May 7, 2001

may 7, #2. alright to be fair and give credit where credit is due. as far

as i know, danny has only lied to me about one thing, and hasn’t really hiden

anything from me, sometimes it takes a bit of persistance to get things out

of him, but it’s the same with me sometimes. so alls good, as far as i know.

May 7, 2001

may 7. only 4 more days left. 4 more fucknig days. i can’t wait to get out

of here. i have a final tonight, i have to go finish typing my notes for that

class so that i can remember things, lol. it’s accounting which shouldn’t

be all that hard, but i want to get a good grade on this test i got a high

C on the last one and if i get at least an B on this one i should be able

to get a high B for the class. I’m kinda worried about my grades for this

semester though. cause i mean i think i’m going to get mostly B’s. eww. ya

know that’s raelly funny that now that i’m in college i’m caring about my

grades. in hs i was just like, who gives a shit. i get what i get. i never

did any of my assingments tell llike the hour before, ahh, yeah good times.

doing hw in first hour programming, that was so funny. the roomie didn’t come

back to bed this morning tell 6 am. he was going to bed when i got up. we

also have all the lofts out of here now. the room loooks really different

now. last night the roomie moved his out, that was ammusing. it was like watching

a cub scout move out of a tent at the end of a week long camp. you just take

everything and throw it out of the tent and then clean it up and orginize

it. it’s really ammusing, you should all see it sometime. lol. my hair’s not

spiking right today, i’m sad. damn hair.

May 6, 2001

may 6 #2. find me here speak to me i want to feel you i need to hear you

you are the light that is leading me to the place where i find peace again

you are the strength that keeps me walking you are the hope that keeps me

trusting you are the life to my soul you are my purpose you are everything

and how can i stand here with you and not be moved by you would you tell me

how could it be any better than this you calm the storms you give me rest

you hold me in your hands you won’t let me fall you still my heart and you

take my breath away would you take me in would you take me deeper now ’cause

you’re all i want you are all i need you are everything everything. –Lifehouse,

Everything. that pretty much sums up how i’m feeling right now. it really

sucks. i mean. yeah. ok so an explination to that last update. danny was online,

he was online most of yesterday, and alot of today, yet he blocks me, why

does he block me? it makes me wonder. it makes me think, what is he hiding?

what’s he doing. someone tell me if i’m being overpossesive here. but i mean,

why’s he feel the need to block me when he’s on? i know that he has other

things to do, and i know that he doesn’t always want to talk to me, i don’t

always want to talk to him. but i don’t go and block him. if i don’t want

to talk to him then if he IMs me i tell him i’m busy, or i put up an away

message. however, i’m pretty damn sure that he wasn’t busy, he was just chatting

else where, which makes me wonder more, what’s he doing? what’s he hiding.

May 6, 2001

may 6. the key things to have in a good relationship are, trust, honesty,

and an open relationship, one in which you can tell the other person everything

that’s going thourgh your like without reget or having to think of the consequenses.

that’s my idea. so why can’t people be honest, and open. why do people felel

that they ahve to hide things. that’s one of the biggest things that makes

me mad. is when people lie to me or when they hide things from me. for example,

[example only thanks] danny went out on a date a while ago, with a female.

he neglected to tell me. I’m fine with him dating other people, i realy am.

but the fact that he neglected to tell me hurt me. as i lay here in bed writing

this i wonder what else has he neglected to tell me, what else has he failed

to inform me about. is there anything else that he’s hiding? i don’t really

know do i?

May 5, 2001

may 5, #2. so i just got done watching armagedon, and you know that guy that

plays aj, he’s so damn cute. lol, just thought everyone would care. my pui’s

came and went today without any major problems, my mom still hasn’t called

the college to set up an appointment, so it looks like there’s very little

chance of use getting out there now, damnit, this is what i really hate about

my mom, she says she’s going to get something done and then she never get’s

it done. oh i was busy, oh i was running late, oh i forgot the papers, oh

i need to talk to your dad about it more. well fucking damnit, quit giving

excuses and get the damn fucking thing done. if i’m fucking going there we

have to get there NOW. there is no other time this summer to get it done.