Where are my KEYS!

So yeah, last couple days… Lets see, tonight I hung out with JonJon and we all watched QaF and had a good time. Then I couldn’t find my keys when it came time to go to work. That was hellish. I was freaken out! It was scary shit.

My aunt sent me cookies! Yay. They are practically gone already. So yummy though! I called and talked to her for a while too. I guess the Aunt/Uncle people in PD complained to her about my not coming and visitint hem or something. So tomorrow/Today she’s going to e-mail me thier e-mail so that ican email them and find out when I can go out there. though both JonJon and Andrew want to go with me when I go, so I dunno how that’s going to work. I’ll probably just have to take two trips out there. We’ll see. The aunt told lots of funny stories though. It was great.

And since I don’t think I mentioned it yet, but the othe rnight my mother called me and was like. ‘Yeah don’t call/email me at work anymore, cause I don’t work there”…. Yeah, my mother just randomly up and quit her job. What a crazy! So who knows what’s going on with that shiz. She’s e-mailed me three times though in the last few days.. All of them very random…IE:

“Hay there; hows things going? Ms unemployed is having a good time so far. Dumped a bunch of money I didn’t have on a laptop. You’ll be proud to know that I got the ATT account loaded on it (I know, you’d do it in your sleep but for me it’s a small success!) F’ked up the loading of the MS office software. Got to call Billy and his boys on Monday to find out why the registration process isn’t accepting the product key information. I even got the thing password protected upon boot up! What a wild woman! “


“Do you have any old papers on the Holocaust? Do you remember the window in your old room that kept fogging over when it got hot? well, the other day when we came home the glass was just hanging by the top and side walls of the casing, the bottom fell out! Great to have a new house. We’re replacing that one window for $500! Keep in touch, I now have more time to talk, or is it e-mail withdrawal? “

And My Fav of all cause it’s so random:

“What is the purpose behind our suffering?

*To develop character. Suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and out of character comes hope. Hope is inside our hearts.

*To get our attention. Suffering is not vindictiveness, but instead perhaps there is an area of our lives that we’ve been unwilling to open up. This is a tool to get our attention to listen to others.

It never hurts to say your sorry, but when you do MEAN IT! Remember, NO ONE is perfect.”

Whatever, she’s crazy!

I’ve been going through and replying to a bunch of e-mails tonight too that I’ve been neglecting. Such as those three from her, and once from the G&G and one from Sara and I wrote big ass one to Barb and Nazanin. I hope they write me back!

Not too much exciting stuff has really been happening to me lately. Haven’t been up to LB in a couple weeks and that’s a bit sad.

Ty got a new kitchen table and I hate it. It’s really ugly and out of place. But whatever he likes, it is his place. I think him and Chris are having some problems too, but who knows. I’m hardly ever there anymore anyways.

I think I might see if JonJon and Andrew and to meet up tomorrow and watch a movie together. I feel like I’m arranging the meeting of North and South Korea or something. lol. It’s wierd. But I think it’s time they met and stuff.

Umm. IOWA! I wanna go back! ::whines::

I’ve begun changing my passwords on everything too… Too many people know my current password.

Laters all.

One Year Ago

Wow, one year ago today was the first time I ever got drunk… How amusing is that!

Anywawys, the last couple days have been very good.

Andrew and I have had a good talk.

JonJon and I talked about things. Though it wasn’t as eventful as I had imagined it would be. Mostly because I think he likes to not talk about his feelings in person. Just through txt messages. 😛

Umm, yeah. I’ve been really sleepy at work lately.

And tonight there’s been loud banging all night, so I’ve been scared to leave the office.

Anyways, laters all.

Shoe Search… Continues

So this weekend has been tons of fun, minus the arguments with Andrew.

Lets see, Friday night was tons of fun. JonJon came over right after I got off work at 2, and we hung out all day. I didn’t even sleep! It was crazyness. We also went out to get food and then while driving past the liquor store decided to stop and get some. I got very drunk, he didn’t so much.

From what I remember we ended up cuddling tell like 4 AM or something, and then he went home and I slept like a baby tell like 11 Saturday morning.

Umm, got up and was waiting around for JonJon again, but got bored with that so I went for a walk. Then got home and Chris wanted to do something, so he and I drove up to Brea and went to Hollister! I got the CUTEST shirt! Weeee, it’s so fun. I wanna go back though with someone with a little more fashion sense then what Chris has, so that I can get more shirts.

There were also TONS of hot boys there. 🙂 Apparently there is also a hollister coming to the spectrum this fall, so that’s UBER exciting. YAY!

From there we got back about 5PM and then JonJon finally came over and we went up to Ikea, where I ended up only buying the slats for my bed. Which I’ve been needing forever.

After that we headed over to Office Max and Old Navy to try and get me an office chair… First the Old Navy we went into was a HUGE MESS! It was so crazy in there! Secondly, Office Max had a REALLY nice chair that I think I want, but it was $297 (?) So I have to check with Jon to make sure that’s ok before I get it. We’ll see. I really liked it, and I REALLY need a new chair here.

