Well, I’m slowly moving my entire site over to MySQL. I’m just using the b2 database, so it’s kinda crude, but it works. that way I only have one actual php file that ever has to be updated and that updates the entire site. It’s pretty cool really. And I kinda like it was well cause when I update one of the side pages it automatically updates the date and time updated and also tells you who updated it. Maybe once I get a chance to learn more about MySQL I’ll work on an actual MYSQL database for the rest of the site.

I’m also working on DNS. I’d like to get DNS server running on this machine so that I can get rid of the Forward on and get this machine to act as But I don’t really know enough about DNS to be able to set things up right. I found a really good book about it, but I don’t want to shell out the $30 to buy it.

Things are also all set up for this weekend. I guess like everyone’s going to be down there this weekend, my Aunt’s going to be there as well. It’s going to be a packed house. lol.

la la la. Not much really going on around here. I’m thinking I might start the next ComS assingment here soon. It looks a bit harder then the others, but I haven’t really looked at it that much, it’s probably just going to be mostly input/output that’s going to be the pain.

la la la. I also want to think about installing Linux on my DEC, but it doesn’t have any floppy drive to start the boot from, so I’m kinda lost as to how to do that… I have an external CD drive. I dunno. Maybe I’ll just leave OSF1 on it.


Ok, welcome to the new b2/Suse powered website. As you may have noticed, there was a slight delay when you visited the main page this time. That’s because you have been redirected from my main page ( to my webserver ( hopefully soon, I will have a new machine, fully setup and capable of running this website with the correct domain name, but currently, since host2students are being asses and won’t give me my UNIX account back, and NT hates Mysql/php/everything this website won’t fucking work there. So here it is.

This new site is fully powered by b2, and I will be slowly moving all past entries from Oct 2000 up to Oct 2001. That’ll take a while, so if the rants page links don’t work just give me some time. Also you may have noticed that the buttons on the right are gone. They’ll probably stay gone until I find a flash editor/regcode for vmware.

So that’s what I’ve been working on all day. I should be studying for Accounting 215, but I really don’t want to. I figure it should be ok, plus Sri has my book. I’ll study tomorrow. I promise.

Work Again

Well, here I am at work again and it’s just starting to get really annoying. We just got in 20 more backup tapes, 20 tapes that we didn’t need. WE now have 68 tapes. At max we only need 18 of those tapes. But because Nazanin is a nut case and won’t listen to the people who she’s asigned this task of backing up to, she’s ordered 68 tapes and wasted about $2,000. Gwar. She’s really starting to piss me off.

Yesterday was good though. I got all my stuff moved back into the dorm’s and it’s pretty. I’m going to go up there Saturday while Adam’s working and do some finishing things. But other then that, all’s ready to go. After I was done there, I went and met up with Adam at the GSA. They finished up and then we went back to his house. It was good times there. No one was home, so we just did stuff I guess is the best way to put it. Now get your mind out of the gutter, not that kind of stuff. We hung out and talked, cooked supper, which was amusing all in it self, contacted Gateway support, and watched some TV. But yeah, it was good times. Some things that happened towards the end of the night though kinda mad me sad. But oh well, it’s just the way Adam is and that’s why I like him.

Ok, it’s now like 4 hours after I actually started writing this and I’m just now getting around to finishing it. Earlier Nazanin got the bright idea of switching over one of our servers to a newer one. So Chris and I started working on the project, she said she wanted it done by noon, which only gave us like 2 hours. Well we had it mostly done by that time, there was only one minor glitch that we couldn’t figure out… The users couldn’t log in. Now that sounds like a big thing, but for this machine it really wasn’t cause no users actually log into the machine, it’s only a webserver and the only time a user will log in is to update the page, and well that doesn’t happen that offten. But yeah, so we told her we were ready to go and then she was like, “But what about the domain, won’t that mess everything up.” And we told her that no, it wouldn’t. Cause it wouldn’t and she just went off on this round about thing. Gwar. So now we are doing it on Tuesday instead. But yeah, yet another annoying day here at Krell. But I love my job and that’s what matters. Well that and the pay of course.

Back to the grind, kind of

Well, I’m back at work. Not much to reall do though, cause well, we’ve been gone so long, but I have found some interesting things today…

First I was logging into an old machine here at Krell and I got this message…

This is a U.S. Federal Government computer system (unclassified
information only). This system is for the use of authorized users
only. Unauthorized access is prohibited and makes you liable to civil
and criminal penalties. Individuals using this computer system without
authority, or in excess of their authority, are subject to having all
of their activities monitored and recorded by system personnel. In the
course of monitoring individuals improperly using this system, or in
the course of system maintenance, the activities of authorized users
may also be monitored. Anyone using this system expressly consents to
such monitoring and is advised that if such monitoring reveals possible
evidence of criminal activity, system personnel may provide the
evidence of such monitoring to law enforcement officials.

I was amused. But also while I was on that system, I found the first High School website in Iowa… Of course it was NP’s. And guess what. It’s still on-line, in complete working order…

If you want to browse it when you click on the link you’ll notice it changes too:
And you get an error message you just simply have to delete one of these “/AiS_abs/northpolk” out of the URL so that it looks like this:
And it’ll work.

Ok. I must go back to work now. Laters all.

Christmas Eve

Well, it’s nearly midnight. And here I am still working on my damn computer. I seem to be having problems sending people e-mail. Gwar at that. So Julian will you please e-mail me at and tell me how you set up Kmail to send e-mail. PEASE! Thanks. I tried using SMTP on the local machine, but it keeps telling me that the permission is denied. And then I tried using pine and that didn’t work. Then I tried using Comet,, and a few others and they all didn’t fucking work. GWAR!

Someone help. Other then the small mail problem everything else seems to be working fine. I’ve got the internet connection working, and I have all my files installed on this machine. So yeah. I’m about ready to go. One things that’s kind of annoying though is that GAIM wasin’t already installed and also my ineternet keeps cutting me off like every 10 minutes or so. I’ll have to look into that later. La la la. Off to try and figure out how to send mail. Cause I have a nice Christmas gift here for everyone. 😉

Laters all.