April 21, 2001

april 21, #2, ::screaing loudly and dancing around my room:: OMG, my dad

just called and they got a letter form penn state, delaware county ::can’t

even type i’m so excited:: campus. and yeah, i got accepted, they are reveiwing

my thingys and they said i’ll get an official thing here soon ::screams with

joy:: (acidentially waks up roomie). OMG, OMG, OMG. this has just made my

day 😀

April 20, 2001

april 20, #4, btw: my computer has been up for 8 days, 1 hour, 1 minute,

and 20 seconds. it’s sent 282,185 packets and received 271,227 packets. i

currently have 9115 e-mails. so far this year i’ve kept 247 e-mails and deleted

1315. that mean’s i get 81.2% junk mail, how cool huh? that’s the problem

with having the same e-mail address for like 6 years, sooner or later you

get on like every freaking list and you get tons of e-mails, yay for filters

though, lol. last year i got 87.7% junk mail for the entire year. (oh btw,

these %’s aren’t including the e-mails that i get from my two lists that i

belong too.) yeah, but speaking of junk mail, i have to go talk to the RD

next week sometime, he wants to know why i’m leaving, hehe, what should i

tell him? that’s going to be funny shit. i don’t know if i’ll go or not. not

like they can do anything if i don’t go. my website contains a total of 713

files, 238 of those are HTML and 317 of those are orphanded files. it has

1892 total links, 778 of which are external, all of the internal links are

"ok." i know you all care, but this is fun. laters.

april 21, #1. ok i swear my roomie is incompitent, and it’s really annoying

me. ok so we’ll go back to thursday, thurday at 6 am, he went to bed. he slept

untill 7 pm that night, got up and left the room. he got back here, sometime

early friday morning, but didn’t go to bed, he was still up when i got up

at 6, he left here shortly after 7 to go to classes. he got back here, about

2 friday afternoon and went to bed. he then got up about 2 am this morning,

because the phone rang, and then he went back to bed at 9 when i got up. and

he’ll probably sleep most of the day. this is really starting to piss me off.

and another thing, we’ve been here for how long, and i swear he’s got the

mail like twice. usually if it’s just stuff for him, i’ll leave it there,

and it’ll just sit in ther efor a couple days untill i finally get it and

bring it to him. i mean, our box is hard to open there’s a trick to it, but

it’s not that goddamn hard, all you have to do is that you don’t go to the

last number, you go tell yoou hear it click and then you go backwards untill

you hear it click again, and then it pops open. i almost always get it on

the first time. it’s really, really not that hard. but ya know, i wanna know

who the hell called here at 1:57 this morning. cause i never heard the phone

ring. and i had just gone to bed not that long before, and the roomie answered

it, cause my computer didn’t. i gotta go get my laundry.

April 20, 2001

april 20, #3. i so do love css, in case you didn’t notice (i sure hope to

god yo did notice, other wise you’re blind) i completly changed the color

scheme on here, and it only took me about 30 minutes, the hardest thing was

just getting the buttons and letters on the main page changed, cause i’ve

never changed those before so i had to start from scratch and get them to

look right, but i saved a .png of those, so now if i want to chnage something

it’ll only take like 5 minutes and i only have to upload 7 files, to change

all 238 html files that this site contains, i sooooo love this css shit, next

thing i’m going to work on is templates, so that if i want to change the overall

layout, all i have to change is just one file and then it changes everything

else to have a completely different yet uniform look 🙂 i’m just not sure

how well the templates work on dreamweaver, i’ve had some problems with them

before not changeing things that it was supposed to, and changeing other things

that it wasn’t supposed to. so we’ll test that before it’s emplimented.

April 20, 2001

april 20, so it’s 10:47 and i have nothing to do 🙁 our schools really got

picky about people using large amounts of bandwidth, they started unplugging

people that trasnfered more then X megs a day (they won’t tell us the number).

i got pulled for a bit this morning, but i complained and they gave it back

to me, they claimed that i was transfering MP3’s and i was like, no i wasn’t

i just do alot of webwork that requires me to transfer large amount s fo data.

they are a bunch of BOFH’s in the CS department here, and everything is MP3’s

to them. like one time i was doing this website for a class and i needed more

space on my webspace that they give us, cause you only get 5 megs, even

though they say you have 100+ accourding to the Yahoo! thingy that they filled

out. so i had to go and talk to the BOFH here, and the first this she

said before asking why i needed it she said "Well if you weren’t storing

MP3’s on it" and i was like you bitch, you don’t know me, you don’t know

anything about what i’m doing, and then she was like well, you’ll have to

get your professor to talk to the dean of the CS department to get extra room,

and i was like WTF? that’s your job you’re the BOFH here. grr. but i got my

extra 10 megs that i needed after 2 weeks of complaining. stupid BOFH’s. i

got an e-mail from art today, i was so excited, he’s cool. i have to start

on lesson plans and lists of stuff i need for camp. i really don’t want to,

not yet, it’s to early. i also need to buy a new camel bak, cause my last

one isn’t big enough to carry anything but just water, and i wan’t one that

i can carry some other stuff in, so that way i don’t have to carry both my

camel bak and my backpack. (this

is the one i have, this

is the one i want) i also need a new first aid kit, but i don’t have the

money for it, so that’ll have to wait, lol. damnit, Comfed is going really

slow, i want to know what my bank balance is. shit i only have 286.86 and

i’ve already spent $75 of that, so that leaves me with 211.86 and i’ve got

188.39 left in savings, so i’ve got 475.25 to get me through tell my first

paycheck in july. umm, yeah. i don’t know if that’ll last, lol.

april 20, #2. so i’m sitting here watching ricki lake, i hate this show so

much, but i can’t stop watching it, but ok, so today’s thing is "i can’t

accept my gay teen" and some of these parents are just so stupid about

it. "It’s against god’s view, I don’t want him to burn in hell"

I just want to scream at these parents. you have to watch it, i’m not going

to explain it all. Grrrr. here’s the quote that i go by: "You’re grown

up and you’ve made your own life and made your own family with your lover.

Your parents are in the background. Don’t make them the foreground. Let them

be vaguely benevolent figures whom you maintain a sweet but distant connection

to and let them think whatever they think and feel what they feel. Be grateful

for what you have and don’t worry about them until it’s time to pick out a

nursing home. And then find one that’s staffed by gay guys." roflol.

April 19, 2001

april 19, #7, roflol, again, so my boss for the summer is bloody insane.

i called him today about 2, cause i needed to talk to him about my contract.

he called back about 3:30 or so and left a message with the roomie. i got

back about 4:30 or so and called him and i talked to him and got my questions

answered. well it’s now 7:13 and he just called back, and was like, did you

call me earlier, and i was like, yeah. and it was just so funny, lol. i was

like, omg you’ve lost it, i hope you’re not like this during the summer, lol.