So this weekend has been really really great. Friday we did the normal hang out with people and go to Java Joes. It was fun, there were alot of people this weekend.
Saturday Adam worked tell 3, after that we went out to Saylorville and parked at the bottom of the dam and walked up to the top with a blanket. We laid it out and laid on it and just had a good time talking and watching the sunset on Des Moines. It was great. I wanted to find a more secluded spot to watch it cause it was a good sunset, but I couldn’t think of anywhere that was semi close. I mean I know of alot of places up by Boone and such, but nothing around here that’s secluded enough. After the sunset, we went and did some random things. Then we headed downtown for Stomp. It was a kcik ass show. I’m really glad that I got to see it, but I still really wanted to see The Laramie Project. Mark Wheeler was in it too, that would have been cool to see him in it. After Stomp we headed back to my house and did the hot tubbing thing. That was alot of fun, and the weather Saturday night was just great and there were TONS of stars out. After that we went inside and went to bed 😉
Friday night Adam had given me a pot he made in class. It was really cute and it means alot to me. It has both of our astrological symbols on it, and on the bottom is our anniversary date, which by the way, today makes two months. But yeah, it means alot to me….. But when he came up to the dorm on Thursday I had something that I wanted to give him, but I thought it was at home, so I didn’t worry about it, I was going to give it to him this weekend. So Saturday night we were laying in bed, and I told him that I had his present. It’s really corny, but it means something to me. I gave him my class ring. He cried, it was really nice.
Today we got up about 10 and Adam had to go to work, so I drove him to work. After he got off at 3, we just hung out randomly and did things. He dug up a tree with a pick type thing, that was amusing. Then we went to Wal-Mart and we saw Julian. That was great too.
We’re thinking about going out to Lincoln here in like two weeks to see my cousin. We’re going to leave here Thursday night, drive out there. Hang out with her, sometime…. I haven’t really figured out when we’ll have a chance to hang out with her, and then Friday afternoon drive to Corning, hang out with David for a while, and then go to Lenox and spend Saturday with my G&G. We’d probably drive home Sunday or Saturday night. I dunno. The plans are still in the works.
Random topics change, but this weekend at Stomp we were sitting waiting for the show to start and it was just so amazing to just sit there and listen to the crowd talk, to someone that just listens to everything, it sounds like a big jumbled mess, but in each and every sound there’s a personal converstaion, someone could be saying how they can’t wait for the show to start and the people next to them could be telling each other how much they’re in love. But in the whole, it’s just a mass of sound, you can’t pick out just one person or one conversation. It was just neet to sit there and ponder that, so I thought I’d pass it on.
I’m going to bed now, so night all.