Nov 2, 2001

Nov 2, [Bush, "Altered States"]

Ok, so I bet everyone’s going. OMG it’s during the week and Chris hasn’t

updated in like 3 days. He must be sick or something. Well, good news is

that no, I’m not sick. But I have been REALLY REALLY busy lately. These

last three days just seem as though they’ve FLOWN past. And the thing is

that I don’t even remember what I’ve been doing mostly lately. I know Wed

I had a ton of meetings to go to during the day, but after about 6 I don’t

remember what I did. Heh, oh well. I’m sure I did something that kept me

from updating. Then yesterday I was in a mood to fix problems that I had

been putting of for every. So first thing I did was at work I got a few

machines up and running and purchased some things to get some others fixed.

Then I spent like an hour and half working on my DEC station, and I got

that up and running. Once I get the ports to it open I’ll give out some

e-mail accounts if anyone wants them. Wouldn’t it be sweet to have

I think it is. lol. So then I came home, and I started working on some other

things, like firewalls, FTP and a few other really cool things, one of which

is the webcam that has now been added to my page. It uploads a picture every

30 seconds, so it’s cool. About 10 or so Sri came in and was like, so how

do you know if someone is connected to your compter, so I told him. He went

and did what I told him to and found out that someone had hacked into his

computer. So I got some information about the person, his IP and a few other

things, and did some reasearch on who it was for Sri. All I did was some

basic things, but he was really impressed. About 11 or so I finally realized

that it was 11, so I went to bed.

Today’s been really sucky so far. I went to my English class, and our assingment

for today was to block this essay, well I did it. So she was discussing

it in class and told us that she had blocked 1, 2-5, 6-11. And then she

asked me how I did it, well I blocked, 1-2, 3-5, 6, 7-11 together. And I

told her that, and she was like, "Why’d you put 6 by itself."

And it was one of those things where now that she had pointed it out, it

made more sense to put 6-11 together, and I really couldn’t remember why

I had put it like that, so I was looking through my notes to see why I had

done it that way. While I was looking through my notes she goes, (Is a really

snoty voice) "Well Chris apperantly didn’t do his homework." And

went on and asked the next person. Well he admitted that he didn’t do his

work and she goes "Well Chris and John didn’t do thier homework."

And I was like you bitch, that is not appropriate behavior for a teacher.

So after class I went up to her and handed her all my notes about the essay

(3 pages worth), handed her my book, opened to the essay, where I had written

a ton more notes in the text, and said, "That was relaly rude of you

to say, since you can see that I _HAVE_ done my homework." And thne

she went into this whole thing about and I just blocked her out cause she

was only pissing me off even more. And I told her again, (well a couple

times) that it was still a rude thing for her to do. Then she started trying

to appologize, and I was like, that’s not the thing, the thing is that you

need to see that that wasn’t appropriate behavior for a teacher. So I picked

up my stuff, and walked out the door. As I was walking out, she said "Well

Monday I’ll appologize for my behavior." Bitch

And then I just got back from my Soc class and of course the roomie is

in here playing this god damn video game, it’s one of those where you go

around and kill people. It annoys the hell out of me cause all the sound

that there is to it is just a bunch of gun fire and such. Gwar. And he was

sitting in the room with the door closed and the fan on again, and it’s

like, you know, if you just opened the fucking door, the wind would create

a natural breeze, and you wouldn’t have to have that loud fucking fan on.

GRRRR at everything. I don’t understand why he insists on having the door


Oct 30, 2001

Oct 30, [Five For Fighting, "Easy Tonight"]

Well, it’s 9:30 PM and I’m just getting back to my dorm room, for the first

time since 6:30 AM. Today has been really long. When I got to work this

morning everything was normal, I went in, did some work and walked around,

typical day. About noon Nazanin, my boss came in and said we were having

a party in the Conference room, so I went in there and they were all carving

pumpkins and eating really good food. So I hung out in there for like an

hour, hehe. I got paid to carve pumpkins. lol. Well after that I needed

to go update one of our database servers, so I went into my office, started

it up and went to log in. Well it wouldn’t let me log in, so I tried every

password that I could think of and it still wouldn’t let me. So I logged

into the other super user account that’s on there and started looking around.

