June 23, 2001

june 23, [live, "lighting crashes"] well it’s been a weird and

relaxing couple days. eagle bound olympics went great, we had a ton of people

and everything, so that was cool. i about lost my voice though yelling at

everyone. but yeah, i had fun. then i came home and went over to zachs, link

was there, and we watched some really fucked up movie when that was over we

all left. i got up about 7 the next morning cause we had a conference call

with a guy at penn state, after that call i’m not really wanting to go there

all that bad now. so i applied to ISU. yeah, it looks as though i’ll be going

there now, don’t you just love the way i am? one minute it’s one thing the

next it’s something completely different. yeah, i love it. then i just kinda

wasted the day here and shit and lsat night i went out with mandy, angie,

xak and this guy that angie knows named adam, he’s damn cute. hehe, but yeah,

that was great and it really got me thinking, so i said screw it and this

morning i checked my troop out of thier camp site and then turned in my resignation

letter to pete. he didn’t really say anything about it, just that it they

"didn’t want me to go" and yeah, so here i am, unemployed. yep.

i’ve got applications for places, and shit, so yep, we’ll see what happens.

June 21, 2001

june 21, [bon jovi, "bed of roses"] ok well you remmeber that guy

from eagle bound that i talked about a bit ago, josh, well today he was in

cooking and i swear he spent more time over in my area then he did in the

cooking area, h’s really cute. we talked when ever we could, but of course

i have a class to teach so i couldn’t talk to him too much, he was pretty

much my gopher today, he went and got alot of the stuff that i needed out

of quarter master and other such type stuff, so yeah. he’s cute. today i’ve

been thinking about quiting even more then normal, i had a really bad group

today, and i’m getting pretty worn out with everything as it is, and this

group just didn’t help at all. they had to have been the most uncoroperative

group there was. and plus scott is in a bitchy mood and yeah, it just sucks.

people better show up tonight otherwise i’m gong to be mad. i’m really hopeing

the will cause i don’t want to have to go home and then waste the time trying

to find everyone to get something together so we can go do stuff. ok well

that’s pretty much everything i have so i’m going to go now, i have nothing

to do though, so i’ll pack some shit up for tonight. laters all.

June 21, 2001

june 21, [bee gees, "night fever"] well it’s 8:00 am and i have

about an hour tell program starts, last night was great. we had tons of people

here, i wasn’t out much so i didn’t get to check people out to see if they

were cute or not, but yeah, lots o people, about 7:00 it started to rain and

ben and i realized we forgot to cover the fires, so we sprinted all the way

to the ampitheater, which is a long way from tent city. we got them covered

and then went and found pete, just to find out if we were still going to have

fire or not cause when it rains we have it in the dinning hall, but wer were

still going to ahve it in the ampitheater, so we told him about the fires

and he was pissed at us about not covering the fires, i mean come on we forgot,

it was an honest mistake, and as soon as we realized we had forgot, we sprinted

all the way there. so fuck him, fuck him in the ear. but yeah, the program

went off without a hitch, the fires were good, the jokes were good, the skits

were good. last night zach was the dancer, he was wearing a thong under his

outfitting and you could see alot of skin, that’s one thing i like about having

to sit in the front row, you can see alot. and damn is zach ever hot, i mean

damn fucking hot. lol. he’s one of the best danceres we have here. and he’s

just oh yeah. but then everyone left for the callout and of course scoutcraft

got stuck putting out fires like always, the entire staff is supposed to stay

to help put them out, but no one ever does, so we have to do it ourselves.

after the fires were out ben and i went to boone, he was dman fucking ass

hyper. we talked about things, i told him i have alot of gay friends, he was

cool with it. ya know if i think about it i know like 12 openly gay people.

yeah, we got back like 10:30 or so and i went to bed. and now here i am, writing

this. yep, well i should be going to get my area ready, even though i stil

have 45 minutes tell people get there.

June 20, 2001

june 20, [abba, "take a chance"] well it’s 4:40 we got off early

tonight out of program cause it’s "big brother night" hehe, but

yeah, it’s family night again, we’ll see what happens tonight and such, it’s

been a pretty long day already, i’m ready for bed now, but i have to be at

the ampitheater at like 7:30 or so. ya know there’s so many cute guys up here,

there’s this one guy, he as in eagle bound monday morning, he was helping

out his troop cause he’s almost an eagle and didn’t have anything else, so

he came and helped out, and we were talking and shit there, then tiuesday

night he came through my activity that iwas doing and i flirted with him there,

and he flirted back, and then today at lunch he was so like, watching me everywhere

i went, you see, what we do is we sing a song at every meal and the staff

walks up and down the isles singing along and stuff, well everytime i went

past him he was just like staring at me, now if that’s good or bad, i dunno,

but he’s damn cute, and like 17. and he lives close, west des moines. yeah,

he’s cute. damn cute.

June 19, 2001

june 19, [basment jazz, "can yopu feel the base"] well today’s

just been another day, the most exciting thing was tonight, we did another

summer challenge and it was good, we had great particitpation, and the best

thing i was the director at one of the events, which means i got to talk to

everyone that came through it, oh yeah, lots o hot guys, i flirted with most

of the hot ones and alot of them flirted back, but yeah, i bet they didn’t

even realize, it was quite fun though, we had a good area. well that’s all

i have for now, i’m going to go to bed, night all.