Christmas #3 and after

Christmas #3 is down only one more left to go. And that one shouldn’t be to big of a deal. I got alot of cool stuff for christmas, I didn’t really get much that I can go and say, look this is what I got. But I got some cool stuff. I got some books, and some money for clothes. It’s a really wierd way they gave me the money though, there were three boxes, all the same size, all wrapped the same and they were numbered. So I was going to open the first one, expecting like a shirt, but when I picked it up, it felt empty. So i shook it round a bit and it didn’t make any noise or anything. So I’m like what the fuck is this? So I opened it, and it was a little cardboard cut out of a shirt. I was like, “oookkk???” So them I picked up the second one, and it felt empty to. So I opened it and it was a little cut out of a pair of pants. So then I picked up the third one and it felt empty to. So I was like, WTF could this be. I opened it and it was a cut out of a shoe, and on it was a note that said I could go out and get a shirt, a pair of pants and a pair of shoes, and taped to the back of the shoe was a $100 gift certificate to VWM. So yeah, Adam and I are going shopping tomorrow.

We went out today and spent all his money. He got a new CD player for his car. It’s a really cool one. So yeah, we’ve been having fun times.

Christmas Eve

Well, it’s nearly midnight. And here I am still working on my damn computer. I seem to be having problems sending people e-mail. Gwar at that. So Julian will you please e-mail me at and tell me how you set up Kmail to send e-mail. PEASE! Thanks. I tried using SMTP on the local machine, but it keeps telling me that the permission is denied. And then I tried using pine and that didn’t work. Then I tried using Comet,, and a few others and they all didn’t fucking work. GWAR!

Someone help. Other then the small mail problem everything else seems to be working fine. I’ve got the internet connection working, and I have all my files installed on this machine. So yeah. I’m about ready to go. One things that’s kind of annoying though is that GAIM wasin’t already installed and also my ineternet keeps cutting me off like every 10 minutes or so. I’ll have to look into that later. La la la. Off to try and figure out how to send mail. Cause I have a nice Christmas gift here for everyone. 😉

Laters all.

Christmas #2

Well, two Christmas’ down, only two more left to go. Today was actually pretty good for being around a bunch of old, annoying, farmers. I just kinda sat downstairs and watched people play pool. It was alright. I got an alarm clock today, which is good cause I’ve been needing one and I’ve just been to lazy to buy myself one. Steve was there too. I know this sounds bad, but he is really hot.

Other then that not much else going on yet today. Adam and I talked a bit and we were able to get a ew hours together tonight. Hopefully his mom won’t stay and talk for hours on end, cause if she does that then we won’t get those few hours together. So yeah, it’s all on her now. lol

La la la. I’m off to spend some money that I don’t have cause I need a real modem for my machine and not one of these stupid ass WinModems.

Christmas #1

Gwar. I hate my family. I went to bed late last night, thinking that I’d be able to sleep in this morning. Boy, was I wrong there. My mother came into my room about 10:30 and said, “Get up, it’s time to leave.” Of course not knowing that we were going anywhere today I said, “Leave to go where?” She informed me that we were leaving to go to Adel for my GG’s Christmas party. One that I hate going to cause it’s the bitchy side of the family. . . Pam and Janell and a few others all in one room. Errr. So yeah. I was pissy about that the whole time. I don’t even know why we go. But whatever.

So I was supposed to meet Adam at 3, he called me at 3 and I said that we’d be home about 5ish. So I told him I’d call him when we got home. Well we got home and just as I was picking up the phone to call him, my cell phone rings, it’s him. He’s like, “I’m going to Gateway now, so I’ll call you when I get back.” I told him that we had just walked in the door and before I had a chance to think we said bye and hung up, less then five minutes later, I was like, why doesn’t he just wait at his house and we can both go down there together. So I called his Cell phone, but he didn’t answer, now that means I’ll be stuck here tell about 6ish now with the fucking family that I’m about ready to fucking KILL. I’m sad and mad at Adam, but I know I shouldn’t be, so I’m madder at my self for being mad at Adam, but it’s all just a visious circle.

My dad always takes tons of chips to family gathering, I don’t know why. No one in our family eats chips, and no one ever wants to take them home. So it’s stupid to begin with. Well today, he did it again, but when we got there, my mom opened up a few bags for people to eat while they were there. Then when we were leaving, no one wanting to take them home, they ended up back in our car. So my dad felt the need to yell and scream about that, “Why the fuck did you open them there, and why’d you bring them back home.” Well first of all, we were going to leave them there, but someone called Andy back into the house and gave him the box of chips back. Second, opening them there was a good idea cause that way he at least got rid of some of them. Well he didn’t feel the need to bitch about it just on the way home, but also when we got him he felt a need to bitch about it even more. The ass hole, you know if he and my brother would just run off the road and die sometime. I don’t think anyone in the family would miss them.

That’s another thing though about today, my brother. He kept babbling about shit that people weren’t even talking about, and things that he shouldn’t be saying. He seems to think that he has an Girl friend, but you know what. He’s just a dumbass. Rarr again at him, and my dad. And a smaller rarr at Adam right now.

I want to be out of here. I want Christmas to be over. I want them to all go away damnit. Make them go away.

Dec? Thunderstorms?

Ok, this ir like freaking me out. It’s like a couple days from Christmas and it’s fucking thundering and lightening out. Freaky wierd. But at least it’s not snow. . . Yet.

Today and tonight’s been really good. I spent all morning and afternoon just wandering around Adam’s house and we talked and cleaned, it was fun. Then tonight I went out with Julian it was good times. I put a shit laod of miles on my car though. But still good times.

It appears that Mandy and Jessica have turned up missing. It’s odd. I don’t really care enough to go into the story here, but yeah. I’m kinda worried as to where they are. They shall return I’m sure.

I’m fucking tired so I’m going to bed.

I can’t wait tell Christmas. I’ll get my XY’s with the HOT GUYS in it!!!!!