I noticed that last time it was used as a database server, it had been hacked.

They must have taken it off line just after that, but no one had noticed

it. Cause the last entry in the log was July 11th. So I spent like 4 hours

going though thousands of lines of log files cleaning everything up and

collecting evidence. Grrr. I was so pissed. I had alot of other stuff to

do damnit. But in good news I got a Dec 3000 300LX station today. That’s

cool. Only problem is that I have to find some system install disks for

this 10 year old beast. That’s not going to be an easy task. I already looked

the the main places, and there wasn’t anything there. So I’m going to call

up Digital (who was purchased out by someone a while ago, I’m going to have

to find out who that was). But yeah. That’ll be cool. So I now have like

7 computers sitting in my room that are running. I have to find a Hub for

them all.

Well after that I printed out a diagram of our website. And taped it up

to my wall, that was amusing. Then I just hung out for a while and left

about 5:30 to go to class.

Tonight’s such a great night for halloween. It’s not raining, but it’s

still overcast, the ground is wet, it’s lightening, it’s just a great night.

Yeah good times.

There was something else that I wanted to write about here, but I can’t

remember right now. Grrr.

I’m out.

Oct 29, 2001 #2

Oct 29, [Enigma, "Push The Limits"]

Ok, well finally we’ll get around to an update about the weekend eh?

First off, on Friday I went over and pick up Adam, we headed off to Lenox

and Corning. We went to Corning first and picked up David. Who by the way,

si really fucking hot. hehe. But then we went back to Creston, had supper

at The Windrow, and just hung out. It’s really fucking boring there, so

we spent most of our time just wondering around, but what ever. It was fun

times with two really hot guys. At one point David suggested we go rent

a hotel room for three hours. I was all over that one, but we never did.

🙁 lol. About 11 or so we took him home and Adam and I went back to my G&G’s

house. And went to bed. I really like sleeping with him. You have no idea

how great it is to have someone’s body next to you in bed until you’ve done

it. You can’t really explain it, but whenever I sleep with him, I get like

the best nights sleep ever. It’s so great.

Then Saturday we got up about 11 and went downstairs and talked to my Grandparents

for a while, they seemed to really like him. (hehe, now Shiela’s the only

person that hasn’t met him that wants too) lol. But yeah, good times there.

Then after a while we went out and walked around town for a while. I showed

him around town and we hung had a good time. We also had an amusing sheep

encounter, but I don’t really want to get into that right now. Oh well.

After that we went back to my G&G’s house and we had lunch. It was really

good, and of course Adam complained that she stuffed us too full, which

she did cause that’s the way she is. It was good though. After that we went

out to the lake and talked and took some more pictures. Fun times there.

Then we went back to my G&G’s house, talked to them for a bit more,

and then left. We were back to Des Moines by like 7:30 or so, so we went

downtown for a while, there really wasn’t much going on, so we went back

to Adam’s house and just talked. (We talk alot don’t we, I’ve got no idea

what we spend all of our time talking about, but we always seem to find

something to talk about, it’s wierd). I left there about 1Am and went home

to bed. I didn’t sleep as well that night, cause I didn’t have anyone to

cuddle with.

Sunday I was awaken by Andy playing overly loud music in the bathroom.

Grrr. Oh well. I was going to get up anyhow about that time, but now that

he was in the bathroom I had to wiat, so well I was waiting Adam called.

I forget how we got to it, but he wanted me to install Win2k Pro on his

computer. So I went over there and proceeded to spend the next 7 hours installing

that and getting everything to work right. It was fun though. Today I guess

they’re having a few problems, which I’ve sorted out. Adam and Melinda really

like it, but Rob, being the control freak that he is, doesn’t like that

he can’t play with other people’s things, or something like that. I dunno.

I’m working on solutions, that’s what I get paid the big bucks for!