From there we hit Starbucks and he MADE me buy a drink. So I did.

Umm, after that we went somewhere, but I’m not really sure where we went too. We eventually ended up back at my apartment and completely forgot about the show that night. Oh well.

JonJon left early cause his PU’s were bitching at him. So I just stayed home and talked to Andrew. That was a very bad talk. Things got very out of hand and everything and eventually I just got so frustrated that I just had to go, so I left and went and laid in bed. Eventually got to sleep about 2 or 3 am.

Sunday I got up fairly early, like 9:30 or something and just laid in bed most of the morning. Then I finally got up and called JonJon about 11:30 and we made plans to meet. He got to my apartment and we went off trying to find the BSA shop, cause it’s like RIGHT up the street from here. But we seemed to have problems finding it so we just said screw this and went to the outlet mall in Lake Elsinore (sp?).

That town is SO FUCKING ghetto, let me tell you! OMG! First the drive there is up through the mountians, and NO ONE can freaking drive on those streets. And it was so annoying.

Then we get there, and we’re driving along and like the road just seems to go back into the middle of no where and JonJon had to pee really badly, so we stopped at Albertson’s and asked for directions and a pee place. Which we got both of taken care of there.

We found out the outlet mall was like, right up the street or something. So we went there and spend forever wondering around there… It seemed to be a foot fetish there or something though, because 90% of the stores were all shoe stores… And I couldn’t find a SINGLE pair that I liked….. Well that’s a lie, I found one pair I liked, the only problem was that they didn’t have my size. It was either a 13 or an 8. So yeah. Screw that.

Anyways, we had a ton of fun there today even though it was ungodly hot. And all the people were so white-trash! It was practically like being in Southridge!

After that we came home and put my bed together and then I talked to Andrew some in there again and he was AGAIN really pissed at me. I’ve set tomorrow aside so that I can talk to him.

He says that I’m not giving him enough time, and I’m not calling him enough and all this other stuff. And honestly, since he broke up with me, I don’t really feel like I owe him anymore time then I would give to any of my other friends. And secondly, he should know how it is when there’s stuff to do, you know how often I got told WHILE WE WERE DATING that he couldn’t talk to me because he was busy.

Well I’m sorry that I’m trying to keep myself busy and keep the pain of being single at bay by hanging out with someone who’s company and friends I really enjoy and who also enjoys my company. So yeah. That’s all that I have to say about that on here publicly.

It will be nice to get Andrew back here so that we can work on this for real, rather then just talking on the phone. Because honestly that’s not helping anything, we just need to be able to actually hang out and stuff again, like we used to, when we were friends.

After I talked to Andrew, JonJon and I hung out at my apartment and then went to Nikki’s work and hung out with her. Nikki and I ganged up on JonJon for not starting school, and then JonJon and I ganged up on Nikki about starting businesses and not needing school. It was funny. lol.

It also made me really want to get back into business and think about starting my own here sometime. I dunno if I’m still wanting to do the consulting business though. I was thinking about getting more into retail/franchise of something like that. Where I can build my empire! 🙂 Whatever though, I have a feeling that’ll be a long ways off.

Oh, also JonJon offered to decorate my room since it’s so stark and bare. I’m going to give it a few months so that I can get some money and then let him go at it. Though, he can’t paint the room because Ty said so, but I think we can find cool shit to do with it.

I just want something nice for once, cause I’ve never really decorated my room ever. Like when I was a kid, I had shit all over the place, but never really anything that I would call decorated. Then when I lived in the dorms I didn’t do anything because I knew I wasn’t going to be there long, and then well, my apartments I just never felt like doing anything with. So it’ll be nice to have something done for once.

Work today has been hellish. I’ve been so tired and have been catching myself going in and out of sleep all morning. I think there was one point where I slept for like 30 minutes before waking back up. I don’t know why I’m so tired today, perhaps it’s because I’ve been up for nearly 24 hours again. Hmm, who knows. Eitherway, it sucks and I just want to go home and sleep.

OH! Funny stories… So this stupid lesbian yelled at me today for my driving… I was in this lane and it completely RANDOMLY turned into like an off ramp or something, so I changed lanes quickly into the lane next to mine… Well anyways this GIANT truck was behind me, and there was MORE then enough room for me to get in. But then like after a while, the stupid lesbian got up next to me and started yelling at me about my driving and shit. It was really funny.

Then today on the interstate on my way to work this stupid old man got up next to me and started YELLING at me about something, I think he was pissed that I tailgated him for a while. but he was going way to slow and I couldn’t get around him. But whatever, he was pissing me off. Fucker.

The people here have such road rage. Stupid idiots.

Umm, and yeah that’s been my weekend. Tons of fun! 🙂

Laters all.

Buck Fush

Hehe… This is hilarious

So last night was TONS of fun! 😉

Today SD Pride got cancelled, well my plans to go to it. So I’m really pissed about that because I was really looking forward to it.

