May 5, 2001

may 5. ok so what the hell is up with those last updates? i dunno. just ignore

me. my PU’s should be here sometime today. i dunno when, it’s 10:07 right

now and they aren’t here yet. i’ve been up since 7 and i’ve got my laundry

and everything done already. so it’s all good. once they get here it should

go pretty fast, i’ve got everything packed that they need to take home, and

all they have to do is take my loft down.

May 4, 2001

may 4, #3. so i just got done watching the matrix. i love that movie. you

know that guy that plays neo, he’s so fucking cute, but he reminds me of julian

(i’d link a pic, but fateback appears to be down, and i don’t have one in

my collection, lol) alot, lol. (not to say anything about julians personal

apperance, lol). he also has one of my biggest turn on’s, lol. jet black hair

and dark eyes, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. i love guys with those 😉

May 4, 2001

may 4, #2. what is it with people being stupid. ok so i had my door open,

cause you know the roomie stinks, and there’s a strong wind out today, so

i figure, open door, open window, strong current, no smell. right. well people

keep coming in looking for the roomie and when they leave they close the damn

door, it’s like HELLO. was the door closed when you came in? NO so LEAVE IT

OPEN. damnit. ok i just got back from the bathroom and well it’s split into

three areas, when you walk in there’s the middle area and it has all the sinks

and mirrors, etc. to your left is the shower and to the right are the toliets.

well ok in the middle area is someone’s bed. in the shower area there’s a

bunch of chairs and a couch, and in the toilet area there’s someone’s desk,

with thier computer on it. i wish i had a camera with film i would soooooooo

take pictures of it, lol. it’s so funny, i wonder who’s stuff it is. i also

got my hair cut today, and i also highlighted it. it’s cool now, it’s REALLY

blond, i like it. was actually thinking about getting like blue highlights

or something, cause that would just look cool, but i figured, nah, not this

close to mothers day, it would freak my mum out, lol. can

you see

it? [there’s four differnet pics


May 4, 2001

may 4, I’M DONE WITH CLASSES. FINALLY. it appears though that my roomie is

going to skip his last day of classes. he’s still in bed. where’s ben since

9:30 last night, i mean comon i sleep alot but even i don’t sleep that much.

he’s actually got a job now on tues, thurs. so he’s been sleeping a normal

schedule, which has been better, but it’s getting kinda annoying cause he’s

been going to bed earlier then me lately. lol. god i can’t beleive i’m done

with classes. the PU’s should be here tomorrow sometime, i dunno when exatly.

but yeah. i gotta get up early to get my laundry and shit done before they

get here, and also before everyone else gets up and gets theirs in there.

the week before finals it always seems that the laundry machines really kick

up thier usage, lol. nathan and i have been talking alot lately, pretty much

about nothing. computers and that kind of shit, i want to talk to him about

other stuff but he always changes the topic when i bring something else up.

i dunno, i’m going to his house sometime, i’ll corner him and make him talk

to me. i have this thing, everyone knows i do, i want to know what everyone

else is doing. lol. ok this is weird, i just checked my pages hits for yesterday

and today, well i had someone from BYU at my page, and also someone from bard

college in NY. odd. and what’s even weirder is that they are direct hits,

not linked from somewhere. so they must know me, but i don’t know anyone from

either of those areas. oddness. and plus you’d think that byu people wouldn’t

be able to get to the internet. you know, to much coruption. lol.