This mornig I was really confused, I woke up at 7, looked outside, and

it the sun was shining bright, I was like, WTF? Did I miss my alarm, so

I got up, looked at the clock and it said that it was 7, so I looked at

my watch, it said it was 7 too. I was like, hmmm. What’s going on here.

Then I remembered it was that whole Daylight Savings time. So I went back

to bed. But I just couldn’t get it out of my head how bright it was, so

I checked the clock and my watch a few more times, determined that it was

indeed only 7, and went back to bed for another half an hour. Well I got

up at 7:30, like I normally do, went to take my shower and was surpirsed

when I found a LINE for the fucking shower. Now normally, there’ is never

anyone in the showers at 7:30, so I’m guessing some people must have forgotten

about the whole Day light things. hehe, sucks to be them. So I waited in

line, got in and turned on the shower, only to find out there was no fucking

HOT water. GRRRR. So I had to take a cold shower this morning, that sucked.

I’m going to go take another shower here soon sometime.

I installed Opera on my computer today and played around with Graymatter,

which I really like. Now it’s just a matter of finding someone to host it.

Grrr. I also found my Zippo, my thumb ring, my rainbow earring, which I’m

going to have put in this weekend maybe, and I found something else, but

I can’t remebmer what it was now. Oh well. I’m out….

Oct 29, 2001

Oct 29, [Enya, "A Day Without Rain"]

I’m so close to just a total complete breakdown right now. I can’t fucking

study, I can’t think at all. I hate my roommate. I’m doing a shity ass job

in my classes. I just hate it here. It’s only 1 and already today I’ve broken

down crying a few times. I mean, I just can’t handle it. I can’t study in

this environment, and I can’t find anywhere that I really can study. It

doesn’t help that my roommate just sits in here and watches those damn fucking

annoying TV shows all day, have you ever tried studying with MASH, or some

other stupid comedy central show playing in the background? It just doesn’t

work. And this morning was just the last fucking straw too. I got my Bartelby

paper back and I got a fucking "F" on it. I mean I worked my ass

off on that damn paper. I worked hard on it, you know what she said, she

said I didn’t follow the directions at all. I followed the fucking directions,

I did what I was supposed to. I explained why that mother fucking lawyer

was "an altruist." Maybe if she would have spent a little, just

a little bit of time explaining what it was that she wanted then, or giving

us an example, or maybe had she given us more choices on what to write about

in that damn paper. I just want to give up. I want to drop out now and just

go away somewhere. I don’t want to fucking be here at all.

Next week I’ve got another paper due in that class, a paper that she just

handed out the directions for today. I called the writing center to see

if I could get help in there, and they told me that I had to call a week

in advance to get in. Fuckers, what kind of help is that? I have to call

a week in advance to be able to get help? What about when the fucking teacher

doesn’t hand out the directions until less then a week before the damn paper

is due? Huh? What the hell are we supposed to do then? God damnit. I’ve

got three tests next week, a quiz. I can’t handle this, everything just

fucking piles up and piles up. It’s just to much for me to handle right


Oct 26, 2001

Oct 26, [BBMak, "More Then Words"]

ONE YEAR OF RANTINGS!!!! Yep, that’s right, one year ago today I started

this page!

Ya know, WinXP has only been out one bloody day and I’m already sick of

hearing about it. M$ is promoting it as the savior of the world, and really,

it’s just a piece of shit. Win2k Pro will work just fine for me thanks.

Bastards anywho. I want to switch over to a total linux box, but there’s

just a few things that I don’t want to risk losing. Maybe this summer I’ll

work on that and save up some money for copy of Win for Linux or something,

that way if I do have to use Windows for something, I can just use that.

Or maybe I’ll just buy myself a Win laptop, that’d be nice.

So it’s Friday as well. Tonight Adam and I are going to my G&G’s, fun

times. We’re going to hang out with David, which should be fun. I’ve been

looking forward to meeting him.

Ok. I have to be going to class now, See everyone Sunday….