going to the Ice Cream social for the Alliance thing

today, that should be amusing as hell. I’m all about free ice cream 🙂

Other then that not much has been going on here today. I’m really bored

with class work and shit. I’ve got alot I have to get done, but I really

don’t want to do it. I’ve got to read my Soc book, I should read me Accounting,

I need to read Econ, Grrr. It all just seems to pile up, I don’t really

have the willpower to actually do it all.

September 1, 2001

Sept 1

Tonight’s been really great. I went out with Adam, just me and him. I love

being with just him, we have so much to talk about really. We can almost

always find some random thing to talk about. I really love him to death.

I wish we could give a relationship another go. But like I’ve said before.

I know that’ll never happen or work again cause he’s so wraped up in other

people right now. We started the night by going downtown and we went to

this big ass parking garage and we talked about the future, what it holds

for us and where we think we’re going to go. We have this big plan to move

to AZ. I dunno if I’ve mentioned it before or not, but I really like it

and I hope that we can carry it out. We talked about it tonight, and I think

it’s feasable if everuthing keeps on track like it is right now. If all

goes to plan in 2004 Adam, Angie and I are moving to AZ. I really hope that

it works that way. After the parking garage there was much randomness and

walking places. About 9 or so we went back to Adam’s house and we were just

going to hang out there and talk and shit. Well we went there and his mom

and like entire fucking family showed up shortly after that. They hung out

there for a while, and then his familyish type people left, (they all took

pictures of me for some odd reason). But Melinda and Rob stayed in and that

fucked up our plans for the night. So we went back downtown and walked around,

there was some beerfest thing going on so there were lots of amusing drunk

people there. Then we came back to Ankeny and hung out and talked. Now I’m

here, wishing that we could be together one more time, give a relationship

one more shot at where ever it might go. Let life take me to where it should

and let me be happy. When I was with Adam I was so happy, when I’m with

Adam now, I’m happy. But when I was with him. That was the best time in

my life. The best.

This morning my mom and I went to UBS and we bought Dreamweaver 4, Fireworks

4, Flash 5, and Freehnad 10 for $250. That’s like $1,000 worth of software.

I was so happy. It’s bloody cool. I’m going to have to learn Flash and shit

now. But I’m loving Student Discounts on software.

Aug 18, 2001

Aug 18, [New Radicals, "Someday We’ll Know"]

Ok well since fateback has been down the last couple days I’m going to

leave the last couple entrys up here.

The last couple days have been great, yet really sad at the same time.

I’ve spent alot of time with Adam and Angie. It’s been really great. Last

night we went to a concert with Adam and Tim’s band. There were some damn

hot guys there. It was a pretty good time, free food. And I got to see alot

of people from High School that I hadn’t seen in a while. After that we

went downtown, I missed my first two corners, so I just took the long ass

way around, we got there eventually. We were sitting on that brick wall

just across from Spagetti Works and these two random people walked up to

us. They started asking us where good places to hang out and drink were,

and then they asked if thier fake ID’s were good enough, it was crazy. Then

they offered for us to come back to thier hotel room. Crazy people. We talked

to them for a while, then it started POURING rain, I mean just out of the

middle of no where, it started pouring sheets of rain. It was cool, so we

ran back to Java Joe’s and got some coffee and shit.

We left there cause we had had enough of the live music in the last couple

days with the fair and all. So we left and went back to Angies house. Earlier

I had told Adam a story about the conversation I had with my parents. They

said something along the lives of, "With the life style you’ve choosen,

you’ll end up in a body bag by the time you’re 22." And when they said

it, it didn’t cross my mind at all, and I just put it off as something they

would say. I didn’t even think about it tell I told Adam the whole story,

and then it’s like, they really thinkn that, that I’m going to be dead by

the time I’m 22. So that really depressed me. Assholes. So at Angie’s we

all just talked and it was good times there. After we left there, Adam and

I went out and just drove around Ankeny and talked and did random stuff.

That was really nice to talk to him about things. We went back to his house

about 1 or so. I don’t remember how we got on the topic, but he wanted to

show me family pictures, which is cool. Cause I think I’m one of the few

people that’s amussed by such things. Well especially someone that I care

about, lol. So we sat around and looked at those for a while. It was nice

to just sit next to him on the couch again, and just hang out without any

tension. Good times last night, even though they were sad times.

I’ve only got a week tell school starts. One week. I still don’t know what

the hell I’m doing. I don’t know what’s going on this next week. I don’t

know when I’m moving, I don’t know jack shit. I just don’t know about anything.

I’m thinking tomorrow I’ll just sit down with the PU’s and talk to them

about everything. Or maybe tonight if I get home in time.