Dec 11, 2000

Dec 11. yeah it’s like noon or there about, it’s BLOODY FUCKING

COLD. damn it. last night we got about 4 inches of snow and it’s still snowing.

and the high today is supposed to be -2 or something and they are saying windchills

from -30 to -70 for the next week, o joy. sounds like fun damn it. i want

out of here. haven’t talked to danny yet again since sat. hope he’ alright,

i’ve sent him two e-mails now. hope he’s on tonight after my meeting so i

can talk to him. i really love him, incase you hadn’t noticed. i should be

working on those damn speeches but i don’t want to. i’ve just got total writers

block, i came up with some pretty damn good intros and stuf last night while

i was in bed, but they were just way to reveiling of me. listeing to Oaisis,

Champane SuperNova, it’s a good song, it’s been years since i last heard it

and then the other day i was on napster and suddenly had an urge to hear it

so i want and got it. hehe. it’s a good song. well i think i’m going to go

off and do something now, i don’t know what, i think maybe i’ll just go galavant

around the internet. i should be writing papers. well it’s now 6:30 and danny

still hasn’t been on. I’m sad. i miss him so much. i hope i didn’t say anything

that offened him. i don’t think i did. i miss him. that’s all i have to say,

i’m going to go pout now, i miss him so much. I love danny.

Dec 10, 2000

Dec 10, i guess, i think it’s sunday. yeah. well yeah, yesterday

was great. but today’s sucked ass so far. i got up early, i don’t know why,

but i layed in bed for hours, just thinking about danny, again, wishing i

had him here just so icould cuddle close to him and hold him. he’s so sweet.

i love him. but yeah, it’s 3:30 now and he hasn’t been on yet. and i’ve been

trying to write this damn speech for speech class but i just can’t get it

the hell done. i’ve got so much shit to go through and i just can’t pick it

apart. and this 25 words per card shit. YEAH RIGHT. fuck no.i haven’t even

done my hair yet today, i did shave, i needed that, lol. called my G&G

to find out what’s going on for christmas they STILL don’t know. but o well.

i guess i’ll find out later sometime. i wish danny would hurry up and get

on i want to talk to him so badly. i love him.well it’s bloddy hell freezing

here. the high today was -1 with winds chills like -45 or something. it’s

bloody hell cold I’ve got my sweatshirt on my jeans and two pairs of socks

and i’m still cold. i wish danny were here to warm me up. o well i’m going

to go and try to work on that speech some more. prob won’t get much done but

i’ll try, later.

Dec 9, 2000

Dec 9 OMG. last night was sooooooooooooo great. i was on cloud

9, i really love danny. he’s so sweet. ahhhhhhh. yeah. OMG, it was so great.

after he left i just kinda sat there thinking about him. for hours, and when

i got up this morning i just sat there thinking about how much i love him,

and what he means to me. he’s so great. i really do love him. well i haven’t

seen BJ yet today, hope all went ok with his comp fix, hehe. wouldn’t want

to cause problems for him. lol. o well i’m sure it went fine. i’m sure it

did. he’s a smart kid. Well i looked into changing my major again today. I

really do think i would love teaching it would be so much fun i really think

that it would be. you know that, i would love it. but yeah, i e-mailed a guy

from SDSU to find out what all i needed to do if i got in out there. and also

just looked round other places to see what was up with it all. yeah, danny

and me. i wonder what he’s going into, when we first met he said pre-med,

but now he says he doesn’t know for sure, that would be cool though a doctor

and a teacher. lol. yeah. but other then that nothing much has happened yet

today, it’s ony 12:30 i’ve been up sinve 7 but i didn’t get out of bed tell

9 or 10 cause i was just laying there thinking about danny, how nice it would

be to just lay there and hold him. hold him close to my body, to love him.

so see his beutiful eyes when i wake up in the morning just laying there,

how cute, i love him. cloud 9 again. ahh, i’m going to go out for a walk now.

so i’ll be back later to add more. WEEEEEEEEEEE. I’m on a danny high. REALLY

HIGH. He called me out of the blue, we only talked for like a couple minutes,

but it was cool. i love him, he’s got such a sweet voice, he talks really


Dec 8, 2000

Dec 8, some time after dark. ahhhhhh, it’s been a good day so

far. went and took a test in CSC 105, that was easy, then my partner and i

got that project done, and then i came back here and wondered round for a

bit doing general stuff. then i went to a meeting with one of my teachers,

that went pretty well we went over my speeches and why i got such a low grade

on the last one, i still don’t understand why, but o well. he seems to justify

it. I’m talking to danny right now, well not RIGHT now, he had to brb for

a while he said so i’m just waiting for him to come back, i’m starting to

worry though, this is the secnod fri in a row he hasn’t gone out. very odd

for him i do beleive. o well i love him, i’m glad he’s here to talk to. o

yeah speaking of talking to people, i talked to BJ today, he’s this really

cute guy from camp that i had a crush on. it was nice to talk to him, even

though we just talked bout computer problems and stuff, but o well, he said

“talk to ya tommow” though so hey, you never know. but yeah, i think

that’s all that’s going on round here. i gotta get math done this weekend

though, that’s not a good subject for me at the moment. not good at all. well

off to do something now.

Dec 7, 2000

Dec 7 8:04 Pm, well it’s been a long day, kinda. we had math

bright and early this morning, god i hate that class. ARG. but yeah, some

good news did come out of the situation, he’s not going to grade the assingments

now. that’s good. i guess. but yeah and then we had programing that was damn

boring, i’m trying to get all the US-QaF songs, but can only find about 6

of them on Napster, damn them i want them ALL. now. o well. yeah i talked

to danny today, i don’t know what’s up we were talking about stuff and then

i asked him what he had done last night cause i didn’t get to talk to him

and he said he just went to sleep and then he said, “Why did you want

to come over last nigh” and i was like, that would have been nice, i

didn’t sleep well last night. and then he said “we could have kept each

other company, cause i was cold” and then i said “awwwwwwww, yeah

i heard it was cold out there yesterday, you should come out here, it was

warm today” and then he left. i figured he just got kicked off cause

it happens, but he didn’t come back it’s now 34 minutes since he logged off

and still no sign of him, do you think i did somethng wrong? i don’t know,

but danny if you read this, i want to tellyou that i don’t want to get really

close again, not yet, not this soon, he really hurt me after that thing that

happened a while back. i do LOVE him i really do and i can’t stop thinking

about him, sometimes i’m like a little school girl with a crush, i really

do love him. maybe in a while we can get really close like we were, but i

still don’t have a pic of him, don’t know his phone number, he now has a pic

of me, a live shot of me, and two phone numbers to contact me at. I love him,

i really do, but i don’t want to get as close as we were not yet, maybe in

a while, i would love to go meet him some time. i really would, i hope we

both get into cali schools. that would be the first thing i do when i get

out there, go see him. i love him so much. i really do, but o well. well i’m

going to stop now i have to get back to stuff, i don’t know what yet, but

stuff yeah.