I’ve allocated $250 this month to spend on new clothes and some shoes. I’m going to try and “professionalize” my wardrobe.

JonJon and I are going to go up to Brea Mall, Ikea, Office Max and also some show at Deidrichs tonight.

Though I’m getting really bored waiting for him, so I might just go shopping by myself.

Laters all.

Happy Sys Admin Day!

Getting the most from your IT department

1. When you call us to have your computer moved or fixed, be sure to leave it buried under half a ton of postcards, baby pictures, stuffed animals, dried flowers, bowling trophies and children’s art. We don’t have a life, and we find it deeply moving to catch a fleeting glimpse of yours.

2. Don’t write anything down. Ever. We can play back the error messages from here.

3. When an IT person says he’s coming right over, go for coffee. That way you won’t be there when we need your password. It’s nothing for us to remember 300 user passwords.

4. When you call the help desk, state what you want, not what’s keeping you from getting it. We don’t need to know that you can’t get into your mail because your computer won’t power on at all.

6. When IT support sends you an e-mail with high importance, delete it at once. We’re just testing.

7. When an IT person is eating lunch at his desk, walk right in and spill your guts right out. We exist only to serve.

8. Send urgent email all in uppercase. The mail server picks it up and flags it as a rush delivery.

9. When the photocopier doesn’t work, call computer support. There’s electronics in it. Ditto for the microwave, timeclock, and coffee maker. Hell, if it plugs in, we’re probably in charge of it anyway.

10. When you’re getting a NO DIAL TONE message at home, call computer support. We can fix your telephone line from here.

11. When you have a dozen old computer screens to get rid of, call computer support. We’re collectors.

12. When something’s wrong with your home PC, dump it on an IT person’s chair with no name, no phone number and no description of the problem. We love a puzzle.

13. When an IT person tells you that computer screens don’t have cartridges in them, argue. We love a good argument.

14. When an IT person tells you that he’ll be there shortly, reply in a scathing tone of voice: “And just how many weeks do you mean by shortly?”. That motivates us.

15. When the printer won’t print, re-send the job at least 20 times. Print jobs frequently get sucked into black holes.

16. When the printer still won’t print after 20 tries, send the job to all 68 printers in the company. One of them is bound to work.

17. Don’t learn the proper name for anything technical. We know exactly what you mean by “my thingy blew up”.

18. Don’t use on-line help. On-line help is for wimps.

19. If the mouse cable keeps knocking down the framed picture of your dog, lift the computer and stuff the cable under it. Mouse cables were designed to have 40lb of computer sitting on top of them.

20. If the space bar on your keyboard doesn’t work, blame it on the mail upgrade. Keyboards are actually very happy with half a pound of muffin crumbs and nail clippings in them.

21. When you get a message saying “Are you sure?” click on that Yes button as fast as you can. Hell, if you weren’t sure, you wouldn’t be doing it, would you?

22. When you find an IT person on the phone with his bank, sit uninvited on the corner of his desk and stare at him until he hangs up. We don’t have any money to speak of anyway.

23. Feel perfectly free to say things like “I don’t know nothing about that computer crap”. We don’t mind at all hearing our area of professional expertise referred to as crap.

24. When you need to change the toner cartridge in a printer, call IT support. Changing a toner cartridge is an extremely complex task, and Hewlett-Packard recommends that it be performed only by a professional engineer with a master’s degree in nuclear physics.

25. When you can’t find someone in the government directory, call IT Support.

26. When you have a lock to pick on an old file cabinet, call IT Support. We love to hack.

27. When something’s the matter with your computer, ask your secretary to call the help desk. We enjoy the challenge of having to deal with a third party who doesn’t know anything about the problem.

28. When you receive a 50MB movie file, send it to everyone as a mail attachment. We’ve got lots of disk space on that mail server.

29. Don’t even think of breaking large print jobs down into smaller chunks. Somebody else might get a chance to squeeze a memo into the queue.

30. When an IT person gets on the elevator pushing $100,000 worth of computer equipment on a cart, ask in a very loud voice: “Good grief, you take the elevator to go DOWN one floor?!?” That’s another one that cracks us up no end.

31. When you lose your car keys or go to lunch, send an email to the entire company. People down in Las Vegas like to keep abreast of what’s going on.

32. When you bump into an IT person at the grocery store on a Saturday, ask a computer question. We do weekends.

33. Don’t bother to tell us when you move computers around on your own. Computer names are just a cosmetic feature.

34. When you bring your own personal home PC for repair at the office, leave the documentation at home. We’ll find all the settings and drivers somewhere.

35. In no way do we believe that end-users are ungrateful. It hurts our feelings that one could even think such a thing on the basis of the above statements. In truth we wish to express our deepest gratitude to the hundreds of wonderful end-users portrayed herein, without whom none of this would have been remotely possible.

We truly love you, end-users, you spice up our lives no end.

Happy System Admin Day!

So what did everyone get me?!?!