May 25, 2001

may 25, #3 [u2, "sweetest thing"] ok well it’s 9:46 on a friday

night, i left here about 7 and went to java joes, hung out there for a bit,

went to the bathroom, really hot guy in there, majorly checking me out. nothing

came of that, lol. left there, walked through the sky walks some, nothing

realy going on there, so i went back to java joes and hung out tell like 8:45.

lots o hot guys, but nothing really goin on. so i left, drove through the

loop a few times, there was actually alot of people down there, but i just

kinda went though, got lost in des moines some, that was fun, then i headed

back towards ankeny, stopped at a gas station to get some pop and i ran into

ben from camp, god he’s so hot. we talked for a bit tell his mom yelled at

him to get moving, i was temped to ask ifhe wanted to hang out, but this is

his parents last weekend together, so i figured that wouldn’t be wise to do.

he’s not going to be at work on monday cause of it, so i figured he’d want

to spend the time with his parents. then i came back, and drove round ankey

looking for people. didn’t find anyone, jules was working, but i didn’t really

want to go into wal-mart and talk to him. so i just came home and here i am,

doing nothing. it sucks. i also talked to this

guy from grinnell, he seem pretty cool. he’s in training to be the manager

of a movie theater in grinnell and he also works at a radio station. yep.

May 25, 2001

may 25, [Billy Joel, "Blonde ovver blue"] steven

cozza is

my idle. (there’s four links there

for those that are link challenged). i’ve always repected him since i first

heard of scouting for all. he

was only 12 when he started it, he’s now 16 and pbs is doing a special on

him, it’s called scout’s honor and it’s airing in june. i don’t know for sure

when that is though, i e-mailed them so i’ll see if they tell me. i suggest

everyone watch it, and also go get this months edition of "The Advocat"

i usually don’t like that mag, but BN didn’t have the new XY yet and i wanted

something to read. and they had a huge picture of steven on the front so i

was like, yeah, scouting for all. and it’s a really good article, even though

it’s only like 3 pages about him. it’s damn good and worth the $4. But yeah,

go get. read. be informed. i wish more people could be more like steven, i

wish i could be more like steven.

May 24, 2001

may, 28, #4. [matchbox 20, "push"] hehe, i was way off with the

whole ‘B’ thing, my tentie is grant. that’s his name and he teaches cooking

which is in scoutcraft, where i work, so that means i work with him, so that’s

all cool like shit. yep, i just wanted to put that there. i’m damn bored tonight

i wanna go out, but i don’t know where anyone is, and i’m not a caller so

yeah, i guess i’ll just hang out here tonight 🙁