My Boots! Where are my Boots?!

I have no idea where my boots are? Or something! Who knows!

Most of the same old craziness abounds in my life! Last week was great, Friday we had a wonderful dinner party with Sirin, Kris, Steve and I. Jason was supposed to come, but he was sick. 🙁 we made Tequila Lime chicken and Asparagus Risotto! We sat around the kitchen table from like 9pm-2am talking and having a great time! I think I drank a tad to much though! LOL

Saturday I got up at 8ish, Kris and I went kayaking and then hit up the company picnic party! All the people I work with are crazy and there was this really scary clown at the party. Kris and I almost won the water balloon tossing contest! 🙁 IT was really funny at the start when he THREW the balloon at me. I got him back for that! If my company doesn’t know I’m gay before, they def know now! We left there about 3 and I came home for a quick nap, shower and then off to the final CalPhil concert of the season. It was pretty good. They played Queen!

Sunday I got up and did rock climbing up at Stoney Point again. We did a different route this time (S-Crack) which was very challenging! No one made it up except for JoErick. 🙁 It was good trying though! Very very hot out! After that we hit up Souplantation and then I went home to do laundry and shit.

Some drama that evening between the whole Kris, Jason and I plans. Ended up having a really fun night anyways and drinking to many bottles of wine.

Monday, people called me into work early and then I felt sick most of the day. Went home early and napped from 5-10, went over to Kris’ to watch Weeds (oh my god, creepy!), came home after that and crashed.

Things overall have been great! Sirin got her house which really makes me want one now too! 🙁 I’m very excited for Dad to be here this weekend, going to be a real weekend of new experiences! I can’t wait! I have been getting a little annoyed though lately by someone’s constant negative attitude towards trying new things. I don’t get it, go out and try new things people! If you don’t like it then no big deal, at least you have tried and you can say you did it, if you do then cool, you have something new to do! Ugh. it’s just really annoying.

People are my office are still idiots. Calling me at fucking 6:30am for idiotic reasons and shit, downloading programs that just slow down the computer to a crawl and then complaining at me about it because the computer is slow. And really, who needs 14,000 emails in the inbox!?

Anyways, I really need to work on updating more. Life is just too busy!

Midnight @ Work…

It’s Midnight, Sunday. I am at work…. I have been here since 7pm. UGH!

This weekend has been very very fun. Thursday night I went over to Jason’s house and hung out with him and Steve. We ate at Seashore, drank wine and chatted and had a great time. Friday I worked and then did the gym, after that Kris came over and we watched a The Trip and drank some and chatted. He left about 1am and then the 18-year-old came over. We made out on the couch, watched movies and chatted till 5am. No sex. 🙁 He spent the night. Got up at 7am to drive him to work, came home and changed and went kayaking with Kris. We went all the way from RB Pier down to PV. It was a great trip and we got pretty far out!

I got home from that at 2ish, napped for 30 minutes and then showered and went to eat dinner with Sirin and one of her friends. We had an enjoyable time even though I was very very sleepy. Left dinner and Sirin and I went to the CalPhil. Had a really great night there! Again, I was EXHAUSTED, but I enjoyed the music. Rodgers and Hammerstein was the theme for the night. I was dozing off during some of the music, but it was honestly very lovely to doze off to the CalPhil! I could do that every night! Got home from that at midnight and crawled in bed and crashed.

Got up at 5am this morning, came into work, shut down all the servers and then went home and crashed in bed till 10:30! Woot for sleeping in! Got up and cleaned my apartment which was in desperate need of that. Then I met up with Sirin and Kris and we went to see Mamma Mia. Honestly, not as good as I was hoping, but still wonderful! We sang during the parts we knew.

I have been really contemplating buying a DLSR lately. I really want to start taking some better shots of life. I think it’d be fun! Actually, I want to buy a lot of things. A new couch, a gun, a camera, a new TV. If only I were rich!

Ok. The Tech guy is here, I must go… Hopefully I will be in bed by 2am!


I’m on Twitter! Find me here. Apparently I signed up way back in March of 2007, but never really used it. So now it seems like EVERYONE is using it, so I jumped back on there. It’s very slow though! 🙁

So this weekend was actually TONS of fun! Friday night we threw together a quick dinner party. We had lots of fun. It was Sirin, Kris, Jason, Steve, Ryan, Christian, Christina and of course me! 🙂 I think that Ryan was a little out of place with all the gays! But we enjoyed having the straight man there. We drank wine, talked and watched the video from the Yosemite trip. Most people left by midnight, but Kris and I hung out drinking till 5am! Opps!

Saturday I rolled out of bed around noon and went shopping with Jason. Bought a bunch of new stuff for the job and went to Costco. Got home from that and we ate the rest of the Sloppy Joes and then Sirin and I headed out to the CalPhil. That was LOTS of fun! I really enjoyed it, but I am glad we got the seats we had because I would not want to be any farther back.

Got stuck in a TRAFFIC jam at MIDNIGHT on the way home from that! How can there possibly be a TRAFFIC jam at midnight on SATURDAY! And there was no construction or anything! Just traffic! REDIC!

Went to bed after that and then Sunday I got up and went rock climbing with the group. I just hung out and chatted and had a good time. After that I went up and hung out with this Actor guy for a while. He was nice, but much shorter then I would have imagined! We had a good time, but I got stuck in a 2hr parking zone, so I only stayed for that long. He had invited me to a play that night, but I was all stinky from being out in the sun all morning.

Got home and was suddenly very sad for some reason last night. I just sat on my couch and watched Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. I cried through most of the movie. WTF is wrong with me!

Things for the Houston trip are coming together well. I have already been invited to 3 parties for July 4th! How exciting! I think though that I will just go to this concert with Sirin’s sister. We shall see. I also have people lined up to hang out with me on all the days that I want to do stuff. So I am excited to be going.