So the last couple weeks have been busy.
My website got hacked. Apparently I was hosting torrent files. Ugh. I just deleted most of the sites that I was hosting because I wasn’t really using them any more, down to just the main two now.
Two weeks ago I went back to washington. Met up with some guy from Seattle. He was awk as hell! But went climbing and kayaking on the river and drove around for a bit. He had a really cute dog! I didn’t get to do near as much climbing as I had hoped because this guy was an idiot and didn’t really want to climb. Ugh.
Worked in the office up there one day, then back to LA for the week.
Friday-Saturday we had a work retreat to talk about strategy and stuff. Interesting meetings. I have a million times more work to do now!
Sunday I went hiking with Nick and two of his friends. They were nice but this one guy was really annoying. He kept bitching because we got off the trail and stuff. Ugh. Seriously! That’s half the fun.
Came home and crashed.
That’s seriously been my weeks. Nothing too exciting.