Paris Day 4

Here I am on the last plane ride on my way back to the OC. Paris has been a great trip and I can’t wait to travel out of the country again. I keep hoping that maybe in the spring I’ll get to go somewhere, but I doubt that I shall know anyone then that will have the money to go with me. Nor shall I really. I did only spend $170 on this trip though. mostly on things for other people. I didn’t even buy anything to bring home for myself, and realized I forgot to get my dad something. Opps. He’ll have to do with my mom’s gift. lol. I really loved Paris, the city was amazing. Though dirty. I would have to classify it dirtier then New York. But sitll a nice place.

The confusion is really grabbing my attention. So much of it is happening in Paris and they go into great detail about these places that I’ve just seen. It’s amazing. I really wish I could visit Paris in the late 1600’s. Based on this book it sounds so wonderful. So amazing. Honestly I wish I could visit most of the world of the late 1600’s. It seems like a good time. It’s after all the horrible plagues of that time period and everything is relativly peaceful.

Anyways, it’ll be good to be back in the OC as well. Back to a nice routine, back to somewhere that I’m fairly familiar with. Back to being able to talk to Blake.

Speaking of, I’m a tad bit annoyed because i specifically asked him to call me this weekend and leave me a message to make me happy, but he didn’t. 🙁 I’m sure there’s a perfectly good reason to it, I just was really hoping and looking forward to hearing from him. I hope that somehow we can work out seeing each other again before Christmas.

EDIT://He says he left me 9 messages! Where the fuck did they go Verizon!?!?

So, I’ve got about 4 more hours on this flight and then that will mark a total of 12.5 hours on planes just today! How annoying. I’m not sure if I shall go into the office tomorrow or not. We’ll have to see.

Old Friends

So last night I found an old buddy list backup from like 3 years ago. So I loaded it up…. My, who knew I used to talk to SO MANY people online! It’s sad though because i can’t remember who hardly any of the people are. Like I have a cat called, “People I know” and well, I really don’t know any of them any more, lol. I also have a group called “Chatters” with 30 AIM names in it, and I can’t remember who any of these people are. I googled most of the names, but sadly a lot of them didn’t return anything. 🙁

Not too much else. Did I mention I made an apple Pie? Yummy! I ate half of it then threw it away because I really don’t need to eat it all. lol

There’s riots in Paris. Kinda crazy!

In less then a week I get to go up to WeHo and see Blake. 🙂 Very exciting!

And in 8 days I’ll be leaving for Paris. 😀

As you can tell, not much is going on in my life. lol. I’ve been working 10 hour days, 8 hours in the office, go home work out and then 2 more hours there. Blah! I can’t wait for the short days that next week will bring. 🙂

I have a new rule.. Anyone who calls me over night, is going to get a return call at 5am when I wake up. I’m sick of people calling me when I’m sleeping… And NO, I can not put my phone on silent because A) I’m ON CALL and have to answer my phone if work calls, and B) I use my phone as an alarm clock.

And that’s about it! I’m out.

Attack of the Frenchie!

OMG, I was attacked by a French man yesterday!

Umm.. I only spent about 3 hours in the office yesterday, but that’s ok, because I was working till 11pm last night again! haha. I left the office at 1ish and went over to the Tustin Mazda dealer. Wondered around the lot for about 15 minutes and didn’t see a SINGLE salesman. So I left. Bastards. Guess I don’t need a new car. haha.

Came home after that and hung out. Then started working again about 3ish. Got a lot of stuff done, but for some reason I can’t get apache to talk to jrun. Fucking coldfusion! And macromedia’s documentation SUCKS ASS! Grrr.

Got my Mary Tyler Moore Season 2 disks yesterday. I’m way excited about that. 😀

About 6ish I got bored here and went down to the Klatch. Hung out there till 10 doing work. Then came home and worked for another hour because I couldn’t ge tto sleep. Damn coffee!

Anyways. I was sitting there minding my own business when this damn drunk frenchie came up and started talking to me! He WOULD NOT shut up. It was so annoying. He asked me where I worked and what i did like 5 times and he kept blabbing and going on and grr. It was so annoying because all the hot boys were JUST starting to show up too! And the only way to really get away from him was to leave. So that’s what I had to do. 🙁 Damn Frenchie. I might go back down there today though. It was nice to just hang out and get some work done.

I have lots of laundry to do, but I don’t really feel like doing it today.

Well adios!