May 10, 2001

may 10, #2. [Sting, “Every breath you take”] so i got most of the junk out

that can go now. i burned about 3 gigs worth of backups to cd-r and shit.

all i have left to burn now is my personal stuff and i’ll wait tell i get

home to do that. i still have to burn a few other disks for nate, but those

wil have to wait cause what i need to burn for him is at home. i’m thinking

saturday i’ll finish buring shit well i’m unpacking, and then sunday i’ll

reformat and install Win2k and linux as my only OSes on here. that way i won’t

have the security problems with the damn Fat32 partitions that i have now.

i was supposed to go to work on saturday, but i think i’ll skip it, all were

doing is having a presentation on how to make an effective speach and then

we are going to work in our program areas. i can make that stuff up easily,

and plus i need the time to get unpacked and settled back in at home, for

a whole two weeks before i go to camp. i need to get some money too so i can

buy a bunch of phone cards. i dunno. my roomie’s been gone since about 12

yesterday and still hasn’t been back yet today, nt that i’m complaining, it’s

nice having him gone cause the room doesn’t freaking stink. but he’s got alot

of shit to move out yet. all he’s taken out so far is his loft, chair, and

computer. he’s still got crap pilled all over the desk and the floor and who

knows what’s in his closet. yep. only one day left.

May 10, 2001

may 10. [vertival horizon, “angel without wings”] well it’s my last full

day here, only one more night here. only two more showers i have to take here.

only one more final, 3 more meals. man this is really coming down to the end.

it’s 7:50 and i’ve been up since about 7 or so. i slept in today cause i don’t

have anything to do. i figured i’d start moving most of my shit out today,

but there’s really not that much that can go out, i mean i got rid of just

about everything that i didn’t absolutely need when my pu’s were here. i figure

i can take my printer and speakers out, but that’s about it. cause ya know

i’m sures as hell not taking my computer out, i’d die without it, lol. ok

well i’m going to go take a shower now, laters.

May 9, 2001

may 9, #3 [same some as above], oh by the way, only ONE final left. YAY,

but it’s not tell friday 🙁 todays went pretty good. the questions were all

messed up, but yeah. i think i did pretty good on it. he should have our grades

to us by noon tomorrow he said. YAY for scantrons. lol.

May 9, 2001

may 9, #2. [Firburn & Urik, “Take me, Love me”] yay i LOVE highspeed

internet connections, i just downloaded redhat linux 7.1 in just under 5 hours,

it would have taken you about 1.5 days to dl it on a 56k modem, so hehe, i

laugh at you all. my CD-R is going to be BUSY tomorrow, lol.

May 9, 2001

may 9, [Led zeppelin, “Ramble On”] well it’s wed, yep only two more days

here, only two. man i can’t believe it. i got up at 6 this morning and the

roomie was gone already, so i was like, hmm, and went back to bed. i got up

about 7:30 or so, went and did that whole morning thing, only two more days

that i’ll have to take a shower here. i’ll have to start taking shit out to

my car tomorrow. not really much going on here, it looks to be a nice morning,

i should go get some breakfast, but i’m not really in the mood to. i have

a final at 10, in 2 hours. it’s VB so it should be pretty easy. i hope it

is. i think my econm final is going to be the hardest by far. I’m going to

have to run this summer some time. i don’t like running. since most of you

don’t know what running means i guess i should explain it. every wed night

we have this ceremony called the tapping

out ceremony. basically what you do, is everyone in camp, about 600 people,

lines up shoulder to shoulder in dragon feild (that’s a looooong line and

a HUGE field). the runners stand at either end of the semi-circle, at the

center of the circle there’s three fires, call the call-out fires. in the

ceremony where it says light the call out fire, the runners run to the center

of the semi-circle following the curve and when they meet in the middle run

to the fires and light them with the tourch they are carrying. once they are

lit they follow the same path back to the ends of the line. now this is running

as fast as you can, wearing pretty much just underwear (that’s about the coverage

you get :)), carrying a flaming tourch that weighs about 15 pounds, and it’s

usually about 90 degrees and humid as hell cause we are right on the des moines

river. then they work throgh the ceremony. if you read the cermony which is

linked up there somewhere. it tells you all what happens, but you run the

line of about 600 people 4 times walk it 4 times and then the 5th time you

meet the other runner in the middle and then run to the call-out fire. it’s

alot